55 research outputs found

    Fast Cut-and-Choose Based Protocols for Malicious and Covert Adversaries

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    In the setting of secure two-party computation, two parties wish to securely compute a joint function of their private inputs, while revealing only the output. One of the primary techniques for achieving efficient secure two-party computation is that of Yao\u27s garbled circuits (FOCS 1986). In the semi-honest model, where just one garbled circuit is constructed and evaluated, Yao\u27s protocol has proven itself to be very efficient. However, a malicious adversary who constructs the garbled circuit may construct a garbling of a different circuit computing a different function, and this cannot be detected (due to the garbling). In order to solve this problem, many circuits are sent and some of them are opened to check that they are correct while the others are evaluated. This methodology, called \emph{cut-and-choose}, introduces significant overhead, both in computation and in communication, and is mainly due to the number of circuits that must be used in order to prevent cheating. In this paper, we present a cut-and-choose protocol for secure computation based on garbled circuits, with security in the presence of malicious adversaries, that vastly improves on all previous protocols of this type. Concretely, for a cheating probability of at most 2−402^{-40}, the best previous works send between 125 and 128 circuits. In contrast, in our protocol 40 circuits alone suffice (with some additional overhead). Asymptotically, we achieve a cheating probability of 2−s2^{-s} where ss is the number of garbled circuits, in contrast to the previous best of 2−0.32s2^{-0.32s}. We achieve this by introducing a new cut-and-choose methodology with the property that in order to cheat, \emph{all} of the evaluated circuits must be incorrect, and not just the \emph{majority} as in previous works. The security of our protocol relies on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption

    Efficient data intensive secure computation : fictional or real

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    Secure computation has the potential to completely reshape the cybersecruity landscape, but this will happen only if we can make it practical. Despite significant improvements recently, secure computation is still orders of magnitude slower than computation in the clear. Even with the latest technology, running the killer apps, which are often data intensive, in secure computation is still a mission impossible. In this paper, I present two approaches that could lead to practical data intensive secure computation. The first approach is by designing data structures. Traditionally, data structures have been widely used in computer science to improve performance of computation. However, in secure computation they have been largely overlooked in the past. I will show that data structures could be effective performance boosters in secure computation. Another approach is by using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). A common belief is that FHE is too inefficient to have any practical applications for the time being. Contrary to this common belief, I will show that in some cases FHE can actually lead to very efficient secure computation protocols. This is due to the high degree of internal parallelism in recent FHE schemes. The two approaches are explained with Private Set Intersection (PSI) as an example. I will also show the performance figures measured from prototype implementations

    SEMBA:SEcure multi-biometric authentication

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    Biometrics security is a dynamic research area spurred by the need to protect personal traits from threats like theft, non-authorised distribution, reuse and so on. A widely investigated solution to such threats consists in processing the biometric signals under encryption, to avoid any leakage of information towards non-authorised parties. In this paper, we propose to leverage on the superior performance of multimodal biometric recognition to improve the efficiency of a biometric-based authentication protocol operating on encrypted data under the malicious security model. In the proposed protocol, authentication relies on both facial and iris biometrics, whose representation accuracy is specifically tailored to trade-off between recognition accuracy and efficiency. From a cryptographic point of view, the protocol relies on SPDZ a new multy-party computation tool designed by Damgaard et al. Experimental results show that the multimodal protocol is faster than corresponding unimodal protocols achieving the same accuracy

    XONN: XNOR-based Oblivious Deep Neural Network Inference

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    Advancements in deep learning enable cloud servers to provide inference-as-a-service for clients. In this scenario, clients send their raw data to the server to run the deep learning model and send back the results. One standing challenge in this setting is to ensure the privacy of the clients' sensitive data. Oblivious inference is the task of running the neural network on the client's input without disclosing the input or the result to the server. This paper introduces XONN, a novel end-to-end framework based on Yao's Garbled Circuits (GC) protocol, that provides a paradigm shift in the conceptual and practical realization of oblivious inference. In XONN, the costly matrix-multiplication operations of the deep learning model are replaced with XNOR operations that are essentially free in GC. We further provide a novel algorithm that customizes the neural network such that the runtime of the GC protocol is minimized without sacrificing the inference accuracy. We design a user-friendly high-level API for XONN, allowing expression of the deep learning model architecture in an unprecedented level of abstraction. Extensive proof-of-concept evaluation on various neural network architectures demonstrates that XONN outperforms prior art such as Gazelle (USENIX Security'18) by up to 7x, MiniONN (ACM CCS'17) by 93x, and SecureML (IEEE S&P'17) by 37x. State-of-the-art frameworks require one round of interaction between the client and the server for each layer of the neural network, whereas, XONN requires a constant round of interactions for any number of layers in the model. XONN is first to perform oblivious inference on Fitnet architectures with up to 21 layers, suggesting a new level of scalability compared with state-of-the-art. Moreover, we evaluate XONN on four datasets to perform privacy-preserving medical diagnosis.Comment: To appear in USENIX Security 201

    On Garbling Schemes with and without Privacy

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    Garbling schemes allow to construct two-party function evaluation with security against cheating parties (SFE). To achieve this goal, one party (the Garbler) sends multiple encodings of a circuit (called Garbled Circuits) to the other party (the Evaluator) and opens a subset of these encodings, showing that they were generated honestly. For the remaining garbled circuits, the garbler sends encodings of the inputs. This allows the evaluator to compute the result of function, while the encoding ensures that no other information beyond the output is revealed. To achieve active security against a malicious adversary, the garbler in current protocols has to send O(s) circuits (where s is the statistical security parameter). In this work we show that, for a certain class of circuits, one can reduce this overhead. We consider circuits where sub-circuits depend only on one party\u27s input. Intuitively, one can evaluate these sub-circuits using only one circuit and privacy-free garbling. This has applications to e.g. input validation in SFE and allows to construct more efficient SFE protocols in such cases. We additionally show how to integrate our solution with the SFE protocol of Frederiksen et al. (FJN14), thus reducing the overhead even further

    Non-Interactive Secure Computation Based on Cut-and-Choose

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    In recent years, secure two-party computation (2PC) has been demonstrated to be feasible in practice. However, all efficient general-computation 2PC protocols require multiple rounds of interaction between the two players. This property restricts 2PC to be only relevant to scenarios where both players can be simultaneously online, and where communication latency is not an issue. This work considers the model of 2PC with a single round of interaction, called Non-Interactive Secure Computation (NISC). In addition to the non-interaction property, we also consider a flavor of NISC that allows reusing the first message for many different 2PC invocations, possibly with different players acting as the player who sends the second message, similar to a public-key encryption where a single public-key can be used to encrypt many different messages. We present a NISC protocol that is based on the cut-and-choose paradigm of Lindell and Pinkas (Eurocrypt 2007). This protocol achieves concrete efficiency similar to that of best multi-round 2PC protocols based on the cut-and-choose paradigm. The protocol requires only tt garbled circuits for achieving cheating probability of 2−t2^{-t}, similar to the recent result of Lindell (Crypto 2013), but only needs a single round of interaction. To validate the efficiency of our protocol, we provide a prototype implementation of it and show experiments that confirm its competitiveness with that of the best multi-round 2PC protocols. This is the first prototype implementation of an efficient NISC protocol. In addition to our NISC protocol, we introduce a new encoding technique that significantly reduces communication in the NISC setting. We further show how our NISC protocol can be improved in the multi-round setting, resulting in a highly efficient constant-round 2PC that is also suitable for pipelined implementation
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