4 research outputs found

    Manifold Alignment Aware Ants:a Markovian process for manifold extraction

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    Dimensionality reduction and clustering are often used as preliminary steps for many complex machine learning tasks. The presence of noise and outliers can deteriorate the performance of such preprocessing and therefore impair the subsequent analysis tremendously. In manifold learning, several studies indicate solutions for removing background noise or noise close to the structure when the density is substantially higher than that exhibited by the noise. However, in many applications, including astronomical datasets, the density varies alongside manifolds that are buried in a noisy background. We propose a novel method to extract manifolds in the presence of noise based on the idea of Ant colony optimization. In contrast to the existing random walk solutions, our technique captures points which are locally aligned with major directions of the manifold. Moreover, we empirically show that the biologically inspired formulation of ant pheromone reinforces this behavior enabling it to recover multiple manifolds embedded in extremely noisy data clouds. The algorithm's performance is demonstrated in comparison to the state-of-the-art approaches, such as Markov Chain, LLPD, and Disperse, on several synthetic and real astronomical datasets stemming from an N-body simulation of a cosmological volum

    Novel techniques of computational intelligence for analysis of astronomical structures

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    Gravitational forces cause the formation and evolution of a variety of cosmological structures. The detailed investigation and study of these structures is a crucial step towards our understanding of the universe. This thesis provides several solutions for the detection and classification of such structures. In the first part of the thesis, we focus on astronomical simulations, and we propose two algorithms to extract stellar structures. Although they follow different strategies (while the first one is a downsampling method, the second one keeps all samples), both techniques help to build more effective probabilistic models. In the second part, we consider observational data, and the goal is to overcome some of the common challenges in observational data such as noisy features and imbalanced classes. For instance, when not enough examples are present in the training set, two different strategies are used: a) nearest neighbor technique and b) outlier detection technique. In summary, both parts of the thesis show the effectiveness of automated algorithms in extracting valuable information from astronomical databases