7 research outputs found

    Implementation and Validation of Video Stabilization using Simulink

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    A fast video stabilization technique based on Gray-coded bit-plane (GCBP) matching for translational motion is implemented and tested using various image sequences. This technique performs motion estimation using GCBP of image sequences which greatly reduces the computational load. In order to further improve computational efficiency, the three-step search (TSS) is used along with GCBP matching to perform a competent search during correlation measure calculation. The entire technique has been implemented in Simulink to perform in real-time

    Performance analysis of gray code number system in image security

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    The encryption of digital images has become essential since it is vulnerable to interception while being transmitted or stored. A new image encryption algorithm to address the security challenges of traditional image encryption algorithms is presented in this research. The proposed scheme transforms the pixel information of an original image by taking into consideration the pixel location such that two neighboring pixels are processed via two separate algorithms. The proposed scheme utilized the Gray code number system. The experimental results and comparison shows the encrypted images were different from the original images. Also, pixel histogram revealed that the distribution of the plain images and their decrypted images have the same pixel histogram distributions, which means that there is a high correlation between the original images and decrypted images. The scheme also offers strong resistance to statistical attacks

    Embedded video stabilization system on field programmable gate array for unmanned aerial vehicle

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with lightweight and low-cost cameras have grown in popularity and enable new applications of UAV technology. However, the video retrieved from small size UAVs is normally in low-quality due to high frequency jitter. This thesis presents the development of video stabilization algorithm implemented on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The video stabilization algorithm consists of three main processes, which are motion estimation, motion stabilization and motion compensation to minimize the jitter. Motion estimation involves block matching and Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) to estimate the affine matrix that defines the motion perspective between two consecutive frames. Then, parameter extraction, motion smoothing and motion vector correction, which are parts of the motion stabilization, are tasked in removing unwanted camera movement. Finally, motion compensation stabilizes two consecutive frames based on filtered motion vectors. In order to facilitate the ground station mobility, this algorithm needs to be processed onboard the UAV in real-time. The nature of parallelization of video stabilization processing is suitable to be utilized by using FPGA in order to achieve real-time capability. The implementation of this system is on Altera DE2-115 FPGA board. Full hardware dedicated cores without Nios II processor are designed in stream-oriented architecture to accelerate the computation. Furthermore, a parallelized architecture consisting of block matching and highly parameterizable RANSAC processor modules show that the proposed system is able to achieve up to 30 frames per second processing and a good stabilization improvement up to 1.78 Interframe Transformation Fidelity value. Hence, it is concluded that the proposed system is suitable for real-time video stabilization for UAV application

    Computational Personalization through Physical and Aesthetic Featured Digital Fabrication

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    Thesis (Master of Science in Informatics)--University of Tsukuba, no. 41269, 2019.3.2


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(工学)Doctor of Engineeringdoctora

    Feature-based object tracking in maritime scenes.

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    A monitoring of presence, location and activity of various objects on the sea is essential for maritime navigation and collision avoidance. Mariners normally rely on two complementary methods of the monitoring: radar and satellite-based aids and human observation. Though radar aids are relatively accurate at long distances, their capability of detecting small, unmanned or non-metallic craft that generally do not reflect radar waves sufficiently enough, is limited. The mariners, therefore, rely in such cases on visual observations. The visual observation is often facilitated by using cameras overlooking the sea that can also provide intensified infra-red images. These systems or nevertheless merely enhance the image and the burden of the tedious and error-prone monitoring task still rests with the operator. This thesis addresses the drawbacks of both methods by presenting a framework consisting of a set of machine vision algorithms that facilitate the monitoring tasks in maritime environment. The framework detects and tracks objects in a sequence of images captured by a camera mounted either on a board of a vessel or on a static platform over-looking the sea. The detection of objects is independent of their appearance and conditions such as weather and time of the day. The output of the framework consists of locations and motions of all detected objects with respect to a fixed point in the scene. All values are estimated in real-world units, i. e. location is expressed in metres and velocity in knots. The consistency of the estimates is maintained by compensating for spurious effects such as vibration of the camera. In addition, the framework continuously checks for predefined events such as collision threats or area intrusions, raising an alarm when any such event occurs. The development and evaluation of the framework is based on sequences captured under conditions corresponding to a designated application. The independence of the detection and tracking on the appearance of the sceneand objects is confirmed by a final cross-validation of the framework on previously unused sequences. Potential applications of the framework in various areas of maritime environment including navigation, security, surveillance and others are outlined. Limitations to the presented framework are identified and possible solutions suggested. The thesis concludes with suggestions to further directions of the research presented