2 research outputs found

    Fast Succinct Retrieval and Approximate Membership Using Ribbon

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    A retrieval data structure for a static function f: S → {0,1}^r supports queries that return f(x) for any x ∈ S. Retrieval data structures can be used to implement a static approximate membership query data structure (AMQ), i.e., a Bloom filter alternative, with false positive rate 2^{-r}. The information-theoretic lower bound for both tasks is r|S| bits. While succinct theoretical constructions using (1+o(1))r|S| bits were known, these could not achieve very small overheads in practice because they have an unfavorable space-time tradeoff hidden in the asymptotic costs or because small overheads would only be reached for physically impossible input sizes. With bumped ribbon retrieval (BuRR), we present the first practical succinct retrieval data structure. In an extensive experimental evaluation BuRR achieves space overheads well below 1% while being faster than most previously used retrieval data structures (typically with space overheads at least an order of magnitude larger) and faster than classical Bloom filters (with space overhead ≥ 44%). This efficiency, including favorable constants, stems from a combination of simplicity, word parallelism, and high locality. We additionally describe homogeneous ribbon filter AMQs, which are even simpler and faster at the price of slightly larger space overhead

    Fast scalable construction of ([compressed] static | minimal perfect hash) functions

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    Recent advances in the analysis of random linear systems on finite fields have paved the way for the construction of constant-time data structures representing static functions and minimal perfect hash functions using less space with respect to existing techniques. The main obstacle for any practical application of these results is the time required to solve such linear systems: despite they can be made very small, the computation is still too slow to be feasible. In this paper, we describe in detail a number of heuristics and programming techniques to speed up the solution of these systems by orders of magnitude, making the overall construction competitive with the standard and widely used MWHC technique, which is based on hypergraph peeling. In particular, we introduce broadword programming techniques for fast equation manipulation and a lazy Gaussian elimination algorithm. We also describe a number of technical improvements to the data structure which further reduce space usage and improve lookup speed. Our implementation of these techniques yields a minimal perfect hash function data structure occupying 2.24 bits per element, compared to 2.68 for MWHC-based ones, and a static function data structure which reduces the multiplicative overhead from 1.23 to 1.024. For functions whose output has low entropy, we are able to implement feasibly for the first time the Hreinsson\u2013Kr\uf8yer\u2013Pagh approach, which makes it possible, for example, to store a function with an output of 10\u2076 values distributed following a power law of exponent 2 in just 2.76 bits per key instead of 20