19 research outputs found

    Scalable data abstractions for distributed parallel computations

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    The ability to express a program as a hierarchical composition of parts is an essential tool in managing the complexity of software and a key abstraction this provides is to separate the representation of data from the computation. Many current parallel programming models use a shared memory model to provide data abstraction but this doesn't scale well with large numbers of cores due to non-determinism and access latency. This paper proposes a simple programming model that allows scalable parallel programs to be expressed with distributed representations of data and it provides the programmer with the flexibility to employ shared or distributed styles of data-parallelism where applicable. It is capable of an efficient implementation, and with the provision of a small set of primitive capabilities in the hardware, it can be compiled to operate directly on the hardware, in the same way stack-based allocation operates for subroutines in sequential machines

    FRAME: frame routing and manipulation engine

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    This research reports on the design and implementation of FRAME: an embedded hardware network processing platform designed to perform network frame manipulation and monitoring. This is possible at line speeds compliant with the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard. The system provides frame manipulation functionality to aid in the development and implementation of network testing environments. Platform cost and ease of use are both considered during design resulting in fabrication of hardware and the development of Link, a Domain Specific Language used to create custom applications that are compatible with the platform. Functionality of the resulting platform is shown through conformance testing of designed modules and application examples. Throughput testing showed that the peak throughput achievable by the platform is limited to 86.4 Mbit/s, comparable to commodity 100 Mbit hardware and the total cost of the prototype platform ranged between 220and220 and 254

    A convenient approach to the deterministic routing of MIDI messages

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    This research investigates the design and development of a Wireless MIDI Connection Management solution in order to create a deterministic MIDI transmission system. A investigation of the MIDI protocol show it to have certain limitation that can be overcome through the use of transmission solutions. These solutions can be used to improve on the versatility of MIDI while overcoming the MIDI's notorious cable length limitation. XMOS's deterministic XS1 microcontrollers are used to enable the design of a real-time system. The MIDINet system is investigated to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of such a connection management system, while other systems for network transmission of MIDI messages are reviewed. These investigations lead to a design concept for a new network MIDI transmission system that allows for the remote management of connections. The design and subsequent implementation of both the transmission system and the connection management system are then detailed. A testing methodology is then devised to allow for the newly created connection management system to be compared to the MIDINet system. The findings show the deterministic system to have lower latency than that of the MIDINet system, while utilising more compact and power efficient hardware

    Design of a Configurable Embedded Network Tap Flow Generation using NetFlow v9 and IPFIX Formats

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    This paper describes the design of a $200 hardware apparatus capable of passively monitoring network transmission at wire speeds of 100Mbit/s and generating NetFlow v9 or IPFIX compliant network flows for a downstream monitoring infrastructure. Testing of the apparatus hardware confirmed no network disruptions regardless of operational or power state while still being capable of correctly monitoring network traffic when configured. System testing under situations of heavy load confirmed apparatus capability at monitoring network traffic and correct generation of network flows compliant with either NetFlow v9 or IPFIX standards

    Formal and model driven design of the bright light therapy system Luxamet

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    Seasonal depression seriously diminishes the quality of life for many patients. To improve their condition, we propose LUXAMET, a bright light therapy system. This system has the potential to relieve patients from some of the symptoms caused by seasonal depression. The system was designed with a formal and model driven design methodology. This methodology enabled us to minimize systemic hazards, like blinding patients with an unhealthy dose of light. This was achieved by controlling race conditions and memory leaks, during design time. We prove that the system specification is deadlock as well as livelock free and there are no invariant violations. These proofs, together with the similarity between specification model and implementation code, make us confident that the implemented system is a reliable tool which can help patients during seasonal depression

    An investigation of the XMOS XSl architecture as a platform for development of audio control standards

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    This thesis investigates the feasiblity of using a new microcontroller architecture, the XMOS XS1, in the research and development of control standards for audio distribution networks. This investigation is conducted in the context of an emerging audio distribution network standard, Ethernet Audio/Video Bridging (`Ethernet AVB'), and an emerging audio control standard, AES-64. The thesis describes these emerging standards, the XMOS XS1 architecture (including its associated programming language, XC), and the open-source implementation of an Ethernet AVB streaming audio device based on the XMOS XS1 architecture. It is shown how the XMOS XS1 architecture and its associated features, focusing on the XC language's mechanisms for concurrency, event-driven programming, and integration of C software modules, enable a powerful implementation of the AES-64 control standard. Feasibility is demonstrated by the implementation of an AES-64 protocol stack and its integration into an XMOS XS1-based Ethernet AVB streaming audio device, providing control of Ethernet AVB features and audio hardware, as well as implementations of advanced AES-64 control mechanisms. It is demonstrated that the XMOS XS1 architecture is a compelling platform for the development of audio control standards, and has enabled the implementation of AES-64 connection management and control over standards-compliant Ethernet AVB streaming audio devices where no such implementation previously existed. The research additionally describes a linear design method for applications based on the XMOS XS1 architecture, and provides a baseline implementation reference for the AES-64 control standard where none previously existed

    Energy Transparency for Deeply Embedded Programs

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    Energy transparency is a concept that makes a program's energy consumption visible, from hardware up to software, through the different system layers. Such transparency can enable energy optimizations at each layer and between layers, and help both programmers and operating systems make energy-aware decisions. In this paper, we focus on deeply embedded devices, typically used for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, and demonstrate how to enable energy transparency through existing Static Resource Analysis (SRA) techniques and a new target-agnostic profiling technique, without hardware energy measurements. Our novel mapping technique enables software energy consumption estimations at a higher level than the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), namely the LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) level, and therefore introduces energy transparency directly to the LLVM optimizer. We apply our energy estimation techniques to a comprehensive set of benchmarks, including single- and also multi-threaded embedded programs from two commonly used concurrency patterns, task farms and pipelines. Using SRA, our LLVM IR results demonstrate a high accuracy with a deviation in the range of 1% from the ISA SRA. Our profiling technique captures the actual energy consumption at the LLVM IR level with an average error of 3%.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1510.0709

    Design and Evaluation of a Propulsion System for Small, Compact, Low-Speed Maneuvering Underwater Vehicles

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    Underwater vehicles used to perform precision inspection and non-destructive evaluation in tightly constrained or delicate underwater environments must be small, have low-speed maneuverability and a smooth streamlined outer shape with no appendages. In this thesis, the design and analysis of a new propulsion system for such underwater vehicles is presented. It consists primarily of a syringe and a plunger driven by a linear actuator and uses different inflow and outflow nozzles to provide continuous propulsive force. A prototype of the proposed propulsion mechanism is built and tested. The practical utility and potential efficacy of the system is demonstrated and assessed via direct thrust measurement experiments and by use of an initial proof-of-concept test vehicle. Experiments are performed to enable the evaluation and modelling of the thrust output of the mechanism as well as the speed capability of a vehicle employing the propulsion system