319 research outputs found

    An Efficient Implementation of the Head-Corner Parser

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    This paper describes an efficient and robust implementation of a bi-directional, head-driven parser for constraint-based grammars. This parser is developed for the OVIS system: a Dutch spoken dialogue system in which information about public transport can be obtained by telephone. After a review of the motivation for head-driven parsing strategies, and head-corner parsing in particular, a non-deterministic version of the head-corner parser is presented. A memoization technique is applied to obtain a fast parser. A goal-weakening technique is introduced which greatly improves average case efficiency, both in terms of speed and space requirements. I argue in favor of such a memoization strategy with goal-weakening in comparison with ordinary chart-parsers because such a strategy can be applied selectively and therefore enormously reduces the space requirements of the parser, while no practical loss in time-efficiency is observed. On the contrary, experiments are described in which head-corner and left-corner parsers implemented with selective memoization and goal weakening outperform `standard' chart parsers. The experiments include the grammar of the OVIS system and the Alvey NL Tools grammar. Head-corner parsing is a mix of bottom-up and top-down processing. Certain approaches towards robust parsing require purely bottom-up processing. Therefore, it seems that head-corner parsing is unsuitable for such robust parsing techniques. However, it is shown how underspecification (which arises very naturally in a logic programming environment) can be used in the head-corner parser to allow such robust parsing techniques. A particular robust parsing model is described which is implemented in OVIS.Comment: 31 pages, uses cl.st

    Parsing Expression Grammars Made Practical

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    Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) define languages by specifying recursive-descent parser that recognises them. The PEG formalism exhibits desirable properties, such as closure under composition, built-in disambiguation, unification of syntactic and lexical concerns, and closely matching programmer intuition. Unfortunately, state of the art PEG parsers struggle with left-recursive grammar rules, which are not supported by the original definition of the formalism and can lead to infinite recursion under naive implementations. Likewise, support for associativity and explicit precedence is spotty. To remedy these issues, we introduce Autumn, a general purpose PEG library that supports left-recursion, left and right associativity and precedence rules, and does so efficiently. Furthermore, we identify infix and postfix operators as a major source of inefficiency in left-recursive PEG parsers and show how to tackle this problem. We also explore the extensibility of the PEG paradigm by showing how one can easily introduce new parsing operators and how our parser accommodates custom memoization and error handling strategies. We compare our parser to both state of the art and battle-tested PEG and CFG parsers, such as Rats!, Parboiled and ANTLR.Comment: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2015)" - 167-172 (ISBN : 978-1-4503-3686-4

    TDL--- A Type Description Language for Constraint-Based Grammars

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    This paper presents \tdl, a typed feature-based representation language and inference system. Type definitions in \tdl\ consist of type and feature constraints over the boolean connectives. \tdl\ supports open- and closed-world reasoning over types and allows for partitions and incompatible types. Working with partially as well as with fully expanded types is possible. Efficient reasoning in \tdl\ is accomplished through specialized modules.Comment: Will Appear in Proc. COLING-9

    Pattern matching in compilers

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    In this thesis we develop tools for effective and flexible pattern matching. We introduce a new pattern matching system called amethyst. Amethyst is not only a generator of parsers of programming languages, but can also serve as an alternative to tools for matching regular expressions. Our framework also produces dynamic parsers. Its intended use is in the context of IDE (accurate syntax highlighting and error detection on the fly). Amethyst offers pattern matching of general data structures. This makes it a useful tool for implementing compiler optimizations such as constant folding, instruction scheduling, and dataflow analysis in general. The parsers produced are essentially top-down parsers. Linear time complexity is obtained by introducing the novel notion of structured grammars and regularized regular expressions. Amethyst uses techniques known from compiler optimizations to produce effective parsers.Comment: master thesi
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