595 research outputs found

    Network flow algorithms for wireless networks and design and analysis of rate compatible LDPC codes

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    While Shannon already characterized the capacity of point-to-point channels back in 1948, characterizing the capacity of wireless networks has been a challenging problem. The deterministic channel model proposed by Avestimehr, etc. (2007 - 1) has been a promising approach for approximating the Gaussian channel capacity and has been widely studied recently. Motivated by this model, an improved combinatorial algorithm is considered for finding the unicast capacity for wireless information flow on such deterministic networks in the first part of this thesis. Our algorithm fully explores the useful combinatorial features intrinsic in the problem. Our improvement applies generally with any size of finite fields associated with the channel model. Comparing with other related algorithms, our improved algorithm has very competitive performance in complexity. In the second part of our work, we consider the design and analysis of rate-compatible LDPC codes. Rate-compatible LDPC codes are basically a family of nested codes, operating at different code rates and all of them can be encoded and decoded using a single encoder and decoder pair. Those properties make rate-compatible LDPC codes a good choice for changing channel conditions, like in wireless communications. The previous work on the design and analysis of LDPC codes are all targeting at a specific code rate and no work is known on the design and analysis of rate-compatible LDPC codes so that the code performance at all code rates in the family is manageable and predictable. In our work, we proposed algorithms for the design and analysis of rate-compatible LDPC codes with good performance and make the code performance at all code rates manageable and predictable. Our work is based on E2RC codes, while our approaches in the design and analysis can be applied more generally not only to E2RC codes, but to other suitable scenarios, like the design of IRA codes. Most encouragingly, we obtain families of rate-compatible codes whose gaps to capacity are at most 0.3 dB across the range of rates when the maximum variable node degree is twenty, which is very promising compared with other existing results

    Algebraic techniques for deterministic networks

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    We here summarize some recent advances in the study of linear deterministic networks, recently proposed as approximations for wireless channels. This work started by extending the algebraic framework developed for multicasting over graphs in [1] to include operations over matrices and to admit both graphs and linear deterministic networks as special cases. Our algorithms build on this generalized framework, and provide as special cases unicast and multicast algorithms for deterministic networks, as well as network code designs using structured matrices

    Cooperative strategies design based on the diversity and multiplexing tradeoff

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    This thesis focuses on designing wireless cooperative communication strategies that are either optimal or near-optimal in terms of the tradeoff between diversity and multiplexing gains. Starting from classical cooperative broadcast, multiple-access and relay channels with unit degree of freedom, to more general cooperative interference channels with higher degrees of freedom, properties of different network topologies are studied and their unique characteristics together with several advanced interference management techniques are exploited to design cooperative transmission strategies in order to enhance data rate, reliability or both at the same time. Moreover, various algorithms are proposed to solve practical implementation issues and performance is analyzed through both theoretical verifications and simulations

    Wireless MIMO Switching: Weighted Sum Mean Square Error and Sum Rate Optimization

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    This paper addresses joint transceiver and relay design for a wireless multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) switching scheme that enables data exchange among multiple users. Here, a multi-antenna relay linearly precodes the received (uplink) signals from multiple users before forwarding the signal in the downlink, where the purpose of precoding is to let each user receive its desired signal with interference from other users suppressed. The problem of optimizing the precoder based on various design criteria is typically non-convex and difficult to solve. The main contribution of this paper is a unified approach to solve the weighted sum mean square error (MSE) minimization and weighted sum rate maximization problems in MIMO switching. Specifically, an iterative algorithm is proposed for jointly optimizing the relay's precoder and the users' receive filters to minimize the weighted sum MSE. It is also shown that the weighted sum rate maximization problem can be reformulated as an iterated weighted sum MSE minimization problem and can therefore be solved similarly to the case of weighted sum MSE minimization. With properly chosen initial values, the proposed iterative algorithms are asymptotically optimal in both high and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes for MIMO switching, either with or without self-interference cancellation (a.k.a., physical-layer network coding). Numerical results show that the optimized MIMO switching scheme based on the proposed algorithms significantly outperforms existing approaches in the literature.Comment: This manuscript is under 2nd review of IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Instantly Decodable Network Coding: From Centralized to Device-to-Device Communications

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    From its introduction to its quindecennial, network coding has built a strong reputation for enhancing packet recovery and achieving maximum information flow in both wired and wireless networks. Traditional studies focused on optimizing the throughput of the system by proposing elaborate schemes able to reach the network capacity. With the shift toward distributed computing on mobile devices, performance and complexity become both critical factors that affect the efficiency of a coding strategy. Instantly decodable network coding presents itself as a new paradigm in network coding that trades off these two aspects. This paper review instantly decodable network coding schemes by identifying, categorizing, and evaluating various algorithms proposed in the literature. The first part of the manuscript investigates the conventional centralized systems, in which all decisions are carried out by a central unit, e.g., a base-station. In particular, two successful approaches known as the strict and generalized instantly decodable network are compared in terms of reliability, performance, complexity, and packet selection methodology. The second part considers the use of instantly decodable codes in a device-to-device communication network, in which devices speed up the recovery of the missing packets by exchanging network coded packets. Although the performance improvements are directly proportional to the computational complexity increases, numerous successful schemes from both the performance and complexity viewpoints are identified

    Performance Analysis and Design of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    We focus on the performance analysis and design of a wireless ad-hoc network using a virtual-circuit or reservation based medium access layer. In a reservation based MAC network, source nodes reserve a session's link capacity end-to-end over the entire path before sending traffic over the established path. An example of a generic reservation based MAC protocol is Unifying Slot Assignment Protocol (USAP). Any reservation based medium access protocol (including USAP) uses a simple set of rules to determine the cells or timeslots available at a node to reserve link capacity along the path to the next node. Given inputs of node locations, traffic pattern between nodes and link propagation matrices, we develop models to estimate blocking probability and throughput for reservation based wireless ad-hoc networks. These models are based on extending reduced load loss network models for a wireless network. For generic USAP with multiple frequency channels, the key effect of multiuser interference on a link is modeled via reduced available link capacity where the effects of transmissions and receptions in the link neighborhood are modeled using USAP reservation rules. We compare our results with simulation and obtain good results using our extended reduced load loss network models but with reduced available link capacity distribution obtained by simulation. For the case of generic USAP using a single frequency channel, we develop models for unicast traffic using reduced load loss network models but with the sharing of the wireless medium between a node and its neighbors modeled by considering cliques of neighboring interfering links around a particular link. We compare results of this model with simulation and show good match. We also develop models to calculate source-destination throughput for the reservation MAC as used in the Joint Tactical Radio System to support both unicast and multicast traffic. These models are based on extending reduced load loss network models for wireless multicast traffic with the sharing of the wireless medium between a node and its (upto 2 hop) neighbors modeled by considering cliques of interfering nodes around a particular node. We compare results of this model with simulation and show good match with simulation. Once we have developed models to estimate throughput and blocking probabilities, we use these models to optimize total network throughput. In order to optimize total throughput, we compute throughput sensitivities of the reduced load loss network model using an implied cost formulation and use these sensitivities to choose the routing probabilities among multiple paths so that total network throughput is maximized. In any network scenario, MANETs can get disconnected into clusters. As part of the MANET design problem, we look at the problem of establishing network connectivity and satisfying required traffic capacity between disconnected clusters by placing a minimum number of advantaged high flying Aerial Platforms (APs) as relay nodes at appropriate places. We also extend the connectivity solution in order to make the network single AP survivable. The problem of providing both connectivity and required capacity between disconnected ground clusters (which contain nodes that can communicate directly with each other) is formulated as a summation-form clustering problem of the ground clusters with the APs along with inter-AP distance constraints that make the AP network connected and with complexity costs that take care of ground cluster to AP capacity constraints. The resultant clustering problem is solved using Deterministic Annealing to find (near) globally optimal solutions for the minimum number and locations of the APs to establish connectivity and provide required traffic capacity between disconnected clusters. The basic connectivity constraints are extended to include conditions that make the resultant network survivable to a single AP failure. In order to make the network single AP survivable, we extend the basic connectivity solution by adding another summation form constraint so that the AP network forms a biconnected network and also by making sure that each ground cluster is connected to atleast two APs. We establish the validity of our algorithms by comparing them with optimal exhaustive search algorithms and show that our algorithms are near-optimal for the problem of establishing connectivity between disconnected clusters