27 research outputs found

    Mining characteristic relations bind to RNA secondary structures

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    The identification of RNA secondary structures has been among the most exciting recent developments in biology and medical science. It has been recognized that there is an abundance of functional structures with frameshifting, regulation of translation, and splicing functions. However, the inherent signal for secondary structures is weak and generally not straightforward due to complex interleaving substrings. This makes it difficult to explore their potential functions from various structure data. Our approach, based on a collection of predicted RNA secondary structures, allows us to efficiently capture interesting characteristic relations in RNA and bring out the top-ranked rules for specified association groups. Our results not only point to a number of interesting associations and include a brief biological interpretation to them. It assists biologists in sorting out the most significant characteristic structure patterns and predicting structurefunction relationships in RNA

    Thermodynamic Analysis of Interacting Nucleic Acid Strands

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    Motivated by the analysis of natural and engineered DNA and RNA systems, we present the first algorithm for calculating the partition function of an unpseudoknotted complex of multiple interacting nucleic acid strands. This dynamic program is based on a rigorous extension of secondary structure models to the multistranded case, addressing representation and distinguishability issues that do not arise for single-stranded structures. We then derive the form of the partition function for a fixed volume containing a dilute solution of nucleic acid complexes. This expression can be evaluated explicitly for small numbers of strands, allowing the calculation of the equilibrium population distribution for each species of complex. Alternatively, for large systems (e.g., a test tube), we show that the unique complex concentrations corresponding to thermodynamic equilibrium can be obtained by solving a convex programming problem. Partition function and concentration information can then be used to calculate equilibrium base-pairing observables. The underlying physics and mathematical formulation of these problems lead to an interesting blend of approaches, including ideas from graph theory, group theory, dynamic programming, combinatorics, convex optimization, and Lagrange duality

    Design of nucleic acid sequences for DNA computing based on a thermodynamic approach

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    We have developed an algorithm for designing multiple sequences of nucleic acids that have a uniform melting temperature between the sequence and its complement and that do not hybridize non-specifically with each other based on the minimum free energy (ΔG(min)). Sequences that satisfy these constraints can be utilized in computations, various engineering applications such as microarrays, and nano-fabrications. Our algorithm is a random generate-and-test algorithm: it generates a candidate sequence randomly and tests whether the sequence satisfies the constraints. The novelty of our algorithm is that the filtering method uses a greedy search to calculate ΔG(min). This effectively excludes inappropriate sequences before ΔG(min) is calculated, thereby reducing computation time drastically when compared with an algorithm without the filtering. Experimental results in silico showed the superiority of the greedy search over the traditional approach based on the hamming distance. In addition, experimental results in vitro demonstrated that the experimental free energy (ΔG(exp)) of 126 sequences correlated well with ΔG(min) (|R| = 0.90) than with the hamming distance (|R| = 0.80). These results validate the rationality of a thermodynamic approach. We implemented our algorithm in a graphic user interface-based program written in Java

    Fine-grained parallel RNAalifold algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction on FPGA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the field of RNA secondary structure prediction, the RNAalifold algorithm is one of the most popular methods using free energy minimization. However, general-purpose computers including parallel computers or multi-core computers exhibit parallel efficiency of no more than 50%. Field Programmable Gate-Array (FPGA) chips provide a new approach to accelerate RNAalifold by exploiting fine-grained custom design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RNAalifold shows complicated data dependences, in which the dependence distance is variable, and the dependence direction is also across two dimensions. We propose a systolic array structure including one master Processing Element (PE) and multiple slave PEs for fine grain hardware implementation on FPGA. We exploit data reuse schemes to reduce the need to load energy matrices from external memory. We also propose several methods to reduce energy table parameter size by 80%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To our knowledge, our implementation with 16 PEs is the only FPGA accelerator implementing the complete RNAalifold algorithm. The experimental results show a factor of 12.2 speedup over the RNAalifold (<it>ViennaPackage </it>– 1.6.5) software for a group of aligned RNA sequences with 2981-residue running on a Personal Computer (PC) platform with Pentium 4 2.6 GHz CPU.</p

    Discovery of structural and functional features in RNA pseudoknots

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    An RNA pseudoknot consists of nonnested double-stranded stems connected by single-stranded loops. There is increasing recognition that RNA pseudoknots are one of the most prevalent RNA structures and fulfill a diverse set of biological roles within cells, and there is an expanding rate of studies into RNA pseudoknotted structures as well as increasing allocation of function. These not only produce valuable structural data but also facilitate an understanding of structural and functional characteristics in RNA molecules. PseudoBase is a database providing structural, functional, and sequence data related to RNA pseudoknots. To capture the features of RNA pseudoknots, we present a novel framework using quantitative association rule mining to analyze the pseudoknot data. The derived rules are classified into specified association groups regarding structure, function, and category of RNA pseudoknots. The discovered association rules assist biologists in filtering out significant knowledge of structure-function and structure-category relationships. A brief biological interpretation to the relationships is presented, and their potential correlations with each other are highlighted.<br /

    Graph-distance distribution of the Boltzmann ensemble of RNA secondary structures

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    BACKGROUND: Large RNA molecules are often composed of multiple functional domains whose spatial arrangement strongly influences their function. Pre-mRNA splicing, for instance, relies on the spatial proximity of the splice junctions that can be separated by very long introns. Similar effects appear in the processing of RNA virus genomes. Albeit a crude measure, the distribution of spatial distances in thermodynamic equilibrium harbors useful information on the shape of the molecule that in turn can give insights into the interplay of its functional domains. RESULT: Spatial distance can be approximated by the graph-distance in RNA secondary structure. We show here that the equilibrium distribution of graph-distances between a fixed pair of nucleotides can be computed in polynomial time by means of dynamic programming. While a naïve implementation would yield recursions with a very high time complexity of O(n(6)D(5)) for sequence length n and D distinct distance values, it is possible to reduce this to O(n(4)) for practical applications in which predominantly small distances are of of interest. Further reductions, however, seem to be difficult. Therefore, we introduced sampling approaches that are much easier to implement. They are also theoretically favorable for several real-life applications, in particular since these primarily concern long-range interactions in very large RNA molecules. CONCLUSIONS: The graph-distance distribution can be computed using a dynamic programming approach. Although a crude approximation of reality, our initial results indicate that the graph-distance can be related to the smFRET data. The additional file and the software of our paper are available from http://www.rna.uni-jena.de/RNAgraphdist.html

    Polyhedral optimizations of RNA-RNA interaction computations

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    2017 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Studying RNA-RNA interaction has led to major successes in the treatment of some cancers, including colon, breast and pancreatic cancer by suppressing the gene expression involved in the development of these diseases. The problem with such programs is that they are computationally and memory intensive: O(N4) space and O(N6) time complexity. Moreover, the entire application is complicated, and involves many mutually recursive data variables. We address the problem of speeding up a surrogate kernel (named OSPSQ) that captures the main dependence pattern found in two widely used RNA-RNA interaction applications IRIS and piRNA. The structure of the OSPSQ kernel perfectly fits the constraints of the polyhedral model, a well-developed technology for optimizing codes that belong to many specialized domains. However, the current state-of-the-art automatic polyhedral tools do not significantly improve the performance of the baseline implementation of OSPSQ. With simple techniques like loop permutation and skewing, we achieve an average of 17x sequential and 31x parallel speedup on a standard modern multi-core platform (Intel Broadwell, E5-1650v4). This performance represents 75% and 88% of attainable single-core and multi-core L1 bandwidth. For further performance improvement, we describe how to tile all six dimensions and also formulate the associated memory trade-off. In the future, we plan to implement these tiling strategies, explore the performance of the code for various tile sizes and optimize the whole piRNA application