19 research outputs found

    eWand: A calibration framework for wide baseline frame-based and event-based camera systems

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    Accurate calibration is crucial for using multiple cameras to triangulate the position of objects precisely. However, it is also a time-consuming process that needs to be repeated for every displacement of the cameras. The standard approach is to use a printed pattern with known geometry to estimate the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the cameras. The same idea can be applied to event-based cameras, though it requires extra work. By using frame reconstruction from events, a printed pattern can be detected. A blinking pattern can also be displayed on a screen. Then, the pattern can be directly detected from the events. Such calibration methods can provide accurate intrinsic calibration for both frame- and event-based cameras. However, using 2D patterns has several limitations for multi-camera extrinsic calibration, with cameras possessing highly different points of view and a wide baseline. The 2D pattern can only be detected from one direction and needs to be of significant size to compensate for its distance to the camera. This makes the extrinsic calibration time-consuming and cumbersome. To overcome these limitations, we propose eWand, a new method that uses blinking LEDs inside opaque spheres instead of a printed or displayed pattern. Our method provides a faster, easier-to-use extrinsic calibration approach that maintains high accuracy for both event- and frame-based cameras

    Long-Lived Accurate Keypoints in Event Streams

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    We present a novel end-to-end approach to keypoint detection and tracking in an event stream that provides better precision and much longer keypoint tracks than previous methods. This is made possible by two contributions working together. First, we propose a simple procedure to generate stable keypoint labels, which we use to train a recurrent architecture. This training data results in detections that are very consistent over time. Moreover, we observe that previous methods for keypoint detection work on a representation (such as the time surface) that integrates events over a period of time. Since this integration is required, we claim it is better to predict the keypoints' trajectories for the time period rather than single locations, as done in previous approaches. We predict these trajectories in the form of a series of heatmaps for the integration time period. This improves the keypoint localization. Our architecture can also be kept very simple, which results in very fast inference times. We demonstrate our approach on the HVGA ATIS Corner dataset as well as "The Event-Camera Dataset and Simulator" dataset, and show it results in keypoint tracks that are three times longer and nearly twice as accurate as the best previous state-of-the-art methods. We believe our approach can be generalized to other event-based camera problems, and we release our source code to encourage other authors to explore it

    RGB-D-E: Event Camera Calibration for Fast 6-DOF Object Tracking

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    Augmented reality devices require multiple sensors to perform various tasks such as localization and tracking. Currently, popular cameras are mostly frame-based (e.g. RGB and Depth) which impose a high data bandwidth and power usage. With the necessity for low power and more responsive augmented reality systems, using solely frame-based sensors imposes limits to the various algorithms that needs high frequency data from the environement. As such, event-based sensors have become increasingly popular due to their low power, bandwidth and latency, as well as their very high frequency data acquisition capabilities. In this paper, we propose, for the first time, to use an event-based camera to increase the speed of 3D object tracking in 6 degrees of freedom. This application requires handling very high object speed to convey compelling AR experiences. To this end, we propose a new system which combines a recent RGB-D sensor (Kinect Azure) with an event camera (DAVIS346). We develop a deep learning approach, which combines an existing RGB-D network along with a novel event-based network in a cascade fashion, and demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the robustness of a state-of-the-art frame-based 6-DOF object tracker using our RGB-D-E pipeline.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    An Asynchronous Kalman Filter for Hybrid Event Cameras

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    Event cameras are ideally suited to capture HDR visual information without blur but perform poorly on static or slowly changing scenes. Conversely, conventional image sensors measure absolute intensity of slowly changing scenes effectively but do poorly on high dynamic range or quickly changing scenes. In this paper, we present an event-based video reconstruction pipeline for High Dynamic Range (HDR) scenarios. The proposed algorithm includes a frame augmentation pre-processing step that deblurs and temporally interpolates frame data using events. The augmented frame and event data are then fused using a novel asynchronous Kalman filter under a unifying uncertainty model for both sensors. Our experimental results are evaluated on both publicly available datasets with challenging lighting conditions and fast motions and our new dataset with HDR reference. The proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both absolute intensity error (48% reduction) and image similarity indexes (average 11% improvement).Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, published in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 202

    Distractor-aware Event-based Tracking

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    Event cameras, or dynamic vision sensors, have recently achieved success from fundamental vision tasks to high-level vision researches. Due to its ability to asynchronously capture light intensity changes, event camera has an inherent advantage to capture moving objects in challenging scenarios including objects under low light, high dynamic range, or fast moving objects. Thus event camera are natural for visual object tracking. However, the current event-based trackers derived from RGB trackers simply modify the input images to event frames and still follow conventional tracking pipeline that mainly focus on object texture for target distinction. As a result, the trackers may not be robust dealing with challenging scenarios such as moving cameras and cluttered foreground. In this paper, we propose a distractor-aware event-based tracker that introduces transformer modules into Siamese network architecture (named DANet). Specifically, our model is mainly composed of a motion-aware network and a target-aware network, which simultaneously exploits both motion cues and object contours from event data, so as to discover motion objects and identify the target object by removing dynamic distractors. Our DANet can be trained in an end-to-end manner without any post-processing and can run at over 80 FPS on a single V100. We conduct comprehensive experiments on two large event tracking datasets to validate the proposed model. We demonstrate that our tracker has superior performance against the state-of-the-art trackers in terms of both accuracy and efficiency