33 research outputs found

    Scalable integration of uncertainty reasoning and semantic web technologies

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    In recent years formal logical standards for knowledge representation to model real world knowledge and domains and make them accessible for computers gained a lot of trac- tion. They provide an expressive logical framework for modeling, consistency checking, reasoning, and query answering, and have proven to be versatile methods to capture knowledge of various fields. Those formalisms and methods focus on specifying knowl- edge as precisely as possible. At the same time, many applications in particular on the Semantic Web have to deal with uncertainty in their data; and handling uncertain knowledge is crucial in many real- world domains. However, regular logic is unable to capture the real-world properly due to its inherent complexity and uncertainty, all the while handling uncertain or incomplete information is getting more and more important in applications like expert system, data integration or information extraction. The overall objective of this dissertation is to identify scenarios and datasets where methods that incorporate their inherent uncertainty improve results, and investigate approaches and tools that are suitable for the respective task. In summary, this work is set out to tackle the following objectives: 1. debugging uncertain knowledge bases in order to generate consistent knowledge graphs to make them accessible for logical reasoning, 2. combining probabilistic query answering and logical reasoning which in turn uses these consistent knowledge graphs to answer user queries, and 3. employing the aforementioned techniques to the problem of risk management in IT infrastructures, as a concrete real-world application. We show that in all those scenarios, users can benefit from incorporating uncertainty in the knowledge base. Furthermore, we conduct experiments that demonstrate the real- world scalability of the demonstrated approaches. Overall, we argue that integrating uncertainty and logical reasoning, despite being theoretically intractable, is feasible in real-world application and warrants further research

    A real time urban sustainability assessment framework for the smart city paradigm

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    Cities have proven to be a great source of concerns on their impact on the world environment and ecosystem. The objective, in a context where environmental concerns are growing rapidly, is no longer to develop liveable cities but to develop sustainable and responsive cities. This study investigates the currently available urban sustainability assessment (USA) schemes and outlines the main issues that the field is facing. After an extensive literature review, the author advocates for a scheme that would dynamically capture urban areas sustainability insights during their operation, a more user-centred and transparent scheme. The methodological approach has enabled the construction of a solid expertise on urban sustainability indicators, the essential role of the smart city and the Internet of Thing for a real-time key performance indicators determination and assessment, and technical and organisational challenges that such solution would encounter. Key domains such as sensing networks, remote sensing and GIS technologies, BIM technologies, Statistical databases and Open Governmental data platform, crowdsourcing and data mining that could support a real-time urban sustainability assessment have been studied. Additionally, the use of semantic web technologies has been investigated as a mean to deal with sources heterogeneity from diverse data structures and their interoperability. An USA ontology has been designed, integrating existing ontologies such as SSN, ifcOWL, cityGML and geoSPARQL. A web application back-end has then been built around this ontology. The application backbone is an Ontology-Based Data Access where a Relational Database is mapped to the USA ontology, enabling to link sensors data to pieces of information on the urban environment. Overall, this study has contributed to the body of knowledge by introducing an Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) approach to support real-time urban sustainability assessment leveraging sensors networks. It addresses both technical and organisational challenges that the smart systems domain is facing and is believed to be a valuable approach in the upcoming smart city paradigm. The solution proposed to tackle the research questions still faces some limitations such as a limited validation of the USA scheme, the OBDA limited intelligence, an improvable BIM and cityGML models conversion to RDF or the lack of user interface. Future work should be carried out to overcome those limitations and to provide stakeholders a high-hand service

    Documenting Data Integration Using Knowledge Graphs

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    With the increasing volume of data on the Web and the proliferation of published knowledge graphs, there is a growing need for improved data management and information extraction. However, heterogeneity issues across the data sources, i.e., various formats and systems, negatively impact efficient access, manage, reuse, and analyze the data. A data integration system (DIS) provides uniform access to heterogeneous data sources and their relationships; it offers a unified and comprehensive view of the data. DISs resort to mapping rules, expressed in declarative languages like RML, to align data from various sources to classes and properties defined in an ontology. This work defines a knowledge graph where data integration systems are represented as factual statements. The aim of this work is to provide the basis for integrated analysis of data collected from heterogeneous data silos. The proposed knowledge graph is also specified as a data integration system, that integrates all data integration systems. The proposed solution includes a unified schema, which defines and explains the relationships between all elements in the data integration system DIS=⟨G, S, M, F⟩. The results suggest that factual statements from the proposed knowledge graph, improve the understanding of the features that characterize knowledge graphs declaratively defined like data integration systems

    Creation, Enrichment and Application of Knowledge Graphs

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    The world is in constant change, and so is the knowledge about it. Knowledge-based systems - for example, online encyclopedias, search engines and virtual assistants - are thus faced with the constant challenge of collecting this knowledge and beyond that, to understand it and make it accessible to their users. Only if a knowledge-based system is capable of this understanding - that is, it is capable of more than just reading a collection of words and numbers without grasping their semantics - it can recognise relevant information and make it understandable to its users. The dynamics of the world play a unique role in this context: Events of various kinds which are relevant to different communities are shaping the world, with examples ranging from the coronavirus pandemic to the matches of a local football team. Vital questions arise when dealing with such events: How to decide which events are relevant, and for whom? How to model these events, to make them understood by knowledge-based systems? How is the acquired knowledge returned to the users of these systems? A well-established concept for making knowledge understandable by knowledge-based systems are knowledge graphs, which contain facts about entities (persons, objects, locations, ...) in the form of graphs, represent relationships between these entities and make the facts understandable by means of ontologies. This thesis considers knowledge graphs from three different perspectives: (i) Creation of knowledge graphs: Even though the Web offers a multitude of sources that provide knowledge about the events in the world, the creation of an event-centric knowledge graph requires recognition of such knowledge, its integration across sources and its representation. (ii) Knowledge graph enrichment: Knowledge of the world seems to be infinite, and it seems impossible to grasp it entirely at any time. Therefore, methods that autonomously infer new knowledge and enrich the knowledge graphs are of particular interest. (iii) Knowledge graph interaction: Even having all knowledge of the world available does not have any value in itself; in fact, there is a need to make it accessible to humans. Based on knowledge graphs, systems can provide their knowledge with their users, even without demanding any conceptual understanding of knowledge graphs from them. For this to succeed, means for interaction with the knowledge are required, hiding the knowledge graph below the surface. In concrete terms, I present EventKG - a knowledge graph that represents the happenings in the world in 15 languages - as well as Tab2KG - a method for understanding tabular data and transforming it into a knowledge graph. For the enrichment of knowledge graphs without any background knowledge, I propose HapPenIng, which infers missing events from the descriptions of related events. I demonstrate means for interaction with knowledge graphs at the example of two web-based systems (EventKG+TL and EventKG+BT) that enable users to explore the happenings in the world as well as the most relevant events in the lives of well-known personalities.Die Welt befindet sich im steten Wandel, und mit ihr das Wissen über die Welt. Wissensbasierte Systeme - seien es Online-Enzyklopädien, Suchmaschinen oder Sprachassistenten - stehen somit vor der konstanten Herausforderung, dieses Wissen zu sammeln und darüber hinaus zu verstehen, um es so Menschen verfügbar zu machen. Nur wenn ein wissensbasiertes System in der Lage ist, dieses Verständnis aufzubringen - also zu mehr in der Lage ist, als auf eine unsortierte Ansammlung von Wörtern und Zahlen zurückzugreifen, ohne deren Bedeutung zu erkennen -, kann es relevante Informationen erkennen und diese seinen Nutzern verständlich machen. Eine besondere Rolle spielt hierbei die Dynamik der Welt, die von Ereignissen unterschiedlichster Art geformt wird, die für unterschiedlichste Bevölkerungsgruppe relevant sind; Beispiele hierfür erstrecken sich von der Corona-Pandemie bis hin zu den Spielen lokaler Fußballvereine. Doch stellen sich hierbei bedeutende Fragen: Wie wird die Entscheidung getroffen, ob und für wen derlei Ereignisse relevant sind? Wie sind diese Ereignisse zu modellieren, um von wissensbasierten Systemen verstanden zu werden? Wie wird das angeeignete Wissen an die Nutzer dieser Systeme zurückgegeben? Ein bewährtes Konzept, um wissensbasierten Systemen das Wissen verständlich zu machen, sind Wissensgraphen, die Fakten über Entitäten (Personen, Objekte, Orte, ...) in der Form von Graphen sammeln, Zusammenhänge zwischen diesen Entitäten darstellen, und darüber hinaus anhand von Ontologien verständlich machen. Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Betrachtung von Wissensgraphen aus drei aufeinander aufbauenden Blickwinkeln: (i) Erstellung von Wissensgraphen: Auch wenn das Internet eine Vielzahl an Quellen anbietet, die Wissen über Ereignisse in der Welt bereithalten, so erfordert die Erstellung eines ereigniszentrierten Wissensgraphen, dieses Wissen zu erkennen, miteinander zu verbinden und zu repräsentieren. (ii) Anreicherung von Wissensgraphen: Das Wissen über die Welt scheint schier unendlich und so scheint es unmöglich, dieses je vollständig (be)greifen zu können. Von Interesse sind also Methoden, die selbstständig das vorhandene Wissen erweitern. (iii) Interaktion mit Wissensgraphen: Selbst alles Wissen der Welt bereitzuhalten, hat noch keinen Wert in sich selbst, vielmehr muss dieses Wissen Menschen verfügbar gemacht werden. Basierend auf Wissensgraphen, können wissensbasierte Systeme Nutzern ihr Wissen darlegen, auch ohne von diesen ein konzeptuelles Verständis von Wissensgraphen abzuverlangen. Damit dies gelingt, sind Möglichkeiten der Interaktion mit dem gebotenen Wissen vonnöten, die den genutzten Wissensgraphen unter der Oberfläche verstecken. Konkret präsentiere ich EventKG - einen Wissensgraphen, der Ereignisse in der Welt repräsentiert und in 15 Sprachen verfügbar macht, sowie Tab2KG - eine Methode, um in Tabellen enthaltene Daten anhand von Hintergrundwissen zu verstehen und in Wissensgraphen zu wandeln. Zur Anreicherung von Wissensgraphen ohne weiteres Hintergrundwissen stelle ich HapPenIng vor, das fehlende Ereignisse aus den vorliegenden Beschreibungen ähnlicher Ereignisse inferiert. Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit Wissensgraphen demonstriere ich anhand zweier web-basierter Systeme (EventKG+TL und EventKG+BT), die Nutzern auf einfache Weise die Exploration von Geschehnissen in der Welt sowie der wichtigsten Ereignisse in den Leben bekannter Persönlichkeiten ermöglichen

    Technologies and Applications for Big Data Value

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    This open access book explores cutting-edge solutions and best practices for big data and data-driven AI applications for the data-driven economy. It provides the reader with a basis for understanding how technical issues can be overcome to offer real-world solutions to major industrial areas. The book starts with an introductory chapter that provides an overview of the book by positioning the following chapters in terms of their contributions to technology frameworks which are key elements of the Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership and the upcoming Partnership on AI, Data and Robotics. The remainder of the book is then arranged in two parts. The first part “Technologies and Methods” contains horizontal contributions of technologies and methods that enable data value chains to be applied in any sector. The second part “Processes and Applications” details experience reports and lessons from using big data and data-driven approaches in processes and applications. Its chapters are co-authored with industry experts and cover domains including health, law, finance, retail, manufacturing, mobility, and smart cities. Contributions emanate from the Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership and the Big Data Value Association, which have acted as the European data community's nucleus to bring together businesses with leading researchers to harness the value of data to benefit society, business, science, and industry. The book is of interest to two primary audiences, first, undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in various fields, including big data, data science, data engineering, and machine learning and AI. Second, practitioners and industry experts engaged in data-driven systems, software design and deployment projects who are interested in employing these advanced methods to address real-world problems

    Constructing and Extending Description Logic Ontologies using Methods of Formal Concept Analysis

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    Description Logic (abbrv. DL) belongs to the field of knowledge representation and reasoning. DL researchers have developed a large family of logic-based languages, so-called description logics (abbrv. DLs). These logics allow their users to explicitly represent knowledge as ontologies, which are finite sets of (human- and machine-readable) axioms, and provide them with automated inference services to derive implicit knowledge. The landscape of decidability and computational complexity of common reasoning tasks for various description logics has been explored in large parts: there is always a trade-off between expressibility and reasoning costs. It is therefore not surprising that DLs are nowadays applied in a large variety of domains: agriculture, astronomy, biology, defense, education, energy management, geography, geoscience, medicine, oceanography, and oil and gas. Furthermore, the most notable success of DLs is that these constitute the logical underpinning of the Web Ontology Language (abbrv. OWL) in the Semantic Web. Formal Concept Analysis (abbrv. FCA) is a subfield of lattice theory that allows to analyze data-sets that can be represented as formal contexts. Put simply, such a formal context binds a set of objects to a set of attributes by specifying which objects have which attributes. There are two major techniques that can be applied in various ways for purposes of conceptual clustering, data mining, machine learning, knowledge management, knowledge visualization, etc. On the one hand, it is possible to describe the hierarchical structure of such a data-set in form of a formal concept lattice. On the other hand, the theory of implications (dependencies between attributes) valid in a given formal context can be axiomatized in a sound and complete manner by the so-called canonical base, which furthermore contains a minimal number of implications w.r.t. the properties of soundness and completeness. In spite of the different notions used in FCA and in DLs, there has been a very fruitful interaction between these two research areas. My thesis continues this line of research and, more specifically, I will describe how methods from FCA can be used to support the automatic construction and extension of DL ontologies from data

    Technologies and Applications for Big Data Value

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    This open access book explores cutting-edge solutions and best practices for big data and data-driven AI applications for the data-driven economy. It provides the reader with a basis for understanding how technical issues can be overcome to offer real-world solutions to major industrial areas. The book starts with an introductory chapter that provides an overview of the book by positioning the following chapters in terms of their contributions to technology frameworks which are key elements of the Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership and the upcoming Partnership on AI, Data and Robotics. The remainder of the book is then arranged in two parts. The first part “Technologies and Methods” contains horizontal contributions of technologies and methods that enable data value chains to be applied in any sector. The second part “Processes and Applications” details experience reports and lessons from using big data and data-driven approaches in processes and applications. Its chapters are co-authored with industry experts and cover domains including health, law, finance, retail, manufacturing, mobility, and smart cities. Contributions emanate from the Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership and the Big Data Value Association, which have acted as the European data community's nucleus to bring together businesses with leading researchers to harness the value of data to benefit society, business, science, and industry. The book is of interest to two primary audiences, first, undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in various fields, including big data, data science, data engineering, and machine learning and AI. Second, practitioners and industry experts engaged in data-driven systems, software design and deployment projects who are interested in employing these advanced methods to address real-world problems