183 research outputs found

    Biosensors for Biomolecular Computing: a Review and Future Perspectives

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    Biomolecular computing is the field of engineering where computation, storage, communication, and coding are obtained by exploiting interactions between biomolecules, especially DNA, RNA, and enzymes. They are a promising solution in a long-term vision, bringing huge parallelism and negligible power consumption. Despite significant efforts in taking advantage of the massive computational power of biomolecules, many issues are still open along the way for considering biomolecular circuits as an alternative or a complement to competing with complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) architectures. According to the Von Neumann architecture, computing systems are composed of a central processing unit, a storage unit, and input and output (I/O). I/O operations are crucial to drive and read the computing core and to interface it to other devices. In emerging technologies, the complexity overhead and the bottleneck of I/O systems are usually limiting factors. While computing units and memories based on biomolecular systems have been successfully presented in literature, the published I/O operations are still based on laboratory equipment without a real development of integrated I/O. Biosensors are suitable devices for transducing biomolecular interactions by converting them into electrical signals. In this work, we explore the latest advancements in biomolecular computing, as well as in biosensors, with focus on technology suitable to provide the required and still missing I/O devices. Therefore, our goal is to picture out the present and future perspectives about DNA, RNA, and enzymatic-based computing according to the progression in its I/O technologies, and to understand how the field of biosensors contributes to the research beyond CMOS

    The Boston University Photonics Center annual report 2011-2012

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    This repository item contains an annual report that summarizes activities of the Boston University Photonics Center in the 2011-2012 academic year. The report provides quantitative and descriptive information regarding photonics programs in education, interdisciplinary research, business innovation, and technology development. The Boston University Photonics Center (BUPC) is an interdisciplinary hub for education, research, scholarship, innovation, and technology development associated with practical uses of light.This report summarizes activities of the Boston University Photonics Center during the period July 2011 through June 2012. These activities span the Center’s complementary missions in education, research, technology development, and commercialization. In 2010, the Photonics Center unveiled a five-year strategic plan as part of the University’s comprehensive review of centers and institutes. The Photonics Center continues to show progress on the Photonics Center strategic plan and is growing the Center’s position as an international leader in photonics research. For more information about the strategic plan, read the Photonics Center Strategic Plan section on page 11. In research, Photonics Center faculty published more than 100 journal papers spanning the field of photonics. A number of awards for outstanding achievement in education and research were presented to Photonics Center faculty members, including a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for Professor Altug, the Boston University Peter Paul Professorship for Professor Han, and a Dean’s Catalyst Award for Professor Joshi. New external grant funding for the 2011-2012 fiscal year totaled $15.8M. For more information on our research activities, read the Research section on page 26. In technology development, the close of FY11 marked the end of the Photonics Center’s decade-long collaboration pipeline technology development with the Army Research Laboratory (ARL). The successful outcomes of that unique partnership include a compelling series of photonics technology prototypes aimed at force protection. Our direct collaboration with Army end users has enabled transformative advanced in sniper detection of bioterror agents, and nuclear threat detection. In the past year, the Photonics Center has expanded the scope of its unique photonic technology development program to include applications in the commercial healthcare sector. For more information on our technology development program and on specific projects, read the Technology Development section on page 52. In education, 17 Photonics Center graduate students received Ph.D. diplomas. Photonics Center faculty taught 29 photonics courses. The Center supported a Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) site in Biophotonic Sensors and Systems for 10 middle school and high school teachers. The Photonics Center sponsored the Herbert J. Berman “Future of Light” Prize at the University’s Science and Engineering Day. Professor Goldberg’s Boston Urban Fellows Project started its seventh year. For more on our education programs, read the Education section on page 64. In commercialization, the Business Innovation Center continues to operate at capacity. Its tenants include 11 technology companies with a majority having core business interests primarily in photonics and life sciences. It houses several companies founded by current and former BU faculty and students and provides students with an opportunity to assist, observe, and learn from start-up companies. For more information about Business Innovation Center activities, read the Business Innovation Center chapter in the Facilities and Equipment section on page 78

    Single-Molecule Detection of Unique Genome Signatures: Applications in Molecular Diagnostics and Homeland Security

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    Single-molecule detection (SMD) offers an attractive approach for identifying the presence of certain markers that can be used for in vitro molecular diagnostics in a near real-time format. The ability to eliminate sample processing steps afforded by the ultra-high sensitivity associated with SMD yields an increased sampling pipeline. When SMD and microfluidics are used in conjunction with nucleic acid-based assays such as the ligase detection reaction coupled with single-pair fluorescent resonance energy transfer (LDR-spFRET), complete molecular profiling and screening of certain cancers, pathogenic bacteria, and other biomarkers becomes possible at remarkable speeds and sensitivities with high specificity. The merging of these technologies and techniques into two different novel instrument formats has been investigated. (1) The use of a charge-coupled device (CCD) in time-delayed integration (TDI) mode as a means for increasing the throughput of any single molecule measurement by simultaneously tracking and detecting single-molecules in multiple microfluidic channels was demonstrated. The CCD/TDI approach allowed increasing the sample throughput by a factor of 8 compared to a single-assay SMD experiment. A sampling throughput of 276 molecules s-1 per channel and 2208 molecules s-1 for an eight channel microfluidic system was achieved. A cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) waveguide was designed and fabricated in a pre-cast poly(dimethylsiloxane) stencil to increase the SNR by controlling the excitation geometry. The waveguide showed an attenuation of 0.67 dB/cm and the launch angle was optimized to increase the depth of penetration of the evanescent wave. (2) A compact SMD (cSMD) instrument was designed and built for the reporting of molecular signatures associated with bacteria. The optical waveguides were poised within the fluidic chip at orientation of 90° with respect to each other for the interrogation of single-molecule events. Molecular beacons (MB) were designed to probe bacteria for the classification of Gram +. MBs were mixed with bacterial cells and pumped though the cSMD which allowed S. aureus to be classified with 2,000 cells in 1 min. Finally, the integration of the LDR-spFRET assay on the cSMD was explored with the future direction of designing a molecular screening approach for stroke diagnostics

    Development of methods for combinational approaches to cis-regulatory module interactions

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    The complexity and size of the higher animal genome and relative scarcity of DNA-binding factors with which to regulate it imply a complex and pleiotropic regulatory system. Cisregulatory modules (CRMs) are vitally important regulators of gene expression in higher animal cells, integrating external and internal information to determine an appropriate response in terms of gene expression by means of direct and indirect interactions with the transcriptional machinery. The interaction space available within systems of multiple CRMs, each containing several sites where one or more factors could be bound is huge. Current methods of investigation involve the removal of individual sites or factors and measuring the resulting effect on gene expression. The effects of investigations of this type may be masked by the functional redundancy present in some of these regulatory systems as a result of their evolutionary development. The investigation of CRM function is limited by a lack of technology to generate and analyse combinatorial mutation libraries of CRMs, where putative transcription factor binding sites are mutated in various combinations to achieve a holistic view of how the factors binding to those sites cooperate to bring about CRM function. The principle work of this thesis is the generation of such a library. This thesis presents the development of microstereolithography as a method for making microfluidic devices, both directly and indirectly. A microfluidic device was fabricated that was used to generate oligonucleotide mixtures necessary to synthesise combinatorial mutants of a CRM sequence from the muscle regulatory factor MyoD. In addition, this thesis presents the development of the optimisation algorithms and assembly processes necessary for successful sequence assembly. Furthermore, it was found that the CRM, in combination with other CRMs, is able to synergistically regulate gene expression in a position and orientation independent manner in three separate contexts. Finally, by testing a small portion of the available combinatorial mutant library it was shown that mutation of individual binding sites within of the CRM is not sufficient to show a significant change in the level of reporter gene expression

    From Microbial Communities to Distributed Computing Systems

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    A distributed biological system can be defined as a system whose components are located in different subpopulations, which communicate and coordinate their actions through interpopulation messages and interactions. We see that distributed systems are pervasive in nature, performing computation across all scales, from microbial communities to a flock of birds. We often observe that information processing within communities exhibits a complexity far greater than any single organism. Synthetic biology is an area of research which aims to design and build synthetic biological machines from biological parts to perform a defined function, in a manner similar to the engineering disciplines. However, the field has reached a bottleneck in the complexity of the genetic networks that we can implement using monocultures, facing constraints from metabolic burden and genetic interference. This makes building distributed biological systems an attractive prospect for synthetic biology that would alleviate these constraints and allow us to expand the applications of our systems into areas including complex biosensing and diagnostic tools, bioprocess control and the monitoring of industrial processes. In this review we will discuss the fundamental limitations we face when engineering functionality with a monoculture, and the key areas where distributed systems can provide an advantage. We cite evidence from natural systems that support arguments in favor of distributed systems to overcome the limitations of monocultures. Following this we conduct a comprehensive overview of the synthetic communities that have been built to date, and the components that have been used. The potential computational capabilities of communities are discussed, along with some of the applications that these will be useful for. We discuss some of the challenges with building co-cultures, including the problem of competitive exclusion and maintenance of desired community composition. Finally, we assess computational frameworks currently available to aide in the design of microbial communities and identify areas where we lack the necessary tool

    Design and Optimization Methods for Pin-Limited and Cyberphysical Digital Microfluidic Biochips

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    <p>Microfluidic biochips have now come of age, with applications to biomolecular recognition for high-throughput DNA sequencing, immunoassays, and point-of-care clinical diagnostics. In particular, digital microfluidic biochips, which use electrowetting-on-dielectric to manipulate discrete droplets (or "packets of biochemical payload") of picoliter volumes under clock control, are especially promising. The potential applications of biochips include real-time analysis for biochemical reagents, clinical diagnostics, flash chemistry, and on-chip DNA sequencing. The ease of reconfigurability and software-based control in digital microfluidics has motivated research on various aspects of automated chip design and optimization.</p><p>This thesis research is focused on facilitating advances in on-chip bioassays, enhancing the automated use of digital microfluidic biochips, and developing an "intelligent" microfluidic system that has the capability of making on-line re-synthesis while a bioassay is being executed. This thesis includes the concept of a "cyberphysical microfluidic biochip" based on the digital microfluidics hardware platform and on-chip sensing technique. In such a biochip, the control software, on-chip sensing, and the microfluidic operations are tightly coupled. The status of the droplets is dynamically monitored by on-chip sensors. If an error is detected, the control software performs dynamic re-synthesis procedure and error recovery.</p><p>In order to minimize the size and cost of the system, a hardware-assisted error-recovery method, which relies on an error dictionary for rapid error recovery, is also presented. The error-recovery procedure is controlled by a finite-state-machine implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) instead of a software running on a separate computer. Each state of the FSM represents a possible error that may occur on the biochip; for each of these errors, the corresponding sequence of error-recovery signals is stored inside the memory of the FPGA before the bioassay is conducted. When an error occurs, the FSM transitions from one state to another, and the corresponding control signals are updated. Therefore, by using inexpensive FPGA, a portable cyberphysical system can be implemented.</p><p>In addition to errors in fluid-handling operations, bioassay outcomes can also be erroneous due the uncertainty in the completion time for fluidic operations. Due to the inherent randomness of biochemical reactions, the time required to complete each step of the bioassay is a random variable. To address this issue, a new "operation-interdependence-aware" synthesis algorithm is proposed in this thesis. The start and stop time of each operation are dynamically determined based on feedback from the on-chip sensors. Unlike previous synthesis algorithms that execute bioassays based on pre-determined start and end times of each operation, the proposed method facilitates "self-adaptive" bioassays on cyberphysical microfluidic biochips.</p><p>Another design problem addressed in this thesis is the development of a layout-design algorithm that can minimize the interference between devices on a biochip. A probabilistic model for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been developed; based on the model, the control software can make on-line decisions regarding the number of thermal cycles that must be performed during PCR. Therefore, PCR can be controlled more precisely using cyberphysical integration.</p><p>To reduce the fabrication cost of biochips, yet maintain application flexibility, the concept of a "general-purpose pin-limited biochip" is proposed. Using a graph model for pin-assignment, we develop the theoretical basis and a heuristic algorithm to generate optimized pin-assignment configurations. The associated scheduling algorithm for on-chip biochemistry synthesis has also been developed. Based on the theoretical framework, a complete design flow for pin-limited cyberphysical microfluidic biochips is presented.</p><p>In summary, this thesis research has led to an algorithmic infrastructure and optimization tools for cyberphysical system design and technology demonstrations. The results of this thesis research are expected to enable the hardware/software co-design of a new class of digital microfluidic biochips with tight coupling between microfluidics, sensors, and control software.</p>Dissertatio

    Investigation into yield and reliability enhancement of TSV-based three-dimensional integration circuits

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    Three dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) have been acknowledged as a promising technology to overcome the interconnect delay bottleneck brought by continuous CMOS scaling. Recent research shows that through-silicon-vias (TSVs), which act as vertical links between layers, pose yield and reliability challenges for 3D design. This thesis presents three original contributions.The first contribution presents a grouping-based technique to improve the yield of 3D ICs under manufacturing TSV defects, where regular and redundant TSVs are partitioned into groups. In each group, signals can select good TSVs using rerouting multiplexers avoiding defective TSVs. Grouping ratio (regular to redundant TSVs in one group) has an impact on yield and hardware overhead. Mathematical probabilistic models are presented for yield analysis under the influence of independent and clustering defect distributions. Simulation results using MATLAB show that for a given number of TSVs and TSV failure rate, careful selection of grouping ratio results in achieving 100% yield at minimal hardware cost (number of multiplexers and redundant TSVs) in comparison to a design that does not exploit TSV grouping ratios. The second contribution presents an efficient online fault tolerance technique based on redundant TSVs, to detect TSV manufacturing defects and address thermal-induced reliability issue. The proposed technique accounts for both fault detection and recovery in the presence of three TSV defects: voids, delamination between TSV and landing pad, and TSV short-to-substrate. Simulations using HSPICE and ModelSim are carried out to validate fault detection and recovery. Results show that regular and redundant TSVs can be divided into groups to minimise area overhead without affecting the fault tolerance capability of the technique. Synthesis results using 130-nm design library show that 100% repair capability can be achieved with low area overhead (4% for the best case). The last contribution proposes a technique with joint consideration of temperature mitigation and fault tolerance without introducing additional redundant TSVs. This is achieved by reusing spare TSVs that are frequently deployed for improving yield and reliability in 3D ICs. The proposed technique consists of two steps: TSV determination step, which is for achieving optimal partition between regular and spare TSVs into groups; The second step is TSV placement, where temperature mitigation is targeted while optimizing total wirelength and routing difference. Simulation results show that using the proposed technique, 100% repair capability is achieved across all (five) benchmarks with an average temperature reduction of 75.2? (34.1%) (best case is 99.8? (58.5%)), while increasing wirelength by a small amount

    A Modular design framework for Lab-On-a-Chips

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    This research discusses the modular design framework for designing Lab-On-a-Chip (LoC) devices. This work will help researchers to be able to focus on their research strengths, without needing to learn details of LoCs design, and they can reuse existing LoC designs

    Annual Report, 2015-2016

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    Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics for Humanity

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    Diagnostics of disease at POC (point of care) has been declared one of the Grand Challenge by the Bill and Melina Gates Foundation (BMGF). Infectious diseases constitute a major cause of disease burden and cause more than half a billion Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) and millions of deaths each year. They have an especially large effect on children under 5 years of age. We have analyzed data from the GBD 2010 (Global Burden of Disease) project to emphasize the damage caused by infectious diseases, and highlight the opportunity of using diagnostic tools to rapidly identify and treat diseases. To motivate the work of this thesis, we quantify the expected impact of appropriate diagnostic technologies. We have also analyzed the requirements that a diagnostic tool should meet to generate the maximal global impact. We present various existing TPPs (Target Product Profiles) from different organizations and suggest some additions to these existing TPPs. We explain the particular molecular pathology technologies which have the potential to allow deployment of functional products in the developing world for point-of-care pathogen detection, especially in low-resource settings. We perform a detailed analysis on existing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems and describe the problems caused with thermal performance and optical interrogation. We list the requirements that disposable cartridges for such instruments should meet and suggest a metal base design with polymer top. After detailed FEA simulations, we demonstrate that the thermal response can be modeled using a one-dimensional (1D) lumped element system. We show improvements in thermal response due to using a metal base and the effect of fluid height. We also performed thermal-structural simulations to quantify the stresses on the adhesive bonds of metal/polymer cartridges. Next, we explain fabrication of these cartridges. We show methods to dispense adhesive using a robot and a custom made jig to spread the adhesive during curing. The cartridge was tested with different PCR reagents and we obtained reaction efficiencies approaching those of the commercial real time PCR machines. Our fabrication technique is useful to join dissimilar materials and is production friendly. By developing custom software, we observed the cartridge performance in a continuous manner. We could see the thermal response of cartridges by continuous fluorescence monitoring, and used reflective aluminum which increase light collection efficiency. We then present a simple and robust new way for thermal cycling. Robust thermal cycling has been a major challenge conducting PCR, especially in point of care situations. Here, we suggest a contact cooling approach, in which the cartridge rests on a thin metal plate with an integrated thin heater constructed from flexible printed circuit board (PCB) material. We use a solenoid to move a metal plate to cool down the sample cartridge during cycling. The metal plate then rests on a larger heat sink to disperse the shuttled heat. Our design is dust and water proof and was verified on a bench-top prototype. A novel optical design for fluorescence detection during qPCR is also described. We suggest a lateral illumination waveguide geometry with prism coupling that eliminates lenses and is integrated into an injection molded cartridge. The light is homogenized using a light guide, and we quantify the sources of scattered stray light from the chamber edge by performing ray tracing simulations to optimize the precise geometry. The design is tolerant to misalignments and enables easy coupling of LED light into the chamber. As the light collection efficiency is high, the size of the chamber can be very small. We tested real PCR reactions using this concept and observed a rapid integration time, enabling very fast reading. Sample preparation has been another challenge for all point-of-care (POC) lab-on-chip devices for many years. Here, we propose a new design which is robust, fast, flexible and simple, and uses a sliding seal to move the collected sample between various reservoir chambers. The sample moves on a slider sandwiched between seals that shuttles a DNA binding membrane between different reactions. Thus, size and volumes of reagents can be increased without increasing dead volumes. This design is easily automated, and positive displacement of fluids can work with many reagents without worrying about their characteristics such as foaming. The speed of the sample preparation protocols is high and complex protocols can be ported on this design concept, which we tested on real clinical samples and obtained impressive results. We designed and injection molded devices to test and verify this concept. Finally, we focus on instrumentation and software required to allow our technology to be used at the POC. We describe our embedded electronics and describe the powerful micro-controller and various high performance ICs that are used to construct a fully functional for sample to answer instrument. We developed various versions of software. The developer software allows us to control our system and bench top setup. Our end user product includes a tablet and cell phone software interface. Software was developed for a windows 8 tablet, windows 8 phone and an Android based devices. To conclude, we very briefly describe the POC systems that are under development: A portable qPCR system with a separate cartridge design, and a universal sample to answer system that performs qPCR, sample preparation and sample to answer protocols in one box depending on the cartridge. As per best of our knowledge the cost of this technology is much lower than any other option in its class. The sample to answer instrument is expected to cost less than 500.Thetestcostisexpectedtobelessthan500. The test cost is expected to be less than 5. The performance is not compromised. We hope that this work can help bring a transformative change in the practice of pathology especially in the developing world.</p
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