17 research outputs found

    Fast Reed-Solomon Interactive Oracle Proofs of Proximity

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    The family of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes plays a prominent role in the construction of quasilinear probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs) and interactive oracle proofs (IOPs) with perfect zero knowledge and polylogarithmic verifiers. The large concrete computational complexity required to prove membership in RS codes is one of the biggest obstacles to deploying such PCP/IOP systems in practice. To advance on this problem we present a new interactive oracle proof of proximity (IOPP) for RS codes; we call it the Fast RS IOPP (FRI) because (i) it resembles the ubiquitous Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and (ii) the arithmetic complexity of its prover is strictly linear and that of the verifier is strictly logarithmic (in comparison, FFT arithmetic complexity is quasi-linear but not strictly linear). Prior RS IOPPs and PCPs of proximity (PCPPs) required super-linear proving time even for polynomially large query complexity. For codes of block-length N, the arithmetic complexity of the (interactive) FRI prover is less than 6 * N, while the (interactive) FRI verifier has arithmetic complexity <= 21 * log N, query complexity 2 * log N and constant soundness - words that are delta-far from the code are rejected with probability min{delta * (1-o(1)),delta_0} where delta_0 is a positive constant that depends mainly on the code rate. The particular combination of query complexity and soundness obtained by FRI is better than that of the quasilinear PCPP of [Ben-Sasson and Sudan, SICOMP 2008], even with the tighter soundness analysis of [Ben-Sasson et al., STOC 2013; ECCC 2016]; consequently, FRI is likely to facilitate better concretely efficient zero knowledge proof and argument systems. Previous concretely efficient PCPPs and IOPPs suffered a constant multiplicative factor loss in soundness with each round of "proof composition" and thus used at most O(log log N) rounds. We show that when delta is smaller than the unique decoding radius of the code, FRI suffers only a negligible additive loss in soundness. This observation allows us to increase the number of "proof composition" rounds to Theta(log N) and thereby reduce prover and verifier running time for fixed soundness

    RapidUp: Multi-Domain Permutation Protocol for Lookup Tables

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    SNARKs for some standard cryptographic primitives tend to be plenty designed with SNARK-unfriendly operations such as XOR. Previous protocols such as [GW20] worked around this problem by the introduction of lookup arguments. However, these protocols were only appliable over the same circuit. RapidUp is a protocol that solves this limitation by unfolding the grand-product polynomial into two (equivalent) polynomials of the same size. Morevoer, a generalization of previous protocols is presented by the introduction of selectors

    BaseFold: Efficient Field-Agnostic Polynomial Commitment Schemes from Foldable Codes

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    Interactive Oracle Proof of Proximity (IOPPs) are a powerful tool for constructing succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (SNARKs) in the random oracle model, which are fast and plausibly post-quantum secure. The Fast Reed Solomon IOPP (FRI) is the most widely used in practice, while tensor-code IOPPs (such as Brakedown) achieve significantly faster prover times at the cost of much larger proofs. IOPPs are used to construct polynomial commitment schemes (PCS), which are not only an important building block for SNARKs but also have a wide range of independent applications. This work introduces Basefold, a generalization of the FRI IOPP to a broad class of linear codes beyond Reed-Solomon, which we call foldable linear codes\textit{foldable linear codes}. We construct a new family of foldable linear codes, which are a special type of randomly punctured Reed-Muller code, and prove tight bounds on their minimum distance. Finally, we introduce a new construction of a multilinear PCS from any foldable linear code, which is based on interleaving Basefold with the classical sumcheck protocol for multilinear polynomial evaluation. As a special case, this gives a new multilinear PCS from FRI. In addition to these theoretical contributions, the Basefold PCS instantiated with our new foldable linear codes offers a more reasonable tradeoff between prover time, proof size, and verifier time than prior constructions. For instance, for polynomials over a 6464-bit field with 1212 variables, the Basefold prover is faster than both Brakedown and FRI-PCS (22 times faster than Brakedown and 33 times faster than FRI-PCS), and its proof is 44 times smaller than Brakedown\u27s. On the other hand, for polynomials with 2525 variables, Basefold\u27s prover is 6.56.5 times faster than FRI-PCS, it\u27s proof is 2.52.5 times smaller than Brakedown\u27s and its verifier is 7.57.5 times faster. Using Basefold to compile the Hyperplonk PIOP [CBBZ23] results in an extremely fast implementation of Hyperplonk, which in addition to having competitive performance on general circuits, is particularly fast for circuits with high-degree custom gates (e.g., signature verification and table lookups). Hyperplonk with Basefold is approximately equivalent to the speed of Hyperplonk with Brakedown, but with a proof size that is more than 55 times smaller. Finally, Basefold maintains performance across a wider variety of field choices than FRI, which requires FFT-friendly fields. Thus, Basefold can have an extremely fast prover compared to SNARKs from FRI for special applications. Benchmarking a circom ECDSA verification circuit with curve secp256k1, Hyperplonk with Basefold has a prover time that is more than 200×200\times faster than with FRI and its proof size is 5.85.8 times smaller than Hyperplonk with Brakedown

    Lattice-Based Cryptography in Miden VM

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    This note discusses lattice-based cryptography over the field with p=264232+1p= 2^{64} - 2^{32} + 1 elements, with an eye to supporting lattice-based cryptography operations in virtual machines such as Miden VM that operate natively over this field. It discusses how to support Dilithium and Falcon, two lattice-based signature scheme recently selected by the NIST PQC project; and proposes parameters for efficient public key encryption and publicly re-randomizable commitments modulo pp

    High-Threshold AVSS with Optimal Communication Complexity

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    Asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (AVSS) protocols protect a secret that is distributed among N parties. Dual-threshold AVSS protocols guarantee consensus in the presence of T Byzantine failures and privacy if fewer than P parties attempt to reconstruct the secret. In this work, we construct a dual-threshold AVSS protocol that is optimal along several dimensions. First, it is a high-threshold AVSS scheme, meaning that it is a dual-threshold AVSS with optimal parameters T < N/3 and P < N - T. Second, it has O(N^2) message complexity, and for large secrets it achieves the optimal O(N) communication overhead, without the need for a public key infrastructure or trusted setup. While these properties have been achieved individually before, to our knowledge this is the first protocol that is achieves all of the above simultaneously. The core component of our construction is a high-threshold AVSS scheme for small secrets based on polynomial commitments that achieves O(N^2 log(N)) communication overhead, as compared to prior schemes that require O(N^3) overhead with T<N/4 Byzantine failures or O(N^4) overhead for the recent high-threshold protocol of Kokoris-Kogias et al (CCS 2020). Using standard amortization techniques based on erasure coding, we can reduce the communication complexity to O(N*|F|) for a large secret F

    Vortex: A List Polynomial Commitment and its Application to Arguments of Knowledge

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    A list polynomial commitment scheme (LPC) is a polynomial commitment scheme with a relaxed binding property. Namely, in an LPC setting, a commitment to a function f(X)f(X) can be opened to a list of low-degree polynomials close to f(X)f(X) (w.r.t. the relative Hamming distance and over a domain DD). The scheme also allows opening one of the polynomials of the list at an arbitrary point xx and convincing a verifier that one of the polynomials in the list evaluates to the purported value. Vortex is a list polynomial commitment, obtained through a modification of Ligero (CCS 2017), inspired by the schemes of Brakedown (Crypto 2023), batch-FRI (FOCS 2020), and RedShift (CCS 2022). Concerning one application of Vortex, for a witness of size NN, the messages between the prover and the verifier are of size O(N1/2)O(N^{1/2}). Vortex is a core component of the SNARK used by the prover of Linea (Consensys). This paper provides a complete security analysis for Vortex. We use a general compiler to build an Argument of Knowledge (AoK) by combining our list polynomial commitment and a polynomial-IOP (PIOP). The approach is similar to combining a PIOP with a polynomial commitment scheme and has a soundness loss only linear in the list size. This overcomes a previous limitation in the standard compiler from a generic PIOP and a list polynomial commitment scheme to an interactive argument of knowledge, which suffers from a soundness loss of O(Lr)\mathcal{O}(|L|^r) (where L|L| is the list size and rr is the number of interactions between the prover and the verifier in the PIOP)

    Practical product proofs for lattice commitments

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    We construct a practical lattice-based zero-knowledge argument for proving multiplicative relations between committed values. The underlying commitment scheme that we use is the currently most efficient one of Baum et al. (SCN 2018), and the size of our multiplicative proof (9 KB) is only slightly larger than the 7 KB required for just proving knowledge of the committed values. We additionally expand on the work of Lyubashevsky and Seiler (Eurocrypt 2018) by showing that the above-mentioned result can also apply when working over rings Zq[X]/(Xd+1) where Xd+1 splits into low-degree factors, which is a desirable property for many applications (e.g. range proofs, multiplications over

    Pianist: Scalable zkRollups via Fully Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    In the past decade, blockchains have seen various financial and technological innovations, with cryptocurrencies reaching a market cap of over 1 trillion dollars. However, scalability is one of the key issues hindering the deployment of blockchains in many applications. To improve the throughput of the transactions, zkRollups and zkEVM techniques using the cryptographic primitive of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) have been proposed and many companies are adopting these technologies in the layer-2 solutions. However, in these technologies, the proof generation of the ZKP is the bottleneck and the companies have to deploy powerful machines with TBs of memory to batch a large number of transactions in a ZKP. In this work, we improve the scalability of these techniques by proposing new schemes of fully distributed ZKPs. Our schemes can improve the efficiency and the scalability of ZKPs using multiple machines, while the communication among the machines is minimal. With our schemes, the ZKP generation can be distributed to multiple participants in a model similar to the mining pools. Our protocols are based on Plonk, an efficient zero-knowledge proof system with a universal trusted setup. The first protocol is for data-parallel circuits. For a computation of MM sub-circuits of size TT each, using MM machines, the prover time is O(TlogT+MlogM)O(T\log T + M \log M), while the prover time of the original Plonk on a single machine is O(MTlog(MT))O(MT\log (MT)). Our protocol incurs only O(1)O(1) communication per machine, and the proof size and verifier time are both O(1)O(1), the same as the original Plonk. Moreover, we show that with minor modifications, our second protocol can support general circuits with arbitrary connections while preserving the same proving, verifying, and communication complexity. The technique is general and may be of independent interest for other applications of ZKP. We implement Pianist (Plonk vIA uNlimited dISTribution), a fully distributed ZKP system using our protocols. Pianist can generate the proof for 8192 transactions in 313 seconds on 64 machines. This improves the scalability of the Plonk scheme by 64×\times. The communication per machine is only 2.1 KB, regardless of the number of machines and the size of the circuit. The proof size is 2.2 KB and the verifier time is 3.5 ms. We further show that Pianist has similar improvements for general circuits. On a randomly generated circuit with 2252^{25} gates, it only takes 5s to generate the proof using 32 machines, 24.2×\times faster than Plonk on a single machine

    Privacy-Preserving IP Verification

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    The rapid growth of the globalized integrated circuit (IC) supply chain has drawn the attention of numerous malicious actors that try to exploit it for profit. One of the most prominent targets of such parties is the third-party intellectual property (3PIP) vendors and their circuit designs. With the increasing number of transactions between vendors and system integrators, the threat of IP reuse and piracy has become a significant consideration for the IC industry. What is more, the correctness of 3PIP designs should be verified before integration, imposing another challenge for 3PIP vendors since they have to prove the functionality of their designs to system integrators while protecting the privacy of the circuit implementations. To eliminate this deadlock, we utilize the cryptographic technique of \u27zero-knowledge proofs\u27 to enable 3PIP vendors to convince system integrators about various functional properties of a circuit (e.g., area, power, frequency) without disclosing its netlist (i.e., in zero-knowledge). Our approach comprises a circuit compiler that transforms arbitrary netlists into a zero knowledge-friendly format and a library of modules that provide cryptographic guarantees for various properties of the netlist while hiding the actual gates. We evaluate our method using combinational and sequential circuits from the ISCAS and ITC benchmark suites

    Zilch: A Framework for Deploying Transparent Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    As cloud computing becomes more popular, research has focused on usable solutions to the problem of verifiable computation (VC), where a computationally weak device (Verifier) outsources a program execution to a powerful server (Prover) and receives guarantees that the execution was performed faithfully. A Prover can further demonstrate knowledge of a secret input that causes the Verifier’s program to satisfy certain assertions, without ever revealing which input was used. State-of-the-art Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge (ZKPK) methods encode a computation using arithmetic circuits and preserve the privacy of Prover’s inputs while attesting the integrity of program execution. Nevertheless, developing, debugging and optimizing programs as circuits remains a daunting task, as most users are unfamiliar with this programming paradigm. In this work we present Zilch, a framework that accelerates and simplifies the deployment of VC and ZKPK for any application transparently, i.e., without the need of trusted setup. Zilch uses traditional instruction sequences rather than static arithmetic circuits that would need to be regenerated for each different computation. Towards that end we have implemented ZMIPS: a MIPS-like processor model that allows verifying each instruction independently and compose a proof for the execution of the target application. To foster usability, Zilch incorporates a novel cross-compiler from an object-oriented Java-like language tailored to ZKPK and optimized our ZMIPS model, as well as a powerful API that enables integration of ZKPK within existing C/C++ programs. In our experiments, we demonstrate the flexibility of Zilch using two real-life applications, and evaluate Prover and Verifier performance on a variety of benchmarks