80 research outputs found

    Mixed Integer Programming Models for Finite Automaton and Its Application to Additive Differential Patterns of Exclusive-Or

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    Inspired by Fu et al. work on modeling the exclusive-or differential property of the modulo addition as an mixed-integer programming problem, we propose a method with which any finite automaton can be formulated as an mixed-integer programming model. Using this method, we show how to construct a mixed integer programming model whose feasible region is the set of all differential patterns (α,ÎČ,Îł)(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\u27s, such that adp⊕(α,ÎČ→γ)=Prx,y[((x+α)⊕(y+ÎČ))−(x⊕y)=Îł]>0{\rm adp}^\oplus(\alpha, \beta \rightarrow \gamma) = {\rm Pr}_{x,y}[((x + \alpha) \oplus (y + \beta))-(x \oplus y) = \gamma] > 0. We expect that this may be useful in automatic differential analysis with additive difference

    Security proof of the canonical form of self-synchronizing stream ciphers

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    International audienceThis paper studies the security level expected by the canon-ical form of the Self-Synchronizing Stream Cipher (SSSC). A SSSC can be viewed as the combination of a shift register together with a filtering function. The maximum security of such a cipher is reached when the filtering function is random. However, in practice, Pseudo Random Functions (PRF) are used as filtering functions. In this case, we show that the security against chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA security) cannot be reached for the canonical form of the SSSC, but it is however secure against chosen plaintext attacks (IND-CPA secure). Then, a weaker property than pseudo-randomness is introduced in order to characterize the security of the canonical SSSC from its filtering function. A connection with the left-or-right indistinguishability (LOR-IND) is made. This property provides a necessary and sufficient condition to characterize the indistinguishablity of SSSC

    A new method for Searching Optimal Differential and Linear Trails in ARX Ciphers

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    In this paper, we propose an automatic tool to search for optimal differential and linear trails in ARX ciphers. It\u27s shown that a modulo addition can be divided into sequential small modulo additions with carry bit, which turns an ARX cipher into an S-box-like cipher. From this insight, we introduce the concepts of carry-bit-dependent difference distribution table (CDDT) and carry-bit-dependent linear approximation table (CLAT). Based on them, we give efficient methods to trace all possible output differences and linear masks of a big modulo addition, with returning their differential probabilities and linear correlations simultaneously. Then an adapted Matsui\u27s algorithm is introduced, which can find the optimal differential and linear trails in ARX ciphers. Besides, the superiority of our tool\u27s potency is also confirmed by experimental results for round-reduced versions of HIGHT and SPECK. More specifically, we find the optimal differential trails for up to 10 rounds of HIGHT, reported for the first time. We also find the optimal differential trails for 10, 12, 16, 8 and 8 rounds of SPECK32/48/64/96/128, and report the provably optimal differential trails for SPECK48 and SPECK64 for the first time. The optimal linear trails for up to 9 rounds of HIGHT are reported for the first time, and the optimal linear trails for 22, 13, 15, 9 and 9 rounds of SPECK32/48/64/96/128 are also found respectively. These results evaluate the security of HIGHT and SPECK against differential and linear cryptanalysis. Also, our tool is useful to estimate the security in the design of ARX ciphers

    Forgery Attacks on Several Beyond-Birthday-Bound Secure MACs

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    At CRYPTO\u2718, Datta et al. proposed nPolyMAC and proved the security up to 2^{2n/3} authentication queries and 2^{n} verification queries. At EUROCRYPT\u2719, Dutta et al. proposed CWC+ and showed the security up to 2^{2n/3} queries. At FSE\u2719, Datta et al. proposed PolyMAC and its key-reduced variant 2k-PolyMAC, and showed the security up to 2^{2n/3} queries. This security bound was then improved by Kim et al. (EUROCRYPT\u2720) and Datta et al (FSE\u2723) respectively to 2^{3n/4} and in the multi-user setting. At FSE\u2720, Chakraborti et al. proposed PDM*MAC and 1k-PDM*MAC and showed the security up to 2^{2n/3} queries. Recently, Chen et al. proposed nEHtM_p^+ and showed the security up to 2^{2n/3} queries. In this paper, we show forgery attacks on nPolyMAC, CWC+, PolyMAC, 2k-PolyMAC, PDM*MAC, 1k-PDM*MAC and nEHtM_p^+. Our attacks exploit some vulnerability in the underlying polynomial hash function Poly, and (i) require only one authentication query and one verification query; (ii) are nonce-respecting; (iii) succeed with probability 1. Thus, our attacks disprove the provable high security claims of these schemes. We then revisit their security analyses and identify what went wrong. Finally, we propose two solutions that can restore the beyond-birthday-bound security

    Towards low energy stream ciphers

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    Energy optimization is an important design aspect of lightweight cryptography. Since low energy ciphers drain less battery, they are invaluable components of devices that operate on a tight energy budget such as handheld devices or RFID tags. At Asiacrypt 2015, Banik et al. presented the block cipher family Midori which was designed to optimize the energy consumed per encryption and which reduces the energy consumption by more than 30% compared to previous block ciphers. However, if one has to encrypt/decrypt longer streams of data, i.e. for bulk data encryption/decryption, it is expected that a stream cipher should perform even better than block ciphers in terms of energy required to encrypt. In this paper, we address the question of designing low energy stream ciphers. To this end, we analyze for common stream cipher design components their impact on the energy consumption. Based on this, we give arguments why indeed stream ciphers allow for encrypting long data streams with less energy than block ciphers and validate our findings by implementations. Afterwards, we use the analysis results to identify energy minimizing design principles for stream ciphers

    State of the Art in Lightweight Symmetric Cryptography

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    Lightweight cryptography has been one of the hot topics in symmetric cryptography in the recent years. A huge number of lightweight algorithms have been published, standardized and/or used in commercial products. In this paper, we discuss the different implementation constraints that a lightweight algorithm is usually designed to satisfy in both the software and the hardware case. We also present an extensive survey of all lightweight symmetric primitives we are aware of. It covers designs from the academic community, from government agencies and proprietary algorithms which were reverse-engineered or leaked. Relevant national (NIST...) and international (ISO/IEC...) standards are listed. We identified several trends in the design of lightweight algorithms, such as the designers\u27 preference for ARX-based and bitsliced-S-Box-based designs or simpler key schedules. We also discuss more general trade-offs facing the authors of such algorithms and suggest a clearer distinction between two subsets of lightweight cryptography. The first, ultra-lightweight cryptography, deals with primitives fulfilling a unique purpose while satisfying specific and narrow constraints. The second is ubiquitous cryptography and it encompasses more versatile algorithms both in terms of functionality and in terms of implementation trade-offs

    Pushing the Limits of SHA-3 Hardware Implementations to Fit on RFID

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    There exists a broad range of RFID protocols in literature that propose hash functions as cryptographic primitives. Since Keccak has been selected as the winner of the NIST SHA-3 competition in 2012, there is the question of how far we can push the limits of Keccak to fulfill the stringent requirements of passive low-cost RFID. In this paper, we address this question by presenting a hardware implementation of Keccak that aims for lowest power and lowest area. Our smallest (full-state) design requires only 2\,927 GEs (for designs with external memory available) and 5\,522 GEs (total size including memory). It has a power consumption of 12.5 Ό12.5\,\muW at 1\,MHz on a low leakage 130\,nm CMOS process technology. As a result, we provide a design that needs 40\,\% less resources than related work. Our design is even smaller than the smallest SHA-1 and SHA-2 implementations

    Adiantum: length-preserving encryption for entry-level processors

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    We present HBSH, a simple construction for tweakable length-preserving encryption which supports the fastest options for hashing and stream encryption for processors without AES or other crypto instructions, with a provable quadratic advantage bound. Our composition Adiantum uses NH, Poly1305, XChaCha12, and a single AES invocation. On an ARM Cortex-A7 processor, Adiantum decrypts 4096-byte messages at 10.6 cycles per byte, over five times faster than AES-256-XTS, with a constant-time implementation. We also define HPolyC which is simpler and has excellent key agility at 13.6 cycles per byte

    Improved Linear Cryptanalysis of SOSEMANUK

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    Abstract. The SOSEMANUK stream cipher is one of the finalists of the eSTREAM project. In this paper, we improve the linear cryptanalysis of SOSEMANUK presented in Asiacrypt 2008. We apply the generalized linear masking technique to SOSEMANUK and derive many linear approximations holding with the correlations of up to 2 −25.5. We show that the data complexity of the linear attack on SOSEMANUK can be reduced by a factor of 2 10 if multiple linear approximations are used. Since SOSEMANUK claims 128-bit security, our attack would not be a real threat on the security of SOSEMANUK. Keywords: Stream Ciphers, Linear Cryptanalysis, SOSEMANUK, SOBER-128.

    Tweakable HCTR: A BBB Secure Tweakable Enciphering Scheme

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    \textsf{HCTR}, proposed by Wang et al., is one of the most efficient candidates of tweakable enciphering schemes that turns an nn-bit block cipher into a variable input length tweakable block cipher. Wang et al. have shown that \textsf{HCTR} offers a cubic security bound against all adaptive chosen plaintext and chosen ciphertext adversaries. Later in FSE 2008, Chakraborty and Nandi have improved its bound to O(σ2/2n)O(\sigma^2 / 2^n), where σ\sigma is the total number of blocks queried and nn is the block size of the block cipher. In this paper, we propose \textbf{tweakable \textsf{HCTR}} that turns an nn-bit tweakable block cipher to a variable input length tweakable block cipher by replacing all the block cipher calls of \textsf{HCTR} with tweakable block cipher. We show that when there is no repetition of the tweak, tweakable \textsf{HCTR} enjoys the optimal security against all adaptive chosen plaintext and chosen ciphertext adversaries. However, if the repetition of the tweak is limited, then the security of the construction remains close to the security bound in no repetition of the tweak case. Hence, it gives a graceful security degradation with the maximum number of repetition of tweaks
