12 research outputs found

    New Resources and Perspectives for Biomedical Event Extraction

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    Event extraction is a major focus of recent work in biomedical information extraction. Despite substantial advances, many challenges still remain for reliable automatic extraction of events from text. We introduce a new biomedical event extraction resource consisting of analyses automatically created by systems participating in the recent BioNLP Shared Task (ST) 2011. In providing for the first time the outputs of a broad set of state-ofthe-art event extraction systems, this resource opens many new opportunities for studying aspects of event extraction, from the identification of common errors to the study of effective approaches to combining the strengths of systems. We demonstrate these opportunities through a multi-system analysis on three BioNLP ST 2011 main tasks, focusing on events that none of the systems can successfully extract. We further argue for new perspectives to the performance evaluation of domain event extraction systems, considering a document-level, “off-the-page ” representation and evaluation to complement the mentionlevel evaluations pursued in most recent work.

    One for All: Neural Joint Modeling of Entities and Events

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    The previous work for event extraction has mainly focused on the predictions for event triggers and argument roles, treating entity mentions as being provided by human annotators. This is unrealistic as entity mentions are usually predicted by some existing toolkits whose errors might be propagated to the event trigger and argument role recognition. Few of the recent work has addressed this problem by jointly predicting entity mentions, event triggers and arguments. However, such work is limited to using discrete engineering features to represent contextual information for the individual tasks and their interactions. In this work, we propose a novel model to jointly perform predictions for entity mentions, event triggers and arguments based on the shared hidden representations from deep learning. The experiments demonstrate the benefits of the proposed method, leading to the state-of-the-art performance for event extraction.Comment: Accepted at The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19) (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

    Boosting automatic event extraction from the literature using domain adaptation and coreference resolution

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    Motivation: In recent years, several biomedical event extraction (EE) systems have been developed. However, the nature of the annotated training corpora, as well as the training process itself, can limit the performance levels of the trained EE systems. In particular, most event-annotated corpora do not deal adequately with coreference. This impacts on the trained systems' ability to recognize biomedical entities, thus affecting their performance in extracting events accurately. Additionally, the fact that most EE systems are trained on a single annotated corpus further restricts their coverage

    Dependency parsing of biomedical text with BERT

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    Abstract Background: : Syntactic analysis, or parsing, is a key task in natural language processing and a required component for many text mining approaches. In recent years, Universal Dependencies (UD) has emerged as the leading formalism for dependency parsing. While a number of recent tasks centering on UD have substantially advanced the state of the art in multilingual parsing, there has been only little study of parsing texts from specialized domains such as biomedicine. Methods: : We explore the application of state-of-the-art neural dependency parsing methods to biomedical text using the recently introduced CRAFT-SA shared task dataset. The CRAFT-SA task broadly follows the UD representation and recent UD task conventions, allowing us to fne-tune the UD-compatible Turku Neural Parser and UDify neural parsers to the task. We further evaluate the efect of transfer learning using a broad selection of BERT models, including several models pre-trained specifcally for biomedical text processing. Results: : We fnd that recently introduced neural parsing technology is capable of generating highly accurate analyses of biomedical text, substantially improving on the best performance reported in the original CRAFT-SA shared task. We also fnd that initialization using a deep transfer learning model pre-trained on in-domain texts is key to maximizing the performance of the parsing methods. Keywords: Parsing, Deep learning, CRAFT</p

    Overview of the ID, EPI and REL tasks of BioNLP Shared Task 2011

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    We present the preparation, resources, results and analysis of three tasks of the BioNLP Shared Task 2011: the main tasks on Infectious Diseases (ID) and Epigenetics and Post-translational Modifications (EPI), and the supporting task on Entity Relations (REL). The two main tasks represent extensions of the event extraction model introduced in the BioNLP Shared Task 2009 (ST'09) to two new areas of biomedical scientific literature, each motivated by the needs of specific biocuration tasks. The ID task concerns the molecular mechanisms of infection, virulence and resistance, focusing in particular on the functions of a class of signaling systems that are ubiquitous in bacteria. The EPI task is dedicated to the extraction of statements regarding chemical modifications of DNA and proteins, with particular emphasis on changes relating to the epigenetic control of gene expression. By contrast to these two application-oriented main tasks, the REL task seeks to support extraction in general by separating challenges relating to part-of relations into a subproblem that can be addressed by independent systems. Seven groups participated in each of the two main tasks and four groups in the supporting task. The participating systems indicated advances in the capability of event extraction methods and demonstrated generalization in many aspects: from abstracts to full texts, from previously considered subdomains to new ones, and from the ST'09 extraction targets to other entities and events. The highest performance achieved in the supporting task REL, 58% F-score, is broadly comparable with levels reported for other relation extraction tasks. For the ID task, the highest-performing system achieved 56% F-score, comparable to the state-of-the-art performance at the established ST'09 task. In the EPI task, the best result was 53% F-score for the full set of extraction targets and 69% F-score for a reduced set of core extraction targets, approaching a level of performance sufficient for user-facing applications. In this study, we extend on previously reported results and perform further analyses of the outputs of the participating systems. We place specific emphasis on aspects of system performance relating to real-world applicability, considering alternate evaluation metrics and performing additional manual analysis of system outputs. We further demonstrate that the strengths of extraction systems can be combined to improve on the performance achieved by any system in isolation. The manually annotated corpora, supporting resources, and evaluation tools for all tasks are available from http://www.bionlp-st.org and the tasks continue as open challenges for all interested parties