7 research outputs found

    Design of OpenCL-compatible multithreaded hardware accelerators with dynamic support for embedded FPGAs

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    ARTICo3 is an architecture that permits to dynamically set an arbitrary number of reconfigurable hardware accelerators, each containing a given number of threads fixed at design time according to High Level Synthesis constraints. However, the replication of these modules can be decided at runtime to accelerate kernels by increasing the overall number of threads, add modular redundancy to increase fault tolerance, or any combination of the previous. An execution scheduler is used at kernel invocation to deliver the appropriate data transfers, optimizing memory transactions, and sequencing or parallelizing execution according to the configuration specified by the resource manager of the architecture. The model of computation is compatible with the OpenCL kernel execution model, and memory transfers and architecture are arranged to match the same optimization criteria as for kernel execution in GPU architectures but, differently to other approaches, with dynamic hardware execution support. In this paper, a novel design methodology for multithreaded hardware accelerators is presented. The proposed framework provides OpenCL compatibility by implementing a memory model based on shared memory between host and compute device, which removes the overhead imposed by data transferences at global memory level, and local memories inside each accelerator, i.e. compute unit, which are connected to global memory through optimized DMA links. These local memories provide unified access, i.e. a continuous memory map, from the host side, but are divided in a configurable number of independent banks (to increase available ports) from the processing elements side to fully exploit data-level parallelism. Experimental results show OpenCL model compliance using multithreaded hardware accelerators and enhanced dynamic adaptation capabilities

    Throughput oriented FPGA overlays using DSP blocks

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    Design productivity is a major concern preventing the mainstream adoption of FPGAs. Overlay architectures have emerged as one possible solution to this challenge, offering fast compilation and software-like programmability. However, overlays typically suffer from area and performance overheads due to limited consideration for the underlying FPGA architecture. These overlays have often been of limited size, supporting only relatively small compute kernels. This paper examines the possibility of developing larger, more efficient, overlays using multiple DSP blocks and then maximising utilisation by mapping multiple instances of kernels simultaneously onto the overlay to exploit kernel level parallelism. We show a significant improvement in achievable overlay size and overlay utilisation, with a reduction of almost 70% in the overlay tile requirement compared to existing overlay architectures, an operating frequency in excess of 300 MHz, and kernel throughputs of almost 60 GOPS

    An OpenCL software compilation framework targeting an SoC-FPGA VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    Modern systems-on-chip augment their baseline CPU with coprocessors and accelerators to increase overall computational capability and power efficiency, and thus have evolved into heterogeneous multi-core systems. Several languages have been developed to enable this paradigm shift, including CUDA and OpenCL. This paper discusses a unified compilation environment to enable heterogeneous system design through the use of OpenCL and a highly configurable VLIW Chip Multiprocessor architecture known as the LE1. An LLVM compilation framework was researched and a prototype developed to enable the execution of OpenCL applications on a number of hardware configurations of the LE1 CMP. The presented OpenCL framework fully automates the compilation flow and supports work-item coalescing which better maps onto the ILP processor cores of the LE1 architecture. This paper discusses in detail both the software stack and target hardware architecture and evaluates the scalability of the proposed framework by running 12 industry-standard OpenCL benchmarks drawn from the AMD SDK and the Rodinia suites. The benchmarks are executed on 40 LE1 configurations with 10 implemented on an SoC-FPGA and the remaining on a cycle-accurate simulator. Across 12 OpenCL benchmarks results demonstrate near-linear wall-clock performance improvement of 1.8x (using 2 dual-issue cores), up to 5.2x (using 8 dual-issue cores) and on one case, super-linear improvement of 8.4x (FixOffset kernel, 8 dual-issue cores). The number of OpenCL benchmarks evaluated makes this study one of the most complete in the literature

    Revisiting the high-performance reconfigurable computing for future datacenters

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    Modern datacenters are reinforcing the computational power and energy efficiency by assimilating field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The sustainability of this large-scale integration depends on enabling multi-tenant FPGAs. This requisite amplifies the importance of communication architecture and virtualization method with the required features in order to meet the high-end objective. Consequently, in the last decade, academia and industry proposed several virtualization techniques and hardware architectures for addressing resource management, scheduling, adoptability, segregation, scalability, performance-overhead, availability, programmability, time-to-market, security, and mainly, multitenancy. This paper provides an extensive survey covering three important aspects-discussion on non-standard terms used in existing literature, network-on-chip evaluation choices as a mean to explore the communication architecture, and virtualization methods under latest classification. The purpose is to emphasize the importance of choosing appropriate communication architecture, virtualization technique and standard language to evolve the multi-tenant FPGAs in datacenters. None of the previous surveys encapsulated these aspects in one writing. Open problems are indicated for scientific community as well