22 research outputs found

    Evaluating parametric holonomic sequences using rectangular splitting

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    We adapt the rectangular splitting technique of Paterson and Stockmeyer to the problem of evaluating terms in holonomic sequences that depend on a parameter. This approach allows computing the nn-th term in a recurrent sequence of suitable type using O(n1/2)O(n^{1/2}) "expensive" operations at the cost of an increased number of "cheap" operations. Rectangular splitting has little overhead and can perform better than either naive evaluation or asymptotically faster algorithms for ranges of nn encountered in applications. As an example, fast numerical evaluation of the gamma function is investigated. Our work generalizes two previous algorithms of Smith.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Fast computation of power series solutions of systems of differential equations

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    We propose new algorithms for the computation of the first N terms of a vector (resp. a basis) of power series solutions of a linear system of differential equations at an ordinary point, using a number of arithmetic operations which is quasi-linear with respect to N. Similar results are also given in the non-linear case. This extends previous results obtained by Brent and Kung for scalar differential equations of order one and two

    A Comparative Study of Two Real Root Isolation Methods

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    Recent progress in polynomial elimination has rendered the computation of the real roots of ill-conditioned polynomials of high degree (over 1000) with huge coefficients (several thousand digits) a critical operation in computer algebra. To rise to the occasion, the only method-candidate that has been considered by various authors for modification and improvement has been the Collins-Akritas bisection method [1], which is a based on a variation of Vincent’s theorem [2]. The most recent example is the paper by Rouillier and Zimmermann [3], where the authors present â€œ... a new algorithm, which is optimal in terms of memory usage and as fast as both Collins and Akritas’ algorithm and Krandick variant ...” [3] In this paper we compare our own continued fractions method CF [4] (which is directly based on Vincent’s theorem) with the best bisection method REL described in [3]. Experimentation with the data presented in [3] showed that, with respect to time, our continued fractions method CF is by far superior to REL, whereas the two are about equal with respect to space

    Parallel Integer Polynomial Multiplication

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    We propose a new algorithm for multiplying dense polynomials with integer coefficients in a parallel fashion, targeting multi-core processor architectures. Complexity estimates and experimental comparisons demonstrate the advantages of this new approach

    A Fast Algorithm for Computing the p-Curvature

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    We design an algorithm for computing the pp-curvature of a differential system in positive characteristic pp. For a system of dimension rr with coefficients of degree at most dd, its complexity is \softO (p d r^\omega) operations in the ground field (where ω\omega denotes the exponent of matrix multiplication), whereas the size of the output is about pdr2p d r^2. Our algorithm is then quasi-optimal assuming that matrix multiplication is (\emph{i.e.} ω=2\omega = 2). The main theoretical input we are using is the existence of a well-suited ring of series with divided powers for which an analogue of the Cauchy--Lipschitz Theorem holds.Comment: ISSAC 2015, Jul 2015, Bath, United Kingdo

    On the Complexity of Real Root Isolation

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    We introduce a new approach to isolate the real roots of a square-free polynomial F=∑i=0nAixiF=\sum_{i=0}^n A_i x^i with real coefficients. It is assumed that each coefficient of FF can be approximated to any specified error bound. The presented method is exact, complete and deterministic. Due to its similarities to the Descartes method, we also consider it practical and easy to implement. Compared to previous approaches, our new method achieves a significantly better bit complexity. It is further shown that the hardness of isolating the real roots of FF is exclusively determined by the geometry of the roots and not by the complexity or the size of the coefficients. For the special case where FF has integer coefficients of maximal bitsize τ\tau, our bound on the bit complexity writes as O~(n3τ2)\tilde{O}(n^3\tau^2) which improves the best bounds known for existing practical algorithms by a factor of n=degFn=deg F. The crucial idea underlying the new approach is to run an approximate version of the Descartes method, where, in each subdivision step, we only consider approximations of the intermediate results to a certain precision. We give an upper bound on the maximal precision that is needed for isolating the roots of FF. For integer polynomials, this bound is by a factor nn lower than that of the precision needed when using exact arithmetic explaining the improved bound on the bit complexity

    Products of Ordinary Differential Operators by Evaluation and Interpolation

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    It is known that multiplication of linear differential operators over ground fields of characteristic zero can be reduced to a constant number of matrix products. We give a new algorithm by evaluation and interpolation which is faster than the previously-known one by a constant factor, and prove that in characteristic zero, multiplication of differential operators and of matrices are computationally equivalent problems. In positive characteristic, we show that differential operators can be multiplied in nearly optimal time. Theoretical results are validated by intensive experiments

    Continued Fraction Expansion of Real Roots of Polynomial Systems

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    We present a new algorithm for isolating the real roots of a system of multivariate polynomials, given in the monomial basis. It is inspired by existing subdivision methods in the Bernstein basis; it can be seen as generalization of the univariate continued fraction algorithm or alternatively as a fully analog of Bernstein subdivision in the monomial basis. The representation of the subdivided domains is done through homographies, which allows us to use only integer arithmetic and to treat efficiently unbounded regions. We use univariate bounding functions, projection and preconditionning techniques to reduce the domain of search. The resulting boxes have optimized rational coordinates, corresponding to the first terms of the continued fraction expansion of the real roots. An extension of Vincent's theorem to multivariate polynomials is proved and used for the termination of the algorithm. New complexity bounds are provided for a simplified version of the algorithm. Examples computed with a preliminary C++ implementation illustrate the approach.Comment: 10 page

    Fast algorithms for differential equations in positive characteristic

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    We address complexity issues for linear differential equations in characteristic p>0p>0: resolution and computation of the pp-curvature. For these tasks, our main focus is on algorithms whose complexity behaves well with respect to pp. We prove bounds linear in pp on the degree of polynomial solutions and propose algorithms for testing the existence of polynomial solutions in sublinear time O~(p1/2)\tilde{O}(p^{1/2}), and for determining a whole basis of the solution space in quasi-linear time O~(p)\tilde{O}(p); the O~\tilde{O} notation indicates that we hide logarithmic factors. We show that for equations of arbitrary order, the pp-curvature can be computed in subquadratic time O~(p1.79)\tilde{O}(p^{1.79}), and that this can be improved to O(log⁥(p))O(\log(p)) for first order equations and to O~(p)\tilde{O}(p) for classes of second order equations