1,522 research outputs found

    Nonrigid reconstruction of 3D breast surfaces with a low-cost RGBD camera for surgical planning and aesthetic evaluation

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    Accounting for 26% of all new cancer cases worldwide, breast cancer remains the most common form of cancer in women. Although early breast cancer has a favourable long-term prognosis, roughly a third of patients suffer from a suboptimal aesthetic outcome despite breast conserving cancer treatment. Clinical-quality 3D modelling of the breast surface therefore assumes an increasingly important role in advancing treatment planning, prediction and evaluation of breast cosmesis. Yet, existing 3D torso scanners are expensive and either infrastructure-heavy or subject to motion artefacts. In this paper we employ a single consumer-grade RGBD camera with an ICP-based registration approach to jointly align all points from a sequence of depth images non-rigidly. Subtle body deformation due to postural sway and respiration is successfully mitigated leading to a higher geometric accuracy through regularised locally affine transformations. We present results from 6 clinical cases where our method compares well with the gold standard and outperforms a previous approach. We show that our method produces better reconstructions qualitatively by visual assessment and quantitatively by consistently obtaining lower landmark error scores and yielding more accurate breast volume estimates

    Sensor architectures and technologies for upper limb 3d surface reconstruction: A review

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    3D digital models of the upper limb anatomy represent the starting point for the design process of bespoke devices, such as orthoses and prostheses, which can be modeled on the actual patient’s anatomy by using CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools. The ongoing research on optical scanning methodologies has allowed the development of technologies that allow the surface reconstruction of the upper limb anatomy through procedures characterized by minimum discomfort for the patient. However, the 3D optical scanning of upper limbs is a complex task that requires solving problematic aspects, such as the difficulty of keeping the hand in a stable position and the presence of artefacts due to involuntary movements. Scientific literature, indeed, investigated different approaches in this regard by either integrating commercial devices, to create customized sensor architectures, or by developing innovative 3D acquisition techniques. The present work is aimed at presenting an overview of the state of the art of optical technologies and sensor architectures for the surface acquisition of upper limb anatomies. The review analyzes the working principles at the basis of existing devices and proposes a categorization of the approaches based on handling, pre/post-processing effort, and potentialities in real-time scanning. An in-depth analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the approaches proposed by the research community is also provided to give valuable support in selecting the most appropriate solution for the specific application to be addressed

    A depth camera motion analysis framework for tele-rehabilitation : motion capture and person-centric kinematics analysis

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    With increasing importance given to telerehabilitation, there is a growing need for accurate, low-cost, and portable motion capture systems that do not require specialist assessment venues. This paper proposes a novel framework for motion capture using only a single depth camera, which is portable and cost effective compared to most industry-standard optical systems, without compromising on accuracy. Novel signal processing and computer vision algorithms are proposed to determine motion patterns of interest from infrared and depth data. In order to demonstrate the proposed framework’s suitability for rehabilitation, we developed a gait analysis application that depends on the underlying motion capture sub-system. Each subject’s individual kinematics parameters, which are unique to that subject, are calculated and these are stored for monitoring individual progress of the clinical therapy. Experiments were conducted on 14 different subjects, 5 healthy and 9 stroke survivors. The results show very close agreement of the resulting relevant joint angles with a 12-camera based VICON system, a mean error of at most 1.75% in detecting gait events w.r.t the manually generated ground-truth, and significant performance improvements in terms of accuracy and execution time compared to a previous Kinect-based system

    Evaluating and Improving the Depth Accuracy of Kinect for Windows v2

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    Microsoft Kinect sensor has been widely used in many applications since the launch of its first version. Recently, Microsoft released a new version of Kinect sensor with improved hardware. However, the accuracy assessment of the sensor remains to be answered. In this paper, we measure the depth accuracy of the newly released Kinect v2 depth sensor, and obtain a cone model to illustrate its accuracy distribution. We then evaluate the variance of the captured depth values by depth entropy. In addition, we propose a trilateration method to improve the depth accuracy with multiple Kinects simultaneously. The experimental results are provided to ascertain the proposed model and method

    Virtuaalse proovikabiini 3D kehakujude ja roboti juhtimisalgoritmide uurimine

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneVirtuaalne riiete proovimine on üks põhilistest teenustest, mille pakkumine võib suurendada rõivapoodide edukust, sest tänu sellele lahendusele väheneb füüsilise töö vajadus proovimise faasis ning riiete proovimine muutub kasutaja jaoks mugavamaks. Samas pole enamikel varem välja pakutud masinnägemise ja graafika meetoditel õnnestunud inimkeha realistlik modelleerimine, eriti terve keha 3D modelleerimine, mis vajab suurt kogust andmeid ja palju arvutuslikku ressurssi. Varasemad katsed on ebaõnnestunud põhiliselt seetõttu, et ei ole suudetud korralikult arvesse võtta samaaegseid muutusi keha pinnal. Lisaks pole varasemad meetodid enamasti suutnud kujutiste liikumisi realistlikult reaalajas visualiseerida. Käesolev projekt kavatseb kõrvaldada eelmainitud puudused nii, et rahuldada virtuaalse proovikabiini vajadusi. Välja pakutud meetod seisneb nii kasutaja keha kui ka riiete skaneerimises, analüüsimises, modelleerimises, mõõtmete arvutamises, orientiiride paigutamises, mannekeenidelt võetud 3D visuaalsete andmete segmenteerimises ning riiete mudeli paigutamises ja visualiseerimises kasutaja kehal. Selle projekti käigus koguti visuaalseid andmeid kasutades 3D laserskannerit ja Kinecti optilist kaamerat ning koostati nendest andmebaas. Neid andmeid kasutati välja töötatud algoritmide testimiseks, mis peamiselt tegelevad riiete realistliku visuaalse kujutamisega inimkehal ja suuruse pakkumise süsteemi täiendamisega virtuaalse proovikabiini kontekstis.Virtual fitting constitutes a fundamental element of the developments expected to rise the commercial prosperity of online garment retailers to a new level, as it is expected to reduce the load of the manual labor and physical efforts required. Nevertheless, most of the previously proposed computer vision and graphics methods have failed to accurately and realistically model the human body, especially, when it comes to the 3D modeling of the whole human body. The failure is largely related to the huge data and calculations required, which in reality is caused mainly by inability to properly account for the simultaneous variations in the body surface. In addition, most of the foregoing techniques cannot render realistic movement representations in real-time. This project intends to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings so as to satisfy the requirements of a virtual fitting room. The proposed methodology consists in scanning and performing some specific analyses of both the user's body and the prospective garment to be virtually fitted, modeling, extracting measurements and assigning reference points on them, and segmenting the 3D visual data imported from the mannequins. Finally, superimposing, adopting and depicting the resulting garment model on the user's body. The project is intended to gather sufficient amounts of visual data using a 3D laser scanner and the Kinect optical camera, to manage it in form of a usable database, in order to experimentally implement the algorithms devised. The latter will provide a realistic visual representation of the garment on the body, and enhance the size-advisor system in the context of the virtual fitting room under study