16 research outputs found

    Efficient Möbius Transformations and their applications to D-S Theory

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    International audienceDempster-Shafer Theory (DST) generalizes Bayesian probability theory, offering useful additional information, but suffers from a high computational burden. A lot of work has been done to reduce the complexity of computations used in information fusion with Demp-ster's rule. The main approaches exploit either the structure of Boolean lattices or the information contained in belief sources. Each has its merits depending on the situation. In this paper, we propose sequences of graphs for the computation of the zeta and Möbius transformations that optimally exploit both the structure of distributive lattices and the information contained in belief sources. We call them the Efficient Möbius Transformations (EMT). We show that the complexity of the EMT is always inferior to the complexity of algorithms that consider the whole lattice, such as the Fast Möbius Transform (FMT) for all DST transformations. We then explain how to use them to fuse two belief sources. More generally, our EMTs apply to any function in any finite distributive lattice, focusing on a meet-closed or join-closed subset

    Tight Algorithms for Connectivity Problems Parameterized by Clique-Width

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    The Fine-Grained Complexity of Computing the Tutte Polynomial of a Linear Matroid

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    We show that computing the Tutte polynomial of a linear matroid of dimension kk on kO(1)k^{O(1)} points over a field of kO(1)k^{O(1)} elements requires kΩ(k)k^{\Omega(k)} time unless the \#ETH---a counting extension of the Exponential Time Hypothesis of Impagliazzo and Paturi [CCC 1999] due to Dell {\em et al.} [ACM TALG 2014]---is false. This holds also for linear matroids that admit a representation where every point is associated to a vector with at most two nonzero coordinates. We also show that the same is true for computing the Tutte polynomial of a binary matroid of dimension kk on kO(1)k^{O(1)} points with at most three nonzero coordinates in each point's vector. This is in sharp contrast to computing the Tutte polynomial of a kk-vertex graph (that is, the Tutte polynomial of a {\em graphic} matroid of dimension kk---which is representable in dimension kk over the binary field so that every vector has two nonzero coordinates), which is known to be computable in 2kkO(1)2^k k^{O(1)} time [Bj\"orklund {\em et al.}, FOCS 2008]. Our lower-bound proofs proceed via (i) a connection due to Crapo and Rota [1970] between the number of tuples of codewords of full support and the Tutte polynomial of the matroid associated with the code; (ii) an earlier-established \#ETH-hardness of counting the solutions to a bipartite (d,2)(d,2)-CSP on nn vertices in do(n)d^{o(n)} time; and (iii) new embeddings of such CSP instances as questions about codewords of full support in a linear code. We complement these lower bounds with two algorithm designs. The first design computes the Tutte polynomial of a linear matroid of dimension~kk on kO(1)k^{O(1)} points in kO(k)k^{O(k)} operations. The second design generalizes the Bj\"orklund~{\em et al.} algorithm and runs in qk+1kO(1)q^{k+1}k^{O(1)} time for linear matroids of dimension kk defined over the qq-element field by kO(1)k^{O(1)} points with at most two nonzero coordinates each.Comment: This version adds Theorem

    Computing Generalized Convolutions Faster Than Brute Force

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    Fast Algorithms for Join Operations on Tree Decompositions

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    Treewidth is a measure of how tree-like a graph is. It has many important algorithmic applications because many NP-hard problems on general graphs become tractable when restricted to graphs of bounded treewidth. Algorithms for problems on graphs of bounded treewidth mostly are dynamic programming algorithms using the structure of a tree decomposition of the graph. The bottleneck in the worst-case run time of these algorithms often is the computations for the so called join nodes in the associated nice tree decomposition. In this paper, we review two different approaches that have appeared in the literature about computations for the join nodes: one using fast zeta and M\"obius transforms and one using fast Fourier transforms. We combine these approaches to obtain new, faster algorithms for a broad class of vertex subset problems known as the [\sigma,\rho]-domination problems. Our main result is that we show how to solve [\sigma,\rho]-domination problems in O(st+2tn2(tlog(s)+log(n)))O(s^{t+2} t n^2 (t\log(s)+\log(n))) arithmetic operations. Here, t is the treewidth, s is the (fixed) number of states required to represent partial solutions of the specific [\sigma,\rho]-domination problem, and n is the number of vertices in the graph. This reduces the polynomial factors involved compared to the previously best time bound (van Rooij, Bodlaender, Rossmanith, ESA 2009) of O(st+2(st)2(s2)n3)O( s^{t+2} (st)^{2(s-2)} n^3 ) arithmetic operations. In particular, this removes the dependence of the degree of the polynomial on the fixed number of states~ss.Comment: An earlier version appeared in "Treewidth, Kernels, and Algorithms. Essays Dedicated to Hans L. Bodlaender on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday" LNCS 1216

    Computing Generalized Convolutions Faster Than Brute Force

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    In this paper, we consider a general notion of convolution. Let DD be a finite domain and let DnD^n be the set of nn-length vectors (tuples) of DD. Let f:D×DDf : D \times D \to D be a function and let f\oplus_f be a coordinate-wise application of ff. The ff-Convolution of two functions g,h:Dn{M,,M}g,h : D^n \to \{-M,\ldots,M\} is \begin{displaymath} (g \circledast_f h)(v) := \sum_{\substack{v_g,v_h \in D^n\\ \text{s.t. } v = v_g \oplus_f v_h}} g(v_g) \cdot h(v_h) \end{displaymath} for every vDnv \in D^n. This problem generalizes many fundamental convolutions such as Subset Convolution, XOR Product, Covering Product or Packing Product, etc. For arbitrary function ff and domain DD we can compute ff-Convolution via brute-force enumeration in O~D2n\tilde O{|D|^{2n}} time. Our main result is an improvement over this naive algorithm. We show that ff-Convolution can be computed exactly in O~(cD2)n\tilde O{ (c \cdot |D|^2)^{n}} for constant c:=5/6c := 5/6 when DD has even cardinality. Our main observation is that a \emph{cyclic partition} of a function f:D×DDf : D \times D \to D can be used to speed up the computation of ff-Convolution, and we show that an appropriate cyclic partition exists for every ff. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a single entry of the ff-Convolution can be computed more efficiently. In this variant, we are given two functions g,h:Dn{M,,M}g,h : D^n \to \{-M,\ldots,M\} alongside with a vector vDnv \in D^n and the task of the ff-Query problem is to compute integer (gfh)(v)(g \circledast_f h)(v). This is a generalization of the well-known Orthogonal Vectors problem. We show that ff-Query can be computed in O~Dω2n\tilde O{|D|^{\frac{\omega}{2} n}} time, where ω[2,2.373)\omega \in [2,2.373) is the exponent of currently fastest matrix multiplication algorithm

    Tight Algorithm for Connected Odd Cycle Transversal Parameterized by Clique-width

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    Recently, Bojikian and Kratsch [2023] have presented a novel approach to tackle connectivity problems parameterized by clique-width (cw\operatorname{cw}), based on counting small representations of partial solutions (modulo two). Using this technique, they were able to get a tight bound for the Steiner Tree problem, answering an open question posed by Hegerfeld and Kratsch [ESA, 2023]. We use the same technique to solve the Connected Odd Cycle Transversal problem in time O(12cw)\mathcal{O}^*(12^{\operatorname{cw}}). We define a new representation of partial solutions by separating the connectivity requirement from the 2-colorability requirement of this problem. Moreover, we prove that our result is tight by providing SETH-based lower bound excluding algorithms with running time O((12ϵ)lcw)\mathcal{O}^*((12-\epsilon)^{\operatorname{lcw}}) even when parameterized by linear clique-width. This answers the second question posed by Hegerfeld and Kratsch in the same paper