140 research outputs found

    Mobility and Handoff Management in Wireless Networks

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    With the increasing demands for new data and real-time services, wireless networks should support calls with different traffic characteristics and different Quality of Service (QoS)guarantees. In addition, various wireless technologies and networks exist currently that can satisfy different needs and requirements of mobile users. Since these different wireless networks act as complementary to each other in terms of their capabilities and suitability for different applications, integration of these networks will enable the mobile users to be always connected to the best available access network depending on their requirements. This integration of heterogeneous networks will, however, lead to heterogeneities in access technologies and network protocols. To meet the requirements of mobile users under this heterogeneous environment, a common infrastructure to interconnect multiple access networks will be needed. In this chapter, the design issues of a number of mobility management schemes have been presented. Each of these schemes utilizes IP-based technologies to enable efficient roaming in heterogeneous network. Efficient handoff mechanisms are essential for ensuring seamless connectivity and uninterrupted service delivery. A number of handoff schemes in a heterogeneous networking environment are also presented in this chapter.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    A cross-layer mobility management framework for next-generation wireless roaming

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    Word processed copy.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 62-64).This thesis proposes a mobility management framework that aims to provide a framework for advanced mobility algorithms that allows the challenges of next-generation roaming to be met. The framework features tools that gather context and content information, guarantee low-level QoS, provide security, and offer link and handoff management. The framework aims to be scalable and reliable for all-IP heterogeneous wireless networks whilst conforming to 4G service requirements

    A Unified Mobility Management Architecture for Interworked Heterogeneous Mobile Networks

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    The buzzword of this decade has been convergence: the convergence of telecommunications, Internet, entertainment, and information technologies for the seamless provisioning of multimedia services across different network types. Thus the future Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN) can be envisioned as a group of co-existing heterogeneous mobile data networking technologies sharing a common Internet Protocol (IP) based backbone. In such all-IP based heterogeneous networking environments, ongoing sessions from roaming users are subjected to frequent vertical handoffs across network boundaries. Therefore, ensuring uninterrupted service continuity during session handoffs requires successful mobility and session management mechanisms to be implemented in these participating access networks. Therefore, it is essential for a common interworking framework to be in place for ensuring seamless service continuity over dissimilar networks to enable a potential user to freely roam from one network to another. For the best of our knowledge, the need for a suitable unified mobility and session management framework for the NGMN has not been successfully addressed as yet. This can be seen as the primary motivation of this research. Therefore, the key objectives of this thesis can be stated as: To propose a mobility-aware novel architecture for interworking between heterogeneous mobile data networks To propose a framework for facilitating unified real-time session management (inclusive of session establishment and seamless session handoff) across these different networks. In order to achieve the above goals, an interworking architecture is designed by incorporating the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) as the coupling mediator between dissipate mobile data networking technologies. Subsequently, two different mobility management frameworks are proposed and implemented over the initial interworking architectural design. The first mobility management framework is fully handled by the IMS at the Application Layer. This framework is primarily dependant on the IMS’s default session management protocol, which is the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The second framework is a combined method based on SIP and the Mobile IP (MIP) protocols, which is essentially operated at the Network Layer. An analytical model is derived for evaluating the proposed scheme for analyzing the network Quality of Service (QoS) metrics and measures involved in session mobility management for the proposed mobility management frameworks. More precisely, these analyzed QoS metrics include vertical handoff delay, transient packet loss, jitter, and signaling overhead/cost. The results of the QoS analysis indicates that a MIP-SIP based mobility management framework performs better than its predecessor, the Pure-SIP based mobility management method. Also, the analysis results indicate that the QoS performances for the investigated parameters are within acceptable levels for real-time VoIP conversations. An OPNET based simulation platform is also used for modeling the proposed mobility management frameworks. All simulated scenarios prove to be capable of performing successful VoIP session handoffs between dissimilar networks whilst maintaining acceptable QoS levels. Lastly, based on the findings, the contributions made by this thesis can be summarized as: The development of a novel framework for interworked heterogeneous mobile data networks in a NGMN environment. The final design conveniently enables 3G cellular technologies (such as the Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS) or Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA2000) type systems), Wireless Local Area Networking (WLAN) technologies, and Wireless Metropolitan Area Networking (WMAN) technologies (e.g., Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) systems such as WiMAX) to interwork under a common signaling platform. The introduction of a novel unified/centralized mobility and session management platform by exploiting the IMS as a universal coupling mediator for real-time session negotiation and management. This enables a roaming user to seamlessly handoff sessions between different heterogeneous networks. As secondary outcomes of this thesis, an analytical framework and an OPNET simulation framework are developed for analyzing vertical handoff performance. This OPNET simulation platform is suitable for commercial use

    Future Trends and Challenges for Mobile and Convergent Networks

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    Some traffic characteristics like real-time, location-based, and community-inspired, as well as the exponential increase on the data traffic in mobile networks, are challenging the academia and standardization communities to manage these networks in completely novel and intelligent ways, otherwise, current network infrastructures can not offer a connection service with an acceptable quality for both emergent traffic demand and application requisites. In this way, a very relevant research problem that needs to be addressed is how a heterogeneous wireless access infrastructure should be controlled to offer a network access with a proper level of quality for diverse flows ending at multi-mode devices in mobile scenarios. The current chapter reviews recent research and standardization work developed under the most used wireless access technologies and mobile access proposals. It comprehensively outlines the impact on the deployment of those technologies in future networking environments, not only on the network performance but also in how the most important requirements of several relevant players, such as, content providers, network operators, and users/terminals can be addressed. Finally, the chapter concludes referring the most notable aspects in how the environment of future networks are expected to evolve like technology convergence, service convergence, terminal convergence, market convergence, environmental awareness, energy-efficiency, self-organized and intelligent infrastructure, as well as the most important functional requisites to be addressed through that infrastructure such as flow mobility, data offloading, load balancing and vertical multihoming.Comment: In book 4G & Beyond: The Convergence of Networks, Devices and Services, Nova Science Publishers, 201

    SAMI: Service-Based Arbitrated Multi-Tier Infrastructure for Mobile Cloud Computing

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    Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is the state-ofthe- art mobile computing technology aims to alleviate resource poverty of mobile devices. Recently, several approaches and techniques have been proposed to augment mobile devices by leveraging cloud computing. However, long-WAN latency and trust are still two major issues in MCC that hinder its vision. In this paper, we analyze MCC and discuss its issues. We leverage Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to propose an arbitrated multi-tier infrastructure model named SAMI for MCC. Our architecture consists of three major layers, namely SOA, arbitrator, and infrastructure. The main strength of this architecture is in its multi-tier infrastructure layer which leverages infrastructures from three main sources of Clouds, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), and MNOs' authorized dealers. On top of the infrastructure layer, an arbitrator layer is designed to classify Services and allocate them the suitable resources based on several metrics such as resource requirement, latency and security. Utilizing SAMI facilitate development and deployment of service-based platform-neutral mobile applications.Comment: 6 full pages, accepted for publication in IEEE MobiCC'12 conference, MobiCC 2012:IEEE Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing, Beijing, Chin


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    With the convergence of the wireless networks and the Internet and the booming demand for multimedia applications, the next-generation (beyond the third generation, or B3G) wireless systems are expected to be all IP-based and provide real-time and non-real-time mobile services anywhere and anytime. Powerful and efficient mobility support is thus the key enabler to fulfil such an attractive vision by supporting various mobility scenarios. This thesis contributes to this interesting while challenging topic. After a literature review on mobility support architectures and protocols, the thesis starts presenting our contributions with a generic multi-layer mobility support framework, which provides a general approach to meet the challenges of handling comprehensive mobility issues. The cross-layer design methodology is introduced to coordinate the protocol layers for optimised system design. Particularly, a flexible and efficient cross-layer signalling scheme is proposed for interlayer interactions. The proposed generic framework is then narrowed down with several fundamental building blocks identified to be focused on as follows. As widely adopted, we assume that the IP-based access networks are organised into administrative domains, which are inter-connected through a global IP-based wired core network. For a mobile user who roams from one domain to another, macro (inter-domain) mobility management should be in place for global location tracking and effective handoff support for both real-time and non-real-lime applications. Mobile IP (MIP) and the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) are being adopted as the two dominant standard-based macro-mobility architectures, each of which has mobility entities and messages in its own right. The work explores the joint optimisations and interactions of MIP and SIP when utilising the complementary power of both protocols. Two distinctive integrated MIP-SIP architectures are designed and evaluated, compared with their hybrid alternatives and other approaches. The overall analytical and simulation results shown significant performance improvements in terms of cost-efficiency, among other metrics. Subsequently, for the micro (intra-domain) mobility scenario where a mobile user moves across IP subnets within a domain, a micro mobility management architecture is needed to support fast handoffs and constrain signalling messaging loads incurred by intra-domain movements within the domain. The Hierarchical MIPv6 (HMIPv6) and the Fast Handovers for MIPv6 (FMIPv6) protocols are selected to fulfil the design requirements. The work proposes enhancements to these protocols and combines them in an optimised way. resulting in notably improved performances in contrast to a number of alternative approaches

    Architecture d'interopérabilité et mécanismes de relève pour les réseaux sans fil de prochaine génération

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    Intégration, interopéribilité et mobilité -- An analytical framework for performance evaluation of IPV6-Based mobility management protocols -- An architecture for seamless mobility support in Ip-Based next generation wireless networks -- Adaptive handoff scheme for heterogeneous ip wireless networks -- Enhanced fast handoff scheme for heterogeneous wireless networks

    Intégration et gestion de mobilité de bout en bout dans les réseaux mobiles de prochaine génération

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    Résumé - Pendant les dix dernières années, l'utilisation des systèmes de communication sans fil est devenue de plus en plus populaire tant chez les entreprises que chez les particuliers. Cette nouvelle tendance du marché est due, en grande partie, à la performance grandissante des réseaux mobiles qui concurrencent davantage les réseaux filaires en termes de bande passante, de coût et de couverture. Toutefois, cette catégorie de solutions sans fil est conçue pour des services spécifiques et utilise des technologies très variées. De plus, les usagers sont de plus en plus mobiles et requièrent des applications sensibles au délai (voix, multimédia, etc.). Dans ce nouveau contexte de mobilité, la prochaine génération des réseaux sans fil (4G) s'annonce comme l'ultime solution visant à satisfaire les exigences des usagers tout en tirant profit de la complémentarité des services offerts par les systèmes mobiles existants. Pour ce faire, la principale vocation de la future génération (4G) consiste en l'intégration et la convergence des technologies sans fil existantes et celles à venir. Cette intégration passe obligatoirement par l'utilisation du protocole IP (Internet Protocol) qui permet de cacher l'hétérogénéité des systèmes intégrés puisqu'il demeure l'unique couche commune à toutes les plateformes mobiles. Plusieurs solutions d'intégration ont été proposées dans la littérature. Celles-ci concernent des architectures d'intégration et des mécanismes de gestion de mobilité. Cependant, les approches proposées ne font pas l'unanimité et souffrent de plusieurs handicaps liés, en particulier, à l'interopérabilité et la garantie des relèves sans coupures.----------ABSTRACT During the last few years, the use of wireless systems is becoming more and more popular. This tendency can be explained by the fact that mobile technologies are gaining in performance in terms of bandwidth, coverage and cost compared to the traditional wired solutions. However, each mobile network is tailored for a specific type of services and users. Moreover, end users are expected to become more and more mobile and show an increasing interest to real-time applications. In these circumstances, the next generation of mobile networks (4G) appears to be the ultimate solution that will satisfy mobile user demands and take benefit of the existing wireless systems. Indeed, the future generation consists of integrating, in an intelligent manner, the existing/future wireless systems in a way that users can obtain their services via the best available network. This integration passes through the use of the Internet Protocol (IP) that will hide the heterogeneity pertaining to the integrated networks. To deal with this very important task, several solutions are available in the literature. The proposed approaches cover some basic topics such as interworking architecture and mobility management. Nevertheless, these proposals suffer from drawbacks relevant to the guarantee of QoS through heterogeneous technologies