793 research outputs found

    Fast genus 2 arithmetic based on Theta functions

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    descriptionInternational audienceIn 1986, D. V. Chudnovsky and G. V. Chudnovsky proposed to use formulae coming from Theta functions for the arithmetic in Jacobians of genus 2 curves. We follow this idea and derive fast formulae for the scalar multiplication in the Kummer surface associated to a genus 2 curve, using a Montgomery ladder. Our formulae can be used to design very efficient genus 2 cryptosystems that should be faster than elliptic curve cryptosystems in some hardware configurations

    Fast, uniform, and compact scalar multiplication for elliptic curves and genus 2 Jacobians with applications to signature schemes

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    We give a general framework for uniform, constant-time one-and two-dimensional scalar multiplication algorithms for elliptic curves and Jacobians of genus 2 curves that operate by projecting to the x-line or Kummer surface, where we can exploit faster and more uniform pseudomultiplication, before recovering the proper "signed" output back on the curve or Jacobian. This extends the work of L{\'o}pez and Dahab, Okeya and Sakurai, and Brier and Joye to genus 2, and also to two-dimensional scalar multiplication. Our results show that many existing fast pseudomultiplication implementations (hitherto limited to applications in Diffie--Hellman key exchange) can be wrapped with simple and efficient pre-and post-computations to yield competitive full scalar multiplication algorithms, ready for use in more general discrete logarithm-based cryptosystems, including signature schemes. This is especially interesting for genus 2, where Kummer surfaces can outperform comparable elliptic curve systems. As an example, we construct an instance of the Schnorr signature scheme driven by Kummer surface arithmetic

    Effectivity of Arakelov divisors and the theta divisor of a number field

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    We introduce the notion of an effective Arakelov divisor for a number field and the arithmetical analogue of the dimension of the space of sections of a line bundle. We study the analogue of the theta divisor for a number field.Comment: Plain Tex with 5 figures, 21 pages, revised versio

    Modular embeddings of Teichmueller curves

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    Fuchsian groups with a modular embedding have the richest arithmetic properties among non-arithmetic Fuchsian groups. But they are very rare, all known examples being related either to triangle groups or to Teichmueller curves. In Part I of this paper we study the arithmetic properties of the modular embedding and develop from scratch a theory of twisted modular forms for Fuchsian groups with a modular embedding, proving dimension formulas, coefficient growth estimates and differential equations. In Part II we provide a modular proof for an Apery-like integrality statement for solutions of Picard-Fuchs equations. We illustrate the theory on a worked example, giving explicit Fourier expansions of twisted modular forms and the equation of a Teichmueller curve in a Hilbert modular surface. In Part III we show that genus two Teichmueller curves are cut out in Hilbert modular surfaces by a product of theta derivatives. We rederive most of the known properties of those Teichmueller curves from this viewpoint, without using the theory of flat surfaces. As a consequence we give the modular embeddings for all genus two Teichmueller curves and prove that the Fourier developments of their twisted modular forms are algebraic up to one transcendental scaling constant. Moreover, we prove that Bainbridge's compactification of Hilbert modular surfaces is toroidal. The strategy to compactify can be expressed using continued fractions and resembles Hirzebruch's in form, but every detail is different.Comment: revision including the referee's comments, to appear in Compositio Mat

    A p-adic quasi-quadratic point counting algorithm

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    In this article we give an algorithm for the computation of the number of rational points on the Jacobian variety of a generic ordinary hyperelliptic curve defined over a finite field of cardinality qq with time complexity O(n2+o(1))O(n^{2+o(1)}) and space complexity O(n2)O(n^2), where n=log(q)n=\log(q). In the latter complexity estimate the genus and the characteristic are assumed as fixed. Our algorithm forms a generalization of both, the AGM algorithm of J.-F. Mestre and the canonical lifting method of T. Satoh. We canonically lift a certain arithmetic invariant of the Jacobian of the hyperelliptic curve in terms of theta constants. The theta null values are computed with respect to a semi-canonical theta structure of level 2νp2^\nu p where ν>0\nu >0 is an integer and p=\mathrm{char}(\F_q)>2. The results of this paper suggest a global positive answer to the question whether there exists a quasi-quadratic time algorithm for the computation of the number of rational points on a generic ordinary abelian variety defined over a finite field.Comment: 32 page

    Computing isogenies between Jacobian of curves of genus 2 and 3

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    We present a quasi-linear algorithm to compute isogenies between Jacobians of curves of genus 2 and 3 starting from the equation of the curve and a maximal isotropic subgroup of the l-torsion, for l an odd prime number, generalizing the V\'elu's formula of genus 1. This work is based from the paper "Computing functions on Jacobians and their quotients" of Jean-Marc Couveignes and Tony Ezome. We improve their genus 2 case algorithm, generalize it for genus 3 hyperelliptic curves and introduce a way to deal with the genus 3 non-hyperelliptic case, using algebraic theta functions.Comment: 34 page

    Higher dimensional 3-adic CM construction

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    We find equations for the higher dimensional analogue of the modular curve X_0(3) using Mumford's algebraic formalism of algebraic theta functions. As a consequence, we derive a method for the construction of genus 2 hyperelliptic curves over small degree number fields whose Jacobian has complex multiplication and good ordinary reduction at the prime 3. We prove the existence of a quasi-quadratic time algorithm for computing a canonical lift in characteristic 3 based on these equations, with a detailed description of our method in genus 1 and 2.Comment: 23 pages; major revie