536,126 research outputs found

    Analytic geometry over F_1 and the Fargues-Fontaine curve

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    This paper develops a theory of analytic geometry over the field with one element. The approach used is the analytic counter-part of the Toen-Vaquie theory of schemes over F_1, i.e. the base category relative to which we work out our theory is the category of sets endowed with norms (or families of norms). Base change functors to analytic spaces over Banach rings are studied and the basic spaces of analytic geometry (like polydisks) are recovered as a base change of analytic spaces over F_1. We end by discussing some applications of our theory to the theory of the Fargues-Fontaine curve and to the ring Witt vectors.Comment: Small corrections have been made in the last section of the paper and some typos have been correcte

    Marginal and Relevant Deformations of N=4 Field Theories and Non-Commutative Moduli Spaces of Vacua

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    We study marginal and relevant supersymmetric deformations of the N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. Our primary innovation is the interpretation of the moduli spaces of vacua of these theories as non-commutative spaces. The construction of these spaces relies on the representation theory of the related quantum algebras, which are obtained from F-term constraints. These field theories are dual to superstring theories propagating on deformations of the AdS_5xS^5 geometry. We study D-branes propagating in these vacua and introduce the appropriate notion of algebraic geometry for non-commutative spaces. The resulting moduli spaces of D-branes have several novel features. In particular, they may be interpreted as symmetric products of non-commutative spaces. We show how mirror symmetry between these deformed geometries and orbifold theories follows from T-duality. Many features of the dual closed string theory may be identified within the non-commutative algebra. In particular, we make progress towards understanding the K-theory necessary for backgrounds where the Neveu-Schwarz antisymmetric tensor of the string is turned on, and we shed light on some aspects of discrete anomalies based on the non-commutative geometry.Comment: 60 pages, 4 figures, JHEP format, amsfonts, amssymb, amsmat

    EVH Black Holes, AdS3 Throats and EVH/CFT Proposal

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    Within class of generic black holes there are extremal black holes (with vanishing Hawking temperature T) and vanishing horizon area Ah, but with finite Ah/T ratio,the Extremal Vanishing Horizon (EVH) black holes. We study the near horizon limit of a four dimensional EVH black hole solution to a generic (gauged) Einstein-Maxwell dilaton theory and show that in the near horizon limit they develop a throat which is a pinching orbifold limit of AdS3. This is an extension of the well known result for extremal black holes the near horizon limit of which contains an AdS2 throat. We show that in the near EVH near horizon limit the pinching AdS3 factor turns to a pinching BTZ black hole and that this near horizon limit is indeed a decoupling limit. We argue that the pinching AdS3 or BTZ orbifold is resolved if the near horizon limit is accompanied by taking the 4d Newton constant G4 to zero such that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S = Ah/(4G4) remains finite. We propose that in this limit the near horizon EVH black hole is dual to a 2d CFT. We provide pieces of evidence in support of the EVH/CFT correspondence and comment on its connection to the Kerr/CFT proposal and speculations how the EVH/CFT may be used to study generic e.g. Schwarzchild-type black holes.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, JHEP styl