29,141 research outputs found

    Structured Light-Based 3D Reconstruction System for Plants.

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    Camera-based 3D reconstruction of physical objects is one of the most popular computer vision trends in recent years. Many systems have been built to model different real-world subjects, but there is lack of a completely robust system for plants. This paper presents a full 3D reconstruction system that incorporates both hardware structures (including the proposed structured light system to enhance textures on object surfaces) and software algorithms (including the proposed 3D point cloud registration and plant feature measurement). This paper demonstrates the ability to produce 3D models of whole plants created from multiple pairs of stereo images taken at different viewing angles, without the need to destructively cut away any parts of a plant. The ability to accurately predict phenotyping features, such as the number of leaves, plant height, leaf size and internode distances, is also demonstrated. Experimental results show that, for plants having a range of leaf sizes and a distance between leaves appropriate for the hardware design, the algorithms successfully predict phenotyping features in the target crops, with a recall of 0.97 and a precision of 0.89 for leaf detection and less than a 13-mm error for plant size, leaf size and internode distance

    Gait recognition and understanding based on hierarchical temporal memory using 3D gait semantic folding

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    Gait recognition and understanding systems have shown a wide-ranging application prospect. However, their use of unstructured data from image and video has affected their performance, e.g., they are easily influenced by multi-views, occlusion, clothes, and object carrying conditions. This paper addresses these problems using a realistic 3-dimensional (3D) human structural data and sequential pattern learning framework with top-down attention modulating mechanism based on Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM). First, an accurate 2-dimensional (2D) to 3D human body pose and shape semantic parameters estimation method is proposed, which exploits the advantages of an instance-level body parsing model and a virtual dressing method. Second, by using gait semantic folding, the estimated body parameters are encoded using a sparse 2D matrix to construct the structural gait semantic image. In order to achieve time-based gait recognition, an HTM Network is constructed to obtain the sequence-level gait sparse distribution representations (SL-GSDRs). A top-down attention mechanism is introduced to deal with various conditions including multi-views by refining the SL-GSDRs, according to prior knowledge. The proposed gait learning model not only aids gait recognition tasks to overcome the difficulties in real application scenarios but also provides the structured gait semantic images for visual cognition. Experimental analyses on CMU MoBo, CASIA B, TUM-IITKGP, and KY4D datasets show a significant performance gain in terms of accuracy and robustness

    From 3D Models to 3D Prints: an Overview of the Processing Pipeline

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    Due to the wide diffusion of 3D printing technologies, geometric algorithms for Additive Manufacturing are being invented at an impressive speed. Each single step, in particular along the Process Planning pipeline, can now count on dozens of methods that prepare the 3D model for fabrication, while analysing and optimizing geometry and machine instructions for various objectives. This report provides a classification of this huge state of the art, and elicits the relation between each single algorithm and a list of desirable objectives during Process Planning. The objectives themselves are listed and discussed, along with possible needs for tradeoffs. Additive Manufacturing technologies are broadly categorized to explicitly relate classes of devices and supported features. Finally, this report offers an analysis of the state of the art while discussing open and challenging problems from both an academic and an industrial perspective.Comment: European Union (EU); Horizon 2020; H2020-FoF-2015; RIA - Research and Innovation action; Grant agreement N. 68044

    CAD-model-based vision for space applications

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    A pose acquisition system operating in space must be able to perform well in a variety of different applications including automated guidance and inspections tasks with many different, but known objects. Since the space station is being designed with automation in mind, there will be CAD models of all the objects, including the station itself. The construction of vision models and procedures directly from the CAD models is the goal of this project. The system that is being designed and implementing must convert CAD models to vision models, predict visible features from a given view point from the vision models, construct view classes representing views of the objects, and use the view class model thus derived to rapidly determine the pose of the object from single images and/or stereo pairs

    Component-wise modeling of articulated objects

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    We introduce a novel framework for modeling articulated objects based on the aspects of their components. By decomposing the object into components, we divide the problem in smaller modeling tasks. After obtaining 3D models for each component aspect by employing a shape deformation paradigm, we merge them together, forming the object components. The final model is obtained by assembling the components using an optimization scheme which fits the respective 3D models to the corresponding apparent contours in a reference pose. The results suggest that our approach can produce realistic 3D models of articulated objects in reasonable time

    Fine-grained Image Classification by Exploring Bipartite-Graph Labels

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    Given a food image, can a fine-grained object recognition engine tell "which restaurant which dish" the food belongs to? Such ultra-fine grained image recognition is the key for many applications like search by images, but it is very challenging because it needs to discern subtle difference between classes while dealing with the scarcity of training data. Fortunately, the ultra-fine granularity naturally brings rich relationships among object classes. This paper proposes a novel approach to exploit the rich relationships through bipartite-graph labels (BGL). We show how to model BGL in an overall convolutional neural networks and the resulting system can be optimized through back-propagation. We also show that it is computationally efficient in inference thanks to the bipartite structure. To facilitate the study, we construct a new food benchmark dataset, which consists of 37,885 food images collected from 6 restaurants and totally 975 menus. Experimental results on this new food and three other datasets demonstrates BGL advances previous works in fine-grained object recognition. An online demo is available at http://www.f-zhou.com/fg_demo/
