28,675 research outputs found

    Simulating full-sky interferometric observations

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    Aperture array interferometers, such as that proposed for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), will see the entire sky, hence the standard approach to simulating visibilities will not be applicable since it relies on a tangent plane approximation that is valid only for small fields of view. We derive interferometric formulations in real, spherical harmonic and wavelet space that include contributions over the entire sky and do not rely on any tangent plane approximations. A fast wavelet method is developed to simulate the visibilities observed by an interferometer in the full-sky setting. Computing visibilities using the fast wavelet method adapts to the sparse representation of the primary beam and sky intensity in the wavelet basis. Consequently, the fast wavelet method exhibits superior computational complexity to the real and spherical harmonic space methods and may be performed at substantially lower computational cost, while introducing only negligible error to simulated visibilities. Low-resolution interferometric observations are simulated using all of the methods to compare their performance, demonstrating that the fast wavelet method is approximately three times faster that the other methods for these low-resolution simulations. The computational burden of the real and spherical harmonic space methods renders these techniques computationally infeasible for higher resolution simulations. High-resolution interferometric observations are simulated using the fast wavelet method only, demonstrating and validating the application of this method to realistic simulations. The fast wavelet method is estimated to provide a greater than ten-fold reduction in execution time compared to the other methods for these high-resolution simulations.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, replaced to match version accepted by MNRAS (major additions to previous version including new fast wavelet method

    Fast directional continuous spherical wavelet transform algorithms

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    We describe the construction of a spherical wavelet analysis through the inverse stereographic projection of the Euclidean planar wavelet framework, introduced originally by Antoine and Vandergheynst and developed further by Wiaux et al. Fast algorithms for performing the directional continuous wavelet analysis on the unit sphere are presented. The fast directional algorithm, based on the fast spherical convolution algorithm developed by Wandelt and Gorski, provides a saving of O(sqrt(Npix)) over a direct quadrature implementation for Npix pixels on the sphere, and allows one to perform a directional spherical wavelet analysis of a 10^6 pixel map on a personal computer.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, replaced to match version accepted by IEEE Trans. Sig. Pro

    3D weak lensing with spin wavelets on the ball

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    We construct the spin flaglet transform, a wavelet transform to analyze spin signals in three dimensions. Spin flaglets can probe signal content localized simultaneously in space and frequency and, moreover, are separable so that their angular and radial properties can be controlled independently. They are particularly suited to analyzing of cosmological observations such as the weak gravitational lensing of galaxies. Such observations have a unique 3D geometrical setting since they are natively made on the sky, have spin angular symmetries, and are extended in the radial direction by additional distance or redshift information. Flaglets are constructed in the harmonic space defined by the Fourier-Laguerre transform, previously defined for scalar functions and extended here to signals with spin symmetries. Thanks to various sampling theorems, both the Fourier-Laguerre and flaglet transforms are theoretically exact when applied to bandlimited signals. In other words, in numerical computations the only loss of information is due to the finite representation of floating point numbers. We develop a 3D framework relating the weak lensing power spectrum to covariances of flaglet coefficients. We suggest that the resulting novel flaglet weak lensing estimator offers a powerful alternative to common 2D and 3D approaches to accurately capture cosmological information. While standard weak lensing analyses focus on either real or harmonic space representations (i.e., correlation functions or Fourier-Bessel power spectra, respectively), a wavelet approach inherits the advantages of both techniques, where both complicated sky coverage and uncertainties associated with the physical modeling of small scales can be handled effectively. Our codes to compute the Fourier-Laguerre and flaglet transforms are made publicly available.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, version accepted for publication in PR

    Localisation of directional scale-discretised wavelets on the sphere

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    Scale-discretised wavelets yield a directional wavelet framework on the sphere where a signal can be probed not only in scale and position but also in orientation. Furthermore, a signal can be synthesised from its wavelet coefficients exactly, in theory and practice (to machine precision). Scale-discretised wavelets are closely related to spherical needlets (both were developed independently at about the same time) but relax the axisymmetric property of needlets so that directional signal content can be probed. Needlets have been shown to satisfy important quasi-exponential localisation and asymptotic uncorrelation properties. We show that these properties also hold for directional scale-discretised wavelets on the sphere and derive similar localisation and uncorrelation bounds in both the scalar and spin settings. Scale-discretised wavelets can thus be considered as directional needlets.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, minor changes to match version accepted for publication by ACH

    Sparse image reconstruction on the sphere: analysis and synthesis

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    We develop techniques to solve ill-posed inverse problems on the sphere by sparse regularisation, exploiting sparsity in both axisymmetric and directional scale-discretised wavelet space. Denoising, inpainting, and deconvolution problems, and combinations thereof, are considered as examples. Inverse problems are solved in both the analysis and synthesis settings, with a number of different sampling schemes. The most effective approach is that with the most restricted solution-space, which depends on the interplay between the adopted sampling scheme, the selection of the analysis/synthesis problem, and any weighting of the l1 norm appearing in the regularisation problem. More efficient sampling schemes on the sphere improve reconstruction fidelity by restricting the solution-space and also by improving sparsity in wavelet space. We apply the technique to denoise Planck 353 GHz observations, improving the ability to extract the structure of Galactic dust emission, which is important for studying Galactic magnetism.Comment: 11 pages, 6 Figure

    Efficient analysis and representation of geophysical processes using localized spherical basis functions

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    While many geological and geophysical processes such as the melting of icecaps, the magnetic expression of bodies emplaced in the Earth's crust, or the surface displacement remaining after large earthquakes are spatially localized, many of these naturally admit spectral representations, or they may need to be extracted from data collected globally, e.g. by satellites that circumnavigate the Earth. Wavelets are often used to study such nonstationary processes. On the sphere, however, many of the known constructions are somewhat limited. And in particular, the notion of `dilation' is hard to reconcile with the concept of a geological region with fixed boundaries being responsible for generating the signals to be analyzed. Here, we build on our previous work on localized spherical analysis using an approach that is firmly rooted in spherical harmonics. We construct, by quadratic optimization, a set of bandlimited functions that have the majority of their energy concentrated in an arbitrary subdomain of the unit sphere. The `spherical Slepian basis' that results provides a convenient way for the analysis and representation of geophysical signals, as we show by example. We highlight the connections to sparsity by showing that many geophysical processes are sparse in the Slepian basis.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the SPIE, as part of the Wavelets XIII conference in San Diego, August 200

    A fast multipole method for stellar dynamics

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    The approximate computation of all gravitational forces between NN interacting particles via the fast multipole method (FMM) can be made as accurate as direct summation, but requires less than O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) operations. FMM groups particles into spatially bounded cells and uses cell-cell interactions to approximate the force at any position within the sink cell by a Taylor expansion obtained from the multipole expansion of the source cell. By employing a novel estimate for the errors incurred in this process, I minimise the computational effort required for a given accuracy and obtain a well-behaved distribution of force errors. For relative force errors of 107\sim10^{-7}, the computational costs exhibit an empirical scaling of N0.87\propto N^{0.87}. My implementation (running on a 16 core node) out-performs a GPU-based direct summation with comparable force errors for N105N\gtrsim10^5.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Journal for Computational Astrophysics and Cosmolog