3 research outputs found

    Beyond the noise : high fidelity MR signal processing

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    This thesis describes a variety of methods developed to increase the sensitivity and resolution of liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. NMR is known as one of the most versatile non-invasive analytical techniques yet often suffers from low sensitivity. The main contribution to this low sensitivity issue is a presence of noise and level of noise in the spectrum is expressed numerically as “signal-to-noise ratio”. NMR signal processing involves sensitivity and resolution enhancement achieved by noise reduction using mathematical algorithms. A singular value decomposition based reduced rank matrix method, composite property mapping, in particular is studied extensively in this thesis to present its advantages, limitations, and applications. In theory, when the sum of k noiseless sinusoidal decays is formatted into a specific matrix form (i.e., Toeplitz), the matrix is known to possess k linearly independent columns. This information becomes apparent only after a singular value decomposition of the matrix. Singular value decomposition factorises the large matrix into three smaller submatrices: right and left singular vector matrices, and one diagonal matrix containing singular values. Were k noiseless sinusoidal decays involved, there would be only k nonzero singular values appearing in the diagonal matrix in descending order providing the information of the amplitude of each sinusoidal decay. The number of non-zero singular values or the number of linearly independent columns is known as the rank of the matrix. With real NMR data none of the singular values equals zero and the matrix has full rank. The reduction of the rank of the matrix and thus the noise in the reconstructed NMR data can be achieved by replacing all the singular values except the first k values with zeroes. This noise reduction process becomes difficult when biomolecular NMR data is to be processed due to the number of resonances being unknown and the presence of a large solvent peak

    Multispectral texture synthesis

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    Synthesizing texture involves the ordering of pixels in a 2D arrangement so as to display certain known spatial correlations, generally as described by a sample texture. In an abstract sense, these pixels could be gray-scale values, RGB color values, or entire spectral curves. The focus of this work is to develop a practical synthesis framework that maintains this abstract view while synthesizing texture with high spectral dimension, effectively achieving spectral invariance. The principle idea is to use a single monochrome texture synthesis step to capture the spatial information in a multispectral texture. The first step is to use a global color space transform to condense the spatial information in a sample texture into a principle luminance channel. Then, a monochrome texture synthesis step generates the corresponding principle band in the synthetic texture. This spatial information is then used to condition the generation of spectral information. A number of variants of this general approach are introduced. The first uses a multiresolution transform to decompose the spatial information in the principle band into an equivalent scale/space representation. This information is encapsulated into a set of low order statistical constraints that are used to iteratively coerce white noise into the desired texture. The residual spectral information is then generated using a non-parametric Markov Ran dom field model (MRF). The remaining variants use a non-parametric MRF to generate the spatial and spectral components simultaneously. In this ap proach, multispectral texture is grown from a seed region by sampling from the set of nearest neighbors in the sample texture as identified by a template matching procedure in the principle band. The effectiveness of both algorithms is demonstrated on a number of texture examples ranging from greyscale to RGB textures, as well as 16, 22, 32 and 63 band spectral images. In addition to the standard visual test that predominates the literature, effort is made to quantify the accuracy of the synthesis using informative and effective metrics. These include first and second order statistical comparisons as well as statistical divergence tests