4,376 research outputs found

    Value-Flow-Based Demand-Driven Pointer Analysis for C and C++

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    IEEE We present SUPA, a value-flow-based demand-driven flow- and context-sensitive pointer analysis with strong updates for C and C++ programs. SUPA enables computing points-to information via value-flow refinement, in environments with small time and memory budgets. We formulate SUPA by solving a graph-reachability problem on an inter-procedural value-flow graph representing a program's def-use chains, which are pre-computed efficiently but over-approximately. To answer a client query (a request for a variable's points-to set), SUPA reasons about the flow of values along the pre-computed def-use chains sparsely (rather than across all program points), by performing only the work necessary for the query (rather than analyzing the whole program). In particular, strong updates are performed to filter out spurious def-use chains through value-flow refinement as long as the total budget is not exhausted

    Boosting the precision of virtual call integrity protection with partial pointer analysis for C++

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    © 2017 Association for Computing Machinery. We present, Vip, an approach to boosting the precision of Virtual call Integrity Protection for large-scale real-world C++ programs (e.g., Chrome) by using pointer analysis for the first time. Vip introduces two new techniques: (1) a sound and scalable partial pointer analysis for discovering statically the sets of legitimate targets at virtual callsites from separately compiled C++ modules and (2) a lightweight instrumentation technique for performing (virtual call) integrity checks at runtime. Vip raises the bar against vtable hijacking attacks by providing stronger security guarantees than the CHA-based approach with comparable performance overhead. Vip is implemented in LLVM-3.8.0 and evaluated using SPEC programs and Chrome. Statically, Vip protects virtual calls more effectively than CHA by significantly reducing the sets of legitimate targets permitted at 20.3% of the virtual callsites per program, on average. Dynamically, Vip incurs an average (maximum) instrumentation overhead of 0.7% (3.3%), making it practically deployable as part of a compiler tool chain

    Faster and More Precise Pointer Analysis Algorithms for Automatic Bug Detection

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    Pointer Analysis is a fundamental technique with enormous applications, such as value-flow analysis, bug detection, etc. It is also a prerequisite of many compiler optimizations. However, despite decades of research, the scalability and precision of pointer analysis remain to be an open question. In this dissertation, I introduce my research effort to apply pointer analysis to detect vulnerabilities in software and more importantly, to design and implement a faster and more precise pointer analysis algorithm. In this dissertation, I present my works on improving both the precision and the performance of inclusion-based pointer analysis. I proposed two fundamental algorithms, origin-sensitive pointer analysis and partial update solver (PUS), and show their practicality by building two tools, O2 and XRust, on top of them. Origin-sensitive pointer analysis unifies widely-used concurrent pro-gramming models: events and threads, and analyzes data sharing (which is essential for static data race detection) with thread/event spawning sites as the context. PUS, a new solving algorithm for inclusion-based pointer analysis, advances the state-of-the-art by operating on a small subgraph of the entire points-to constraint graph at each iteration while still guaranteeing correctness. Our experimental results show that PUS is 2x faster in solving context-insensitive points-to constraints and 7x faster in solving context-sensitive constraints. Meanwhile, the tool, O2, that is backed by origin-sensitive pointer analysis was able to detect many previously unknown data races in real-world applications including Linux, Redis, memcached, etc; XRust can also isolate memory errors in unsafe Rust from safe Rust utilizing data sharing information computed by pointer analysis with negligible overhead

    Design of automated system for management of arrival traffic

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    The design of an automated air traffic control system based on a hierarchy of advisory tools for controllers is described. Compatibility of the tools with the human controller, a key objective of the design, is achieved by a judicious selection of tasks to be automated and careful attention to the design of the controller system interface. The design comprises three interconnected subsystems referred to as the Traffic Management Advisor, the Descent Advisor, and the Final Approach Spacing Tool. Each of these subsystems provides a collection of tools for specific controller positions and tasks. The design of two of these tools, the Descent Advisor, which provides automation tools for managing descent traffic, and the Traffic Management Advisor, which generates optimum landing schedules is focused on. The algorithms, automation modes, and graphical interfaces incorporated in the design are described

    Value-Flow-Based Demand-Driven Pointer Analysis for C and C++

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationCompilers are indispensable tools to developers. We expect them to be correct. However, compiler correctness is very hard to be reasoned about. This can be partly explained by the daunting complexity of compilers. In this dissertation, I will explain how we constructed a random program generator, Csmith, and used it to find hundreds of bugs in strong open source compilers such as the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure (LLVM). The success of Csmith depends on its ability of being expressive and unambiguous at the same time. Csmith is composed of a code generator and a GTAV (Generation-Time Analysis and Validation) engine. They work interactively to produce expressive yet unambiguous random programs. The expressiveness of Csmith is attributed to the code generator, while the unambiguity is assured by GTAV. GTAV performs program analyses, such as points-to analysis and effect analysis, efficiently to avoid ambiguities caused by undefined behaviors or unspecifed behaviors. During our 4.25 years of testing, Csmith has found over 450 bugs in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure (LLVM). We analyzed the bugs by putting them into different categories, studying the root causes, finding their locations in compilers' source code, and evaluating their importance. We believe analysis results are useful to future random testers, as well as compiler writers/users
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