29 research outputs found

    Modelling and stability of FAST TCP

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    We introduce a discrete-time model of FAST TCP that fully captures the effect of self-clocking and compare it with the traditional continuous-time model. While the continuous-time model predicts instability for homogeneous sources sharing a single link when feedback delay is large, experiments suggest otherwise. Using the discrete-time model, we prove that FAST TCP is locally asymptotically stable in general networks when all sources have a common round-trip feedback delay, no matter how large the delay is. We also prove global stability for a single bottleneck link in the absence of feedback delay. The techniques developed here are new and applicable to other protocols

    Application-Oriented Flow Control: Fundamentals, Algorithms and Fairness

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    This paper is concerned with flow control and resource allocation problems in computer networks in which real-time applications may have hard quality of service (QoS) requirements. Recent optimal flow control approaches are unable to deal with these problems since QoS utility functions generally do not satisfy the strict concavity condition in real-time applications. For elastic traffic, we show that bandwidth allocations using the existing optimal flow control strategy can be quite unfair. If we consider different QoS requirements among network users, it may be undesirable to allocate bandwidth simply according to the traditional max-min fairness or proportional fairness. Instead, a network should have the ability to allocate bandwidth resources to various users, addressing their real utility requirements. For these reasons, this paper proposes a new distributed flow control algorithm for multiservice networks, where the application's utility is only assumed to be continuously increasing over the available bandwidth. In this, we show that the algorithm converges, and that at convergence, the utility achieved by each application is well balanced in a proportionally (or max-min) fair manner

    Cross-layer optimization in TCP/IP networks

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    TCP-AQM can be interpreted as distributed primal-dual algorithms to maximize aggregate utility over source rates. We show that an equilibrium of TCP/IP, if exists, maximizes aggregate utility over both source rates and routes, provided congestion prices are used as link costs. An equilibrium exists if and only if this utility maximization problem and its Lagrangian dual have no duality gap. In this case, TCP/IP incurs no penalty in not splitting traffic across multiple paths. Such an equilibrium, however, can be unstable. It can be stabilized by adding a static component to link cost, but at the expense of a reduced utility in equilibrium. If link capacities are optimally provisioned, however, pure static routing, which is necessarily stable, is sufficient to maximize utility. Moreover single-path routing again achieves the same utility as multipath routing at optimality

    A priori detection of Zeno behavior in communication networks modeled as hybrid systems

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    In this paper, we show that the sufficient conditions for the existence of Zeno behavior in hybrid systems derived in (A. Abate et al., 2005) correctly predict such executions in a modeling instance of the fluid-flow approximation of the TCP-like protocol for wireless communication networks

    FAST TCP: Motivation, Architecture, Algorithms, Performance

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    We describe FAST TCP, a new TCP congestion control algorithm for high-speed long-latency networks, from design to implementation. We highlight the approach taken by FAST TCP to address the four difficulties which the current TCP implementation has at large windows. We describe the architecture and summarize some of the algorithms implemented in our prototype. We characterize its equilibrium and stability properties. We evaluate it experimentally in terms of throughput, fairness, stability, and responsiveness

    Stability and bifurcation analysis of Westwood+ TCP congestion control model in mobile cloud computing networks

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    In this paper, we first build up a Westwood+ TCP congestion control model with communication delay in mobile cloud computing networks. We then study the dynamics of this model by analyzing the distribution ranges of eigenvalues of its characteristic equation. Taking communication delay as the bifurcation parameter, we derive the linear stability criteria depending on communication delay. Furthermore, we study the direction of Hopf bifurcation as well as the stability of periodic solution for the Westwood+ TCP congestion control model with communication delay. We find that the Hopf bifurcation occurs when the communication delay passes a sequence of critical values. The stability and direction of the Hopf bifurcation are determined by the normal form theory and the center manifold theorem. Finally, numerical simulation is done to verify the theoretical results