28 research outputs found

    Fast Distributed PageRank Computation

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    Over the last decade, PageRank has gained importance in a wide range of applications and domains, ever since it first proved to be effective in determining node importance in large graphs (and was a pioneering idea behind Google's search engine). In distributed computing alone, PageRank vector, or more generally random walk based quantities have been used for several different applications ranging from determining important nodes, load balancing, search, and identifying connectivity structures. Surprisingly, however, there has been little work towards designing provably efficient fully-distributed algorithms for computing PageRank. The difficulty is that traditional matrix-vector multiplication style iterative methods may not always adapt well to the distributed setting owing to communication bandwidth restrictions and convergence rates. In this paper, we present fast random walk-based distributed algorithms for computing PageRanks in general graphs and prove strong bounds on the round complexity. We first present a distributed algorithm that takes O\big(\log n/\eps \big) rounds with high probability on any graph (directed or undirected), where nn is the network size and \eps is the reset probability used in the PageRank computation (typically \eps is a fixed constant). We then present a faster algorithm that takes O\big(\sqrt{\log n}/\eps \big) rounds in undirected graphs. Both of the above algorithms are scalable, as each node sends only small (\polylog n) number of bits over each edge per round. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first fully distributed algorithms for computing PageRank vector with provably efficient running time.Comment: 14 page

    Embed and Conquer: Scalable Embeddings for Kernel k-Means on MapReduce

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    The kernel kk-means is an effective method for data clustering which extends the commonly-used kk-means algorithm to work on a similarity matrix over complex data structures. The kernel kk-means algorithm is however computationally very complex as it requires the complete data matrix to be calculated and stored. Further, the kernelized nature of the kernel kk-means algorithm hinders the parallelization of its computations on modern infrastructures for distributed computing. In this paper, we are defining a family of kernel-based low-dimensional embeddings that allows for scaling kernel kk-means on MapReduce via an efficient and unified parallelization strategy. Afterwards, we propose two methods for low-dimensional embedding that adhere to our definition of the embedding family. Exploiting the proposed parallelization strategy, we present two scalable MapReduce algorithms for kernel kk-means. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms through an empirical evaluation on benchmark data sets.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 201

    Approximate Computation and Implicit Regularization for Very Large-scale Data Analysis

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    Database theory and database practice are typically the domain of computer scientists who adopt what may be termed an algorithmic perspective on their data. This perspective is very different than the more statistical perspective adopted by statisticians, scientific computers, machine learners, and other who work on what may be broadly termed statistical data analysis. In this article, I will address fundamental aspects of this algorithmic-statistical disconnect, with an eye to bridging the gap between these two very different approaches. A concept that lies at the heart of this disconnect is that of statistical regularization, a notion that has to do with how robust is the output of an algorithm to the noise properties of the input data. Although it is nearly completely absent from computer science, which historically has taken the input data as given and modeled algorithms discretely, regularization in one form or another is central to nearly every application domain that applies algorithms to noisy data. By using several case studies, I will illustrate, both theoretically and empirically, the nonobvious fact that approximate computation, in and of itself, can implicitly lead to statistical regularization. This and other recent work suggests that, by exploiting in a more principled way the statistical properties implicit in worst-case algorithms, one can in many cases satisfy the bicriteria of having algorithms that are scalable to very large-scale databases and that also have good inferential or predictive properties.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS 2012