100 research outputs found

    Fast Interscale Wavelet Denoising of Poisson-Corrupted Images

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    We present a fast algorithm for image restoration in the presence of Poisson noise. Our approach is based on (1) the minimization of an unbiased estimate of the MSE for Poisson noise, (2) a linear parametrization of the denoising process and (3) the preservation of Poisson statistics across scales within the Haar DWT. The minimization of the MSE estimate is performed independently in each wavelet subband, but this is equivalent to a global image-domain MSE minimization, thanks to the orthogonality of Haar wavelets. This is an important difference with standard Poisson noise-removal methods, in particular those that rely on a non-linear preprocessing of the data to stabilize the variance. Our non-redundant interscale wavelet thresholding outperforms standard variance-stabilizing schemes, even when the latter are applied in a translation-invariant setting (cycle-spinning). It also achieves a quality similar to a state-of-the-art multiscale method that was specially developed for Poisson data. Considering that the computational complexity of our method is orders of magnitude lower, it is a very competitive alternative. The proposed approach is particularly promising in the context of low signal intensities and/or large data sets. This is illustrated experimentally with the denoising of low-count fluorescence micrographs of a biological sample

    The SURE-LET approach to image denoising

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    Denoising is an essential step prior to any higher-level image-processing tasks such as segmentation or object tracking, because the undesirable corruption by noise is inherent to any physical acquisition device. When the measurements are performed by photosensors, one usually distinguish between two main regimes: in the first scenario, the measured intensities are sufficiently high and the noise is assumed to be signal-independent. In the second scenario, only few photons are detected, which leads to a strong signal-dependent degradation. When the noise is considered as signal-independent, it is often modeled as an additive independent (typically Gaussian) random variable, whereas, otherwise, the measurements are commonly assumed to follow independent Poisson laws, whose underlying intensities are the unknown noise-free measures. We first consider the reduction of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Contrary to most existing denoising algorithms, our approach does not require an explicit prior statistical modeling of the unknown data. Our driving principle is the minimization of a purely data-adaptive unbiased estimate of the mean-squared error (MSE) between the processed and the noise-free data. In the AWGN case, such a MSE estimate was first proposed by Stein, and is known as "Stein's unbiased risk estimate" (SURE). We further develop the original SURE theory and propose a general methodology for fast and efficient multidimensional image denoising, which we call the SURE-LET approach. While SURE allows the quantitative monitoring of the denoising quality, the flexibility and the low computational complexity of our approach are ensured by a linear parameterization of the denoising process, expressed as a linear expansion of thresholds (LET).We propose several pointwise, multivariate, and multichannel thresholding functions applied to arbitrary (in particular, redundant) linear transformations of the input data, with a special focus on multiscale signal representations. We then transpose the SURE-LET approach to the estimation of Poisson intensities degraded by AWGN. The signal-dependent specificity of the Poisson statistics leads to the derivation of a new unbiased MSE estimate that we call "Poisson's unbiased risk estimate" (PURE) and requires more adaptive transform-domain thresholding rules. In a general PURE-LET framework, we first devise a fast interscale thresholding method restricted to the use of the (unnormalized) Haar wavelet transform. We then lift this restriction and show how the PURE-LET strategy can be used to design and optimize a wide class of nonlinear processing applied in an arbitrary (in particular, redundant) transform domain. We finally apply some of the proposed denoising algorithms to real multidimensional fluorescence microscopy images. Such in vivo imaging modality often operates under low-illumination conditions and short exposure time; consequently, the random fluctuations of the measured fluorophore radiations are well described by a Poisson process degraded (or not) by AWGN. We validate experimentally this statistical measurement model, and we assess the performance of the PURE-LET algorithms in comparison with some state-of-the-art denoising methods. Our solution turns out to be very competitive both qualitatively and computationally, allowing for a fast and efficient denoising of the huge volumes of data that are nowadays routinely produced in biomedical imaging


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    Automatic detection of fractures from x-ray images is considered as an important process in medical image analysis by both orthopaedic and radiologic point of view. This paper proposes a fusion-classification technique for automatic fracture detection from long bones, in particular the leg bones (Tibia bones). The proposed system has four steps, namely, preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction and bone detect ion, which uses an amalgamation of image processing techniques for successful detection of fractures. Three classifiers, Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN), Support Vector Machine Classifiers (SVM) and NaEF;ve Bayes Classifiers (NB) are used during fusion classification. The results from various experiments prove that the proposed system is shows significant improvement in terms of detection rate and speed of classification

    Multiscale vision model for event detection and reconstruction in two-photon imaging data

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    Reliable detection of calcium waves in multiphoton imaging data is challenging because of the low signal-to-noise ratio and because of the unpredictability of the time and location of these spontaneous events. This paper describes our approach to calcium wave detection and reconstruction based on a modified multiscale vision model, an object detection framework based on the thresholding of wavelet coefficients and hierarchical trees of significant coefficients followed by nonlinear iterative partial object reconstruction, for the analysis of two-photon calcium imaging data. The framework is discussed in the context of detection and reconstruction of intercellular glial calcium waves. We extend the framework by a different decomposition algorithm and iterative reconstruction of the detected objects. Comparison with several popular state-of-the-art image denoising methods shows that performance of the multiscale vision model is similar in the denoising, but provides a better segmenation of the image into meaningful objects, whereas other methods need to be combined with dedicated thresholding and segmentation utilities

    Undecimated haar thresholding for poisson intensity estimation

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    A CURE for noisy magnetic resonance images: Chi-square unbiased risk estimation

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    In this article we derive an unbiased expression for the expected mean-squared error associated with continuously differentiable estimators of the noncentrality parameter of a chi-square random variable. We then consider the task of denoising squared-magnitude magnetic resonance image data, which are well modeled as independent noncentral chi-square random variables on two degrees of freedom. We consider two broad classes of linearly parameterized shrinkage estimators that can be optimized using our risk estimate, one in the general context of undecimated filterbank transforms, and another in the specific case of the unnormalized Haar wavelet transform. The resultant algorithms are computationally tractable and improve upon state-of-the-art methods for both simulated and actual magnetic resonance image data.Comment: 30 double-spaced pages, 11 figures; submitted for publicatio

    Image Denoising in Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise

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    We propose a general methodology (PURE-LET) to design and optimize a wide class of transform-domain thresholding algorithms for denoising images corrupted by mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise. We express the denoising process as a linear expansion of thresholds (LET) that we optimize by relying on a purely data-adaptive unbiased estimate of the mean-squared error (MSE), derived in a non-Bayesian framework (PURE: Poisson-Gaussian unbiased risk estimate). We provide a practical approximation of this theoretical MSE estimate for the tractable optimization of arbitrary transform-domain thresholding. We then propose a pointwise estimator for undecimated filterbank transforms, which consists of subband-adaptive thresholding functions with signal-dependent thresholds that are globally optimized in the image domain. We finally demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach through extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques that are specifically tailored to the estimation of Poisson intensities. We also present denoising results obtained on real images of low-count fluorescence microscopy
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