11 research outputs found

    Annual Wheat Newsletter. Volume 63

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    The Annual Wheat Newsletter is edited by W.J. Raupp and published by the Wheat Genetic and Genomic Resources Center at Kansas State University. The scope of the Newsletter includes current project activities, cultivar releases, special reports, and publications of wheat researchers worldwide. The Newsletter annually has over 100 contributors from more than 30 countries

    Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 2022

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    Human papillomavirus: pathogenesis and immunity

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    The involvement of human papilloma virus (HPV) in the aetiology and progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is still unresolved. This study was designed to assess the immunological responses to HPV types in patients presenting with varying degrees of CIN and in control groups, using in vitro measures of cellular and humoral responses.Lymphocyte proliferation assays (LPA) were performed using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) and various papillomavirus (PV) antigens. Twenty -five per cent (23/92) of patients with CIN responded to antigens derived from purified BPV, HPV -1 or HPV -2 with or without detergent disruption. The responses correlated with a past history of skin warts rather than cervical abnormalities, and the percentage of responders was similar to that in laboratory personnel (30 %) and lower than that in a group with recalcitrant common warts (50 %). Antigens specific to HPV -16 and HPV -18, in the form of bacterially expressed fusion proteins derived by the transcription and translation of the E6 and E4 open reading frames (ORF), occasionally produced specific positive responses, provided contaminating E.coli B galactosidase sequences had been removed during purification. Responses were low and suggested that the numbers of memory T cells specific to PV antigens were low and at the lower limit of detection of LPA. An indirect ELISA was developed to detect circulating IgG to PV antigens in colposcopy patients. Fifty per cent of patients had antibodies to disrupted HPV -1, HPV -2 or both, suggesting that a predominantly type- specific response was being detected. No correlation of immune responses with a degree of dysplasia or the presence of koilocytes in cervical biopsies was noted, but a high incidence of forgotten or inapparent past infection with cutaneous HPV types was found.In situ hybridisation (ISH) methods using non -radioactively labelled, cloned probes and synthetic oligonucleotide probes were developed for use on paraffin sections. Synthetic probes allowed a quicker, less destructive hybridisation protocol, with the sensitivity of detection being (y) improved by an anti -biotin -immunogold conjugated immunoglobulins -silver enhancement (IGSS) detection system. Double staining of PV antigen and nucleic acid on the same section was achieved. Synthetic oligonucleotides offer an exciting new tool for diagnostic virology, worthy of exploitation in many systems.Implantation of human foreskin infected with HPV -11 was shown to provide an animal model, albeit technically difficult, in which HPV could be produced, but a more practical technique of productive HPV infection in vitro is still required if the biology and pathogenesis of HPV infections is to be clarified further

    Van-der-Waals-Wechselwirkungen: PrĂ€zise Struktur und Dynamik von MolekĂŒlen

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    In dieser Arbeit wurden fĂŒnf molekulare Spezies mit großamplitudigen Bewegungen verschiedener Gruppen des Typus XH (X = CH2, N, O) spektroskopisch untersucht: Allylmethyldisulfid, Methyl-3,3,3-Trifluorpyruvat, Acetylacetylen, Acetoncyanhydrin und der 2,2,4,4-Tetrafluor-1,3-dithietan-Ammoniak Komplex. Neben einer Analyse der aus der internen Rotation resultierenden Feinstruktur der Rotationsspektren konnten ĂŒber die planaren Momente Aussagen ĂŒber die MolekĂŒlstruktur getroffen werden. Durch Analyse von Isotopologen der schweren Elemente konnte zu sĂ€tzlich eine semi-experimentelle Struktur des 2,2,4,4-Tetrafluor-1,3-dithietan-Ammoniak Komplexes mithilfe der Kraitchman-Gleichungen ermittelt werden. Im Zusammenspiel mit einer Analyse der natĂŒrlichen Bindungsorbitale (NBO) konnten die entscheidenden bindenden Wechselwirkungen im Komplex identifiziert werden. Auf Grundlage dieser Untersuchungen wurden Methoden hinsichtlich ihres Prognosepotentials der fĂŒr großamplitudige Bewegungen charakteristischen Parameter ĂŒberprĂŒft. ZunĂ€chst wurde anhand der Korrelation publizierter Barrierehöhen der internen Methylrotation und essentiellem Tunnelparameter des Programms ERHAM zur Spektrenanpassung dessen inertiale Vorhersage ermöglicht. Eine einfache quantenchemische Berechnung dieses Parameters ist demgegenĂŒber nicht möglich. In Analogie wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Energieaufspaltung der TunnelzustĂ€nde und der Barrierehöhe zur Tunnelbewegung zwischen Ă€quivalenten gauche-Konformationen von Alkoholen gefunden. Abschließend wurden quantenchemische Methoden zur Vorhersage von Barrierehöhen des Hinderungspotentials zur interner Methylgruppenrotation getestet und qualitative BegrĂŒndungen sowie eine Einordnung nach Substanzklassen gegeben: Es wurden Ethanderivate, Acetylspezies, Methylester und -sulfide, hinsichtlich der Reproduzierbarkeit von experimentell ermittelten Barrierehöhen durch die Kopplung von zwei quantenchemischen Methoden ĂŒberprĂŒft (Ansatz 1). Als zweiter Ansatz wurden fĂŒr rudimentĂ€rere Rechnungen einzelner Substanzklassen Skalierungsfaktoren eingefĂŒhrt, um deren mittlere Abweichung deutlich zu reduzieren. So wurden in dieser Studie insgesamt mehr als 100 Spezies untersucht. Der erste Ansatz bildet die Barrieren sehr gut ab und kann dadurch als Standardmethode fĂŒr die Vorhersage weiterer, bisher nicht systematisch untersuchter Substanzklassen verwendet werden.In this work, five molecular species with large amplitude motions of different groups of type XH (X = CH2, N, O) were studied by spectroscopy: Allyl methyl disulfide, methyl 3,3,3-trifluoropyruvate, acetylacetylene, acetone cyanohydrine, and the 2,2,4,4-tetrafluoro-1,3-dithietane-ammonia complex. The fine structure of the rotational spectra resulting from the internal rotation could be analyzed and conclusions about the molecular structure could be drawn with the help of planar moments. Additionally, by analyzing isotopologues of the heavy elements, a semi-experimental structure of the 2,2,4,4-tetrafluoro-1,3-dithietane-ammonia complex was determined using the Kraitchman equations. In combination with an analysis of the natural bond orbitals (NBO), the crucial binding interactions in the complex were identified. Based on these studies, methods were evaluated in terms of their predictive potential of the parameters characteristic of large amplitude motions. First, based on the correlation of published barrier heights of internal methyl rotation and the essential tunneling parameters of the program for spectral analysis (ERHAM) for the latter was obtained. Conversly, a simple quantum chemical determination of this parameter is not possible. Analogously, a correlation was found between the energy splitting of the tunneling states and the barrier height to tunneling motion between equivalent gauche conformations of alcohols. Finally, quantum chemical methods for predicting barrier heights of the hindering potential to internal methyl group rotation were tested, and qualitative justifications and classifications by substance class are provided: Ethane derivatives, acetyl species, methyl esters and -sulfides, were studied with respect to the reproducibility of experimentally determined barrier heights by coupling two quantum hemical methods (approach 1). As a second approach, scaling factors for the individual substance classes were introduced for more rudimentary calculations to significantly reduce their mean deviations. Thus, a total of more than 100 species were examined in this study. The first approach reproduces the barriers very well and can thereby be sed as standard method for the prediction of other substance classes that have not been systematically investigated yet.Fonds der chemischen Industrie/KekulĂ©-Stipendium/104490/E

    Syntax of Hungarian

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    These books aim to present a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of the Hungarian language, rooted in theory but providing highly detailed descriptions, and intended to be of use to researchers, as well as advanced students of language and linguistics. As research in language leads to extensive changes in our understanding and representations of grammar, the Comprehensive Grammar Resources series intends to present the most current understanding of grammar and syntax as completely as possible in a way that will both speak to modern linguists and serve as a resource for the non-specialist

    Syntax of Hungarian

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    These books aim to present a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of the Hungarian language, rooted in theory but providing highly detailed descriptions, and intended to be of use to researchers, as well as advanced students of language and linguistics. As research in language leads to extensive changes in our understanding and representations of grammar, the Comprehensive Grammar Resources series intends to present the most current understanding of grammar and syntax as completely as possible in a way that will both speak to modern linguists and serve as a resource for the non-specialist

    Virtus, Vita, Votum:: Early Minorite Conceptions of Obedience from Francis to Bonaventure

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    Obedience was invariably a primary type of rationality as well as relationality in medieval Christianity. The case of the early Minorites stands to reason. Spanning the life of Francis of Assisi (†1226) and the early movement up to that of Bonaventure of Bagnoregio (†1274), the project at hand proposes a diachronic approach to conceptions of obedience in early Minorite literature in pursuit of developments in the order’s collective identity and common theological strands (theologische FĂ€den) of their self-conception. The present study of conceptual history fosters a theoretical framework in which obedience, in addition to being an integral part of a proposal of religious life and a legal category, operates as a form of relationality insofar as it is a spiritually informed orientation toward self, God, and other. The hermeneutic perspective thus views obedience within a three-dimensional prism as an institutional mechanism, a principle of spiritual training and progress, and a relational construct. In short, it is at once virtue, life, and vow