9,870 research outputs found

    Self-healing and SDN: bridging the gap

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    Achieving high programmability has become an essential aim of network research due to the ever-increasing internet traffic. Software-Defined Network (SDN) is an emerging architecture aimed to address this need. However, maintaining accurate knowledge of the network after a failure is one of the largest challenges in the SDN. Motivated by this reality, this paper focuses on the use of self-healing properties to boost the SDN robustness. This approach, unlike traditional schemes, is not based on proactively configuring multiple (and memory-intensive) backup paths in each switch or performing a reactive and time-consuming routing computation at the controller level. Instead, the control paths are quickly recovered by local switch actions and subsequently optimized by global controller knowledge. Obtained results show that the proposed approach recovers the control topology effectively in terms of time and message load over a wide range of generated networks. Consequently, scalability issues of traditional fault recovery strategies are avoided.Postprint (published version

    Fast Damage Recovery in Robotics with the T-Resilience Algorithm

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    Damage recovery is critical for autonomous robots that need to operate for a long time without assistance. Most current methods are complex and costly because they require anticipating each potential damage in order to have a contingency plan ready. As an alternative, we introduce the T-resilience algorithm, a new algorithm that allows robots to quickly and autonomously discover compensatory behaviors in unanticipated situations. This algorithm equips the robot with a self-model and discovers new behaviors by learning to avoid those that perform differently in the self-model and in reality. Our algorithm thus does not identify the damaged parts but it implicitly searches for efficient behaviors that do not use them. We evaluate the T-Resilience algorithm on a hexapod robot that needs to adapt to leg removal, broken legs and motor failures; we compare it to stochastic local search, policy gradient and the self-modeling algorithm proposed by Bongard et al. The behavior of the robot is assessed on-board thanks to a RGB-D sensor and a SLAM algorithm. Using only 25 tests on the robot and an overall running time of 20 minutes, T-Resilience consistently leads to substantially better results than the other approaches

    Evolvability signatures of generative encodings: beyond standard performance benchmarks

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    Evolutionary robotics is a promising approach to autonomously synthesize machines with abilities that resemble those of animals, but the field suffers from a lack of strong foundations. In particular, evolutionary systems are currently assessed solely by the fitness score their evolved artifacts can achieve for a specific task, whereas such fitness-based comparisons provide limited insights about how the same system would evaluate on different tasks, and its adaptive capabilities to respond to changes in fitness (e.g., from damages to the machine, or in new situations). To counter these limitations, we introduce the concept of "evolvability signatures", which picture the post-mutation statistical distribution of both behavior diversity (how different are the robot behaviors after a mutation?) and fitness values (how different is the fitness after a mutation?). We tested the relevance of this concept by evolving controllers for hexapod robot locomotion using five different genotype-to-phenotype mappings (direct encoding, generative encoding of open-loop and closed-loop central pattern generators, generative encoding of neural networks, and single-unit pattern generators (SUPG)). We observed a predictive relationship between the evolvability signature of each encoding and the number of generations required by hexapods to adapt from incurred damages. Our study also reveals that, across the five investigated encodings, the SUPG scheme achieved the best evolvability signature, and was always foremost in recovering an effective gait following robot damages. Overall, our evolvability signatures neatly complement existing task-performance benchmarks, and pave the way for stronger foundations for research in evolutionary robotics.Comment: 24 pages with 12 figures in the main text, and 4 supplementary figures. Accepted at Information Sciences journal (in press). Supplemental videos are available online at, see http://goo.gl/uyY1R

    Contributions to topology discovery, self-healing and VNF placement in software-defined and virtualized networks

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    The evolution of information and communication technologies (e.g. cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G, among others) has enabled a large market of applications and network services for a massive number of users connected to the Internet. Achieving high programmability while decreasing complexity and costs has become an essential aim of networking research due to the ever-increasing pressure generated by these applications and services. However, meeting these goals is an almost impossible task using traditional IP networks. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging network architecture that could address the needs of service providers and network operators. This new technology consists in decoupling the control plane from the data plane, enabling the centralization of control functions on a concentrated or distributed platform. It also creates an abstraction between the network infrastructure and network applications, which allows for designing more flexible and programmable networks. Recent trends of increased user demands, the explosion of Internet traffic and diverse service requirements have further driven the interest in the potential capabilities of SDN to enable the introduction of new protocols and traffic management models. This doctoral research is focused on improving high-level policies and control strategies, which are becoming increasingly important given the limitations of current solutions for large-scale SDN environments. Specifically, the three largest challenges addressed in the development of this thesis are related to the processes of topology discovery, fault recovery and Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement in software-defined and virtualized networks. These challenges led to the design of a set of effective techniques, ranging from network protocols to optimal and heuristic algorithms, intended to solve existing problems and contribute to the deployment and adoption of such programmable networks.For the first challenge, this work presents a novel protocol that, unlike existing approaches, enables a distributed layer 2 discovery without the need for previous IP configurations or controller knowledge of the network. By using this mechanism, the SDN controller can discover the network view without incurring scalability issues, while taking advantage of the shortest control paths toward each switch. Moreover, this novel approach achieves noticeable improvement with respect to state-of-the-art techniques. To address the resilience concern of SDN, we propose a self-healing mechanism that recovers the control plane connectivity in SDN-managed environments without overburdening the controller performance. The main idea underlying this proposal is to enable real-time recovery of control paths in the face of failures without the intervention of a controller. Obtained results show that the proposed approach recovers the control topology efficiently in terms of time and message load over a wide range of generated networks. The third contribution made in this thesis combines topology knowledge with bin packing techniques in order to efficiently place the required VNF. An online heuristic algorithm with low-complexity was developed as a suitable solution for dynamic infrastructures. Extensive simulations, using network topologies representative of different scales, validate the good performance of the proposed approaches regarding the number of required instances and the delay among deployed functions. Additionally, the proposed heuristic algorithm improves the execution times by a fifth order of magnitude compared to the optimal formulation of this problem.Postprint (published version

    Network Identification for Diffusively-Coupled Systems with Minimal Time Complexity

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    The theory of network identification, namely identifying the (weighted) interaction topology among a known number of agents, has been widely developed for linear agents. However, the theory for nonlinear agents using probing inputs is less developed and relies on dynamics linearization. We use global convergence properties of the network, which can be assured using passivity theory, to present a network identification method for nonlinear agents. We do so by linearizing the steady-state equations rather than the dynamics, achieving a sub-cubic time algorithm for network identification. We also study the problem of network identification from a complexity theory standpoint, showing that the presented algorithms are optimal in terms of time complexity. We also demonstrate the presented algorithm in two case studies.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Distributed State Machine Supervision for Long-baseline Gravitational-wave Detectors

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    The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) consists of two identical yet independent, widely-separated, long-baseline gravitational-wave detectors. Each Advanced LIGO detector consists of complex optical-mechanical systems isolated from the ground by multiple layers of active seismic isolation, all controlled by hundreds of fast, digital, feedback control systems. This article describes a novel state machine-based automation platform developed to handle the automation and supervisory control challenges of these detectors. The platform, called \textit{Guardian}, consists of distributed, independent, state machine automaton nodes organized hierarchically for full detector control. User code is written in standard Python and the platform is designed to facilitate the fast-paced development process associated with commissioning the complicated Advanced LIGO instruments. While developed specifically for the Advanced LIGO detectors, Guardian is a generic state machine automation platform that is useful for experimental control at all levels, from simple table-top setups to large-scale multi-million dollar facilities.Comment: Version 2: 11 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    Imprecise dynamic walking with time-projection control

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    We present a new walking foot-placement controller based on 3LP, a 3D model of bipedal walking that is composed of three pendulums to simulate falling, swing and torso dynamics. Taking advantage of linear equations and closed-form solutions of the 3LP model, our proposed controller projects intermediate states of the biped back to the beginning of the phase for which a discrete LQR controller is designed. After the projection, a proper control policy is generated by this LQR controller and used at the intermediate time. This control paradigm reacts to disturbances immediately and includes rules to account for swing dynamics and leg-retraction. We apply it to a simulated Atlas robot in position-control, always commanded to perform in-place walking. The stance hip joint in our robot keeps the torso upright to let the robot naturally fall, and the swing hip joint tracks the desired footstep location. Combined with simple Center of Pressure (CoP) damping rules in the low-level controller, our foot-placement enables the robot to recover from strong pushes and produce periodic walking gaits when subject to persistent sources of disturbance, externally or internally. These gaits are imprecise, i.e., emergent from asymmetry sources rather than precisely imposing a desired velocity to the robot. Also in extreme conditions, restricting linearity assumptions of the 3LP model are often violated, but the system remains robust in our simulations. An extensive analysis of closed-loop eigenvalues, viable regions and sensitivity to push timings further demonstrate the strengths of our simple controller
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