568 research outputs found

    A structural representation for understanding line-drawing images

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    International audienceIn this paper, we are concerned with the problem of finding a good and homogeneous representation to encode line-drawing documents (which may be handwritten). We propose a method in which the problems induced by a first-step skeletonization have been avoided. First, we vectorize the image, to get a fine description of the drawing, using only vectors and quadrilateral primitives. A structural graph is built with the primitives extracted from the initial line-drawing image. The objective is to manage attributes relative to elementary objects so as to provide a description of the spatial relationships (inclusion, junction, intersection, etc.) that exist between the graphics in the images. This is done with a representation that provides a global vision of the drawings. The capacity of the representation to evolve and to carry highly semantic information is also highlighted. Finally, we show how an architecture using this structural representation and a mechanism of perceptive cycles can lead to a high-quality interpretation of line drawings

    Deep Learning for Free-Hand Sketch: A Survey

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    Free-hand sketches are highly illustrative, and have been widely used by humans to depict objects or stories from ancient times to the present. The recent prevalence of touchscreen devices has made sketch creation a much easier task than ever and consequently made sketch-oriented applications increasingly popular. The progress of deep learning has immensely benefited free-hand sketch research and applications. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the deep learning techniques oriented at free-hand sketch data, and the applications that they enable. The main contents of this survey include: (i) A discussion of the intrinsic traits and unique challenges of free-hand sketch, to highlight the essential differences between sketch data and other data modalities, e.g., natural photos. (ii) A review of the developments of free-hand sketch research in the deep learning era, by surveying existing datasets, research topics, and the state-of-the-art methods through a detailed taxonomy and experimental evaluation. (iii) Promotion of future work via a discussion of bottlenecks, open problems, and potential research directions for the community.Comment: This paper is accepted by IEEE TPAM

    Deep Vectorization of Technical Drawings

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    We present a new method for vectorization of technical line drawings, such as floor plans, architectural drawings, and 2D CAD images. Our method includes (1) a deep learning-based cleaning stage to eliminate the background and imperfections in the image and fill in missing parts, (2) a transformer-based network to estimate vector primitives, and (3) optimization procedure to obtain the final primitive configurations. We train the networks on synthetic data, renderings of vector line drawings, and manually vectorized scans of line drawings. Our method quantitatively and qualitatively outperforms a number of existing techniques on a collection of representative technical drawings

    Machine vision and the OMV

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    The orbital Maneuvering Vehicle (OMV) is intended to close with orbiting targets for relocation or servicing. It will be controlled via video signals and thruster activation based upon Earth or space station directives. A human operator is squarely in the middle of the control loop for close work. Without directly addressing future, more autonomous versions of a remote servicer, several techniques that will doubtless be important in a future increase of autonomy also have some direct application to the current situation, particularly in the area of image enhancement and predictive analysis. Several techniques are presentet, and some few have been implemented, which support a machine vision capability proposed to be adequate for detection, recognition, and tracking. Once feasibly implemented, they must then be further modified to operate together in real time. This may be achieved by two courses, the use of an array processor and some initial steps toward data reduction. The methodology or adapting to a vector architecture is discussed in preliminary form, and a highly tentative rationale for data reduction at the front end is also discussed. As a by-product, a working implementation of the most advanced graphic display technique, ray-casting, is described

    WARP: Wavelets with adaptive recursive partitioning for multi-dimensional data

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    Effective identification of asymmetric and local features in images and other data observed on multi-dimensional grids plays a critical role in a wide range of applications including biomedical and natural image processing. Moreover, the ever increasing amount of image data, in terms of both the resolution per image and the number of images processed per application, requires algorithms and methods for such applications to be computationally efficient. We develop a new probabilistic framework for multi-dimensional data to overcome these challenges through incorporating data adaptivity into discrete wavelet transforms, thereby allowing them to adapt to the geometric structure of the data while maintaining the linear computational scalability. By exploiting a connection between the local directionality of wavelet transforms and recursive dyadic partitioning on the grid points of the observation, we obtain the desired adaptivity through adding to the traditional Bayesian wavelet regression framework an additional layer of Bayesian modeling on the space of recursive partitions over the grid points. We derive the corresponding inference recipe in the form of a recursive representation of the exact posterior, and develop a class of efficient recursive message passing algorithms for achieving exact Bayesian inference with a computational complexity linear in the resolution and sample size of the images. While our framework is applicable to a range of problems including multi-dimensional signal processing, compression, and structural learning, we illustrate its work and evaluate its performance in the context of 2D and 3D image reconstruction using real images from the ImageNet database. We also apply the framework to analyze a data set from retinal optical coherence tomography

    Analysis of Engineering Drawings: State of the Art and Challenges

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    Contribution à un ouvrage.In this paper, we analyze the state of the art in interpretation of engineering drawings, both from a methodological point of view and from the perspective of the applications. We try to emphasize where techniques are mature, where they need further maturing, and where we still have open challenges. Special attention is given to the progress in the last two years

    Approximating shapes in images with low-complexity polygons

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    International audienceWe present an algorithm for extracting and vectorizing objects in images with polygons. Departing from a polygonal partition that oversegments an image into convex cells, the algorithm refines the geometry of the partition while labeling its cells by a semantic class. The result is a set of polygons, each capturing an object in the image. The quality of a configuration is measured by an energy that accounts for both the fidelity to input data and the complexity of the output polygons. To efficiently explore the configuration space, we perform splitting and merging operations in tandem on the cells of the polygonal partition. The exploration mechanism is controlled by a priority queue that sorts the operations most likely to decrease the energy. We show the potential of our algorithm on different types of scenes, from organic shapes to man-made objects through floor maps, and demonstrate its efficiency compared to existing vectorization methods
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