6 research outputs found

    Timed petri-nets and FastAsy

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    Die Arbeit führt eine spezielle Klasse von zeitbeschrifteten Petri-Netzen mit Read-Arcs ein. Wir stellen darauf basierend einen Effizienzbegriff vor und verwenden ein Testing-Szenario, um zu einer Charakterisierung des Begriffs zu gelangen. Wir zeigen weiter eine Methode auf, zeitbehaftete Erreichbarkeitsgraphen effizient zu speichern. Die Ausdrucksmächtigkeit verschiedener Untertypen der Netze werden untersucht. Zuletzt stellen wir unsere Software FastAsy vor, die automatisiert die Effizienz solcher Netze vergleichen kann.This work introduces a special class of timed petri-nets with read-arcs. Based on this, we present a notion of efficiency and then use a testing scenario to provide a means of characterization. Furthermore we show a method for efficient storage of timed reachability graphs. The expressiveness of different subtypes of our nets is discussed. Last we present our software FastAsy which can automatically compare the efficiency of such nets

    Fast asynchronous systems in dense time

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    Fast asynchronous systems in dense time / L. Jenner, W. Vogler. - In: Theoretical computer science. 254. 2001. S. 379-42

    Fast asynchronous systems in dense time

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    AbstractA testing scenario in the sense of De Nicola and Hennessy is developed to measure the worst-case efficiency of asynchronous systems using dense time. For all three variants considered, it is shown that one can equivalently use discrete time; in the discrete versions, one variant coincides with an approach based on discrete time in Vogler (CONCUR95, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 962, Springer, Berlin, 1995, pp. 299–312), and thus we can clarify the assumptions behind this approach. The resulting testing-preorders are characterized with some kind of refusal traces and shown to satisfy some properties that make them attractive as faster-than relations. The three testing preorders are incomparable in general, but for some interesting classes of systems implications are shown

    Fast asynchronous systems in dense time

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