7,738 research outputs found

    An adaptive nearest neighbor rule for classification

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    We introduce a variant of the kk-nearest neighbor classifier in which kk is chosen adaptively for each query, rather than supplied as a parameter. The choice of kk depends on properties of each neighborhood, and therefore may significantly vary between different points. (For example, the algorithm will use larger kk for predicting the labels of points in noisy regions.) We provide theory and experiments that demonstrate that the algorithm performs comparably to, and sometimes better than, kk-NN with an optimal choice of kk. In particular, we derive bounds on the convergence rates of our classifier that depend on a local quantity we call the `advantage' which is significantly weaker than the Lipschitz conditions used in previous convergence rate proofs. These generalization bounds hinge on a variant of the seminal Uniform Convergence Theorem due to Vapnik and Chervonenkis; this variant concerns conditional probabilities and may be of independent interest

    Active Nearest-Neighbor Learning in Metric Spaces

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    We propose a pool-based non-parametric active learning algorithm for general metric spaces, called MArgin Regularized Metric Active Nearest Neighbor (MARMANN), which outputs a nearest-neighbor classifier. We give prediction error guarantees that depend on the noisy-margin properties of the input sample, and are competitive with those obtained by previously proposed passive learners. We prove that the label complexity of MARMANN is significantly lower than that of any passive learner with similar error guarantees. MARMANN is based on a generalized sample compression scheme, and a new label-efficient active model-selection procedure

    Nonparametrically consistent depth-based classifiers

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    We introduce a class of depth-based classification procedures that are of a nearest-neighbor nature. Depth, after symmetrization, indeed provides the center-outward ordering that is necessary and sufficient to define nearest neighbors. Like all their depth-based competitors, the resulting classifiers are affine-invariant, hence in particular are insensitive to unit changes. Unlike the former, however, the latter achieve Bayes consistency under virtually any absolutely continuous distributions - a concept we call nonparametric consistency, to stress the difference with the stronger universal consistency of the standard kkNN classifiers. We investigate the finite-sample performances of the proposed classifiers through simulations and show that they outperform affine-invariant nearest-neighbor classifiers obtained through an obvious standardization construction. We illustrate the practical value of our classifiers on two real data examples. Finally, we shortly discuss the possible uses of our depth-based neighbors in other inference problems.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/13-BEJ561 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm
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