83 research outputs found

    Enhancement by postfiltering for speech and audio coding in ad-hoc sensor networks

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    Enhancement algorithms for wireless acoustics sensor networks~(WASNs) are indispensable with the increasing availability and usage of connected devices with microphones. Conventional spatial filtering approaches for enhancement in WASNs approximate quantization noise with an additive Gaussian distribution, which limits performance due to the non-linear nature of quantization noise at lower bitrates. In this work, we propose a postfilter for enhancement based on Bayesian statistics to obtain a multidevice signal estimate, which explicitly models the quantization noise. Our experiments using PSNR, PESQ and MUSHRA scores demonstrate that the proposed postfilter can be used to enhance signal quality in ad-hoc sensor networks

    Matching Pursuits with Random Sequential Subdictionaries

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    Matching pursuits are a class of greedy algorithms commonly used in signal processing, for solving the sparse approximation problem. They rely on an atom selection step that requires the calculation of numerous projections, which can be computationally costly for large dictionaries and burdens their competitiveness in coding applications. We propose using a non adaptive random sequence of subdictionaries in the decomposition process, thus parsing a large dictionary in a probabilistic fashion with no additional projection cost nor parameter estimation. A theoretical modeling based on order statistics is provided, along with experimental evidence showing that the novel algorithm can be efficiently used on sparse approximation problems. An application to audio signal compression with multiscale time-frequency dictionaries is presented, along with a discussion of the complexity and practical implementations.Comment: 20 pages - accepted 2nd April 2012 at Elsevier Signal Processin

    Provider-Controlled Bandwidth Management for HTTP-based Video Delivery

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    Over the past few years, a revolution in video delivery technology has taken place as mobile viewers and over-the-top (OTT) distribution paradigms have significantly changed the landscape of video delivery services. For decades, high quality video was only available in the home via linear television or physical media. Though Web-based services brought video to desktop and laptop computers, the dominance of proprietary delivery protocols and codecs inhibited research efforts. The recent emergence of HTTP adaptive streaming protocols has prompted a re-evaluation of legacy video delivery paradigms and introduced new questions as to the scalability and manageability of OTT video delivery. This dissertation addresses the question of how to enable for content and network service providers the ability to monitor and manage large numbers of HTTP adaptive streaming clients in an OTT environment. Our early work focused on demonstrating the viability of server-side pacing schemes to produce an HTTP-based streaming server. We also investigated the ability of client-side pacing schemes to work with both commodity HTTP servers and our HTTP streaming server. Continuing our client-side pacing research, we developed our own client-side data proxy architecture which was implemented on a variety of mobile devices and operating systems. We used the portable client architecture as a platform for investigating different rate adaptation schemes and algorithms. We then concentrated on evaluating the network impact of multiple adaptive bitrate clients competing for limited network resources, and developing schemes for enforcing fair access to network resources. The main contribution of this dissertation is the definition of segment-level client and network techniques for enforcing class of service (CoS) differentiation between OTT HTTP adaptive streaming clients. We developed a segment-level network proxy architecture which works transparently with adaptive bitrate clients through the use of segment replacement. We also defined a segment-level rate adaptation algorithm which uses download aborts to enforce CoS differentiation across distributed independent clients. The segment-level abstraction more accurately models application-network interactions and highlights the difference between segment-level and packet-level time scales. Our segment-level CoS enforcement techniques provide a foundation for creating scalable managed OTT video delivery services

    Securing Multi-Layer Communications: A Signal Processing Approach

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    Security is becoming a major concern in this information era. The development in wireless communications, networking technology, personal computing devices, and software engineering has led to numerous emerging applications whose security requirements are beyond the framework of conventional cryptography. The primary motivation of this dissertation research is to develop new approaches to the security problems in secure communication systems, without unduly increasing the complexity and cost of the entire system. Signal processing techniques have been widely applied in communication systems. In this dissertation, we investigate the potential, the mechanism, and the performance of incorporating signal processing techniques into various layers along the chain of secure information processing. For example, for application-layer data confidentiality, we have proposed atomic encryption operations for multimedia data that can preserve standard compliance and are friendly to communications and delegate processing. For multimedia authentication, we have discovered the potential key disclosure problem for popular image hashing schemes, and proposed mitigation solutions. In physical-layer wireless communications, we have discovered the threat of signal garbling attack from compromised relay nodes in the emerging cooperative communication paradigm, and proposed a countermeasure to trace and pinpoint the adversarial relay. For the design and deployment of secure sensor communications, we have proposed two sensor location adjustment algorithms for mobility-assisted sensor deployment that can jointly optimize sensing coverage and secure communication connectivity. Furthermore, for general scenarios of group key management, we have proposed a time-efficient key management scheme that can improve the scalability of contributory key management from O(log n) to O(log(log n)) using scheduling and optimization techniques. This dissertation demonstrates that signal processing techniques, along with optimization, scheduling, and beneficial techniques from other related fields of study, can be successfully integrated into security solutions in practical communication systems. The fusion of different technical disciplines can take place at every layer of a secure communication system to strengthen communication security and improve performance-security tradeoff

    A Parametric Sound Object Model for Sound Texture Synthesis

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    This thesis deals with the analysis and synthesis of sound textures based on parametric sound objects. An overview is provided about the acoustic and perceptual principles of textural acoustic scenes, and technical challenges for analysis and synthesis are considered. Four essential processing steps for sound texture analysis are identifi ed, and existing sound texture systems are reviewed, using the four-step model as a guideline. A theoretical framework for analysis and synthesis is proposed. A parametric sound object synthesis (PSOS) model is introduced, which is able to describe individual recorded sounds through a fi xed set of parameters. The model, which applies to harmonic and noisy sounds, is an extension of spectral modeling and uses spline curves to approximate spectral envelopes, as well as the evolution of parameters over time. In contrast to standard spectral modeling techniques, this representation uses the concept of objects instead of concatenated frames, and it provides a direct mapping between sounds of diff erent length. Methods for automatic and manual conversion are shown. An evaluation is presented in which the ability of the model to encode a wide range of di fferent sounds has been examined. Although there are aspects of sounds that the model cannot accurately capture, such as polyphony and certain types of fast modulation, the results indicate that high quality synthesis can be achieved for many different acoustic phenomena, including instruments and animal vocalizations. In contrast to many other forms of sound encoding, the parametric model facilitates various techniques of machine learning and intelligent processing, including sound clustering and principal component analysis. Strengths and weaknesses of the proposed method are reviewed, and possibilities for future development are discussed

    Advanced OFDM systems for terrestrial multimedia links

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    Recently, there has been considerable discussion about new wireless technologies and standards able to achieve high data rates. Due to the recent advances of digital signal processing and Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technologies, the initial obstacles encountered for the implementation of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation schemes, such as massive complex multiplications and high speed memory accesses, do not exist anymore. OFDM offers strong multipath protection due to the insertion of the guard interval; in particular, the OFDM-based DVB-T standard had proved to offer excellent performance for the broadcasting of multimedia streams with bitrates over ten megabits per second in difficult terrestrial propagation channels, for fixed and portable applications. Nevertheless, for mobile scenarios, improving the receiver design is not enough to achieve error-free transmission especially in presence of deep shadow and multipath fading and some modifications of the standard can be envisaged. To address long and medium range applications like live mobile wireless television production, some further modifications are required to adapt the modulated bandwidth and fully exploit channels up to 24MHz wide. For these reasons, an extended OFDM system is proposed that offers variable bandwidth, improved protection to shadow and multipath fading and enhanced robustness thanks to the insertion of deep time-interleaving coupled with a powerful turbo codes concatenated error correction scheme. The system parameters and the receiver architecture have been described in C++ and verified with extensive simulations. In particular, the study of the receiver algorithms was aimed to achieve the optimal tradeoff between performances and complexity. Moreover, the modulation/demodulation chain has been implemented in VHDL and a prototype system has been manufactured. Ongoing field trials are demonstrating the ability of the proposed system to successfully overcome the impairments due to mobile terrestrial channels, like multipath and shadow fading. For short range applications, Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) is an efficient way to share the radio resource between multiple terminals. The main modulation parameters for a TDM system are discussed and it is shown that the 802.16a TDM OFDM physical layer fulfills the application requirements; some practical examples are given. A pre-distortion method is proposed that exploit the reciprocity of the radio channel to perform a partial channel inversion achieving improved performances with no modifications of existing receivers

    A Comprehensive Review of Distributed Coding Algorithms for Visual Sensor Network (VSN)

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    Since the invention of low cost camera, it has been widely incorporated into the sensor node in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to form the Visual Sensor Network (VSN). However, the use of camera is bringing with it a set of new challenges, because all the sensor nodes are powered by batteries. Hence, energy consumption is one of the most critical issues that have to be taken into consideration. In addition to this, the use of batteries has also limited the resources (memory, processor) that can be incorporated into the sensor node. The life time of a VSN decreases quickly as the image is transferred to the destination. One of the solutions to the aforementioned problem is to reduce the data to be transferred in the network by using image compression. In this paper, a comprehensive survey and analysis of distributed coding algorithms that can be used to encode images in VSN is provided. This also includes an overview of these algorithms, together with their advantages and deficiencies when implemented in VSN. These algorithms are then compared at the end to determine the algorithm that is more suitable for VSN

    Algorithms and Architectures for Secure Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    Embedded multimedia systems provide real-time video support for applications in entertainment (mobile phones, internet video websites), defense (video-surveillance and tracking) and public-domain (tele-medicine, remote and distant learning, traffic monitoring and management). With the widespread deployment of such real-time embedded systems, there has been an increasing concern over the security and authentication of concerned multimedia data. While several (software) algorithms and hardware architectures have been proposed in the research literature to support multimedia security, these fail to address embedded applications whose performance specifications have tighter constraints on computational power and available hardware resources. The goals of this dissertation research are two fold: 1. To develop novel algorithms for joint video compression and encryption. The proposed algorithms reduce the computational requirements of multimedia encryption algorithms. We propose an approach that uses the compression parameters instead of compressed bitstream for video encryption. 2. Hardware acceleration of proposed algorithms over reconfigurable computing platforms such as FPGA and over VLSI circuits. We use signal processing knowledge to make the algorithms suitable for hardware optimizations and try to reduce the critical path of circuits using hardware-specific optimizations. The proposed algorithms ensures a considerable level of security for low-power embedded systems such as portable video players and surveillance cameras. These schemes have zero or little compression losses and preserve the desired properties of compressed bitstream in encrypted bitstream to ensure secure and scalable transmission of videos over heterogeneous networks. They also support indexing, search and retrieval in secure multimedia digital libraries. This property is crucial not only for police and armed forces to retrieve information about a suspect from a large video database of surveillance feeds, but extremely helpful for data centers (such as those used by youtube, aol and metacafe) in reducing the computation cost in search and retrieval of desired videos
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