85 research outputs found

    ABC: A Simple Explicit Congestion Controller for Wireless Networks

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    We propose Accel-Brake Control (ABC), a simple and deployable explicit congestion control protocol for network paths with time-varying wireless links. ABC routers mark each packet with an "accelerate" or "brake", which causes senders to slightly increase or decrease their congestion windows. Routers use this feedback to quickly guide senders towards a desired target rate. ABC requires no changes to header formats or user devices, but achieves better performance than XCP. ABC is also incrementally deployable; it operates correctly when the bottleneck is a non-ABC router, and can coexist with non-ABC traffic sharing the same bottleneck link. We evaluate ABC using a Wi-Fi implementation and trace-driven emulation of cellular links. ABC achieves 30-40% higher throughput than Cubic+Codel for similar delays, and 2.2X lower delays than BBR on a Wi-Fi path. On cellular network paths, ABC achieves 50% higher throughput than Cubic+Codel

    An Extremely Low-latency Congestion Control for Mobile Cellular Networks

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringSince the diagnosis of severe bufferbloat in mobile cellular networks, a number of low-latency congestion control algorithms have been proposed. However, due to the need for continuous bandwidth probing in dynamic cellular channels, existing mechanisms are designed to cyclically overload the network. As a result, it is inevitable that their latency deviates from the smallest possible level (i.e., minimum RTT). To tackle this problem, we propose a new low-latency congestion control, ExLL, which can adapt to dynamic cellular channels without overloading the network. To do so, we develop two novel techniques that run on the cellular receiver: 1) cellular bandwidth inference from the downlink packet reception pattern and 2) minimum RTT calibration from the inference on the uplink scheduling interval. Furthermore, we incorporate the control framework of FAST into ExLL???s cellular specific inference techniques. Hence, ExLL can precisely control its congestion window to not overload the network unnecessarily. Our implementation of ExLL on Android smartphones demonstrates that ExLL reduces latency much closer to the minimum RTT compared to other low-latency congestion control algorithms in both static and dynamic channels of LTE networks.clos

    BBRp: Improving TCP BBR Performance over WLAN

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    This paper shows the inefficiency of TCP BBR in exploiting the Wi-Fi bandwidth. This limitation of BBR has been observed with both IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11ac, where the mechanism of frame aggregation is used to boost the throughput of data transmission. In the last years, many TCP variants have been introduced to limit the bufferbloat phenomena and bound the latency through a reduction of the queue backlog injection rate. However, this mechanism impacts on the Wi-Fi frame aggregation logic, impeding TCP congestion controls to reach the full throughput potential of a Wi-Fi interface. While this problem can be solved with TCP Cubic by allowing the sender node to enqueue more packets, for TCP BBR the fix is not the same, as it has a customized pacing algorithm. With this contribution we propose BBRp, a new BBR version that allows for fine-tuning the congestion control pace, achieving between four and six times more throughput over IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11ac channels, at the cost of an increased latency that is however always less than the latency obtainable with loss-based TCP congestion controls

    NexGen D-TCP: Next generation dynamic TCP congestion control algorithm

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    With the advancement of wireless access networks and mmWave New Radio (NR), new applications emerged, which requires a high data rate. The random packet loss due to mobility and channel conditions in a wireless network is not negligible, which degrades the significant performance of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The TCP has been extensively deployed for congestion control in the communication network during the last two decades. Different variants are proposed to improve the performance of TCP in various scenarios, specifically in lossy and high bandwidth-delay product (high- BDP) networks. Implementing a new TCP congestion control algorithm whose performance is applicable over a broad range of network conditions is still a challenge. In this article, we introduce and analyze a Dynamic TCP (D-TCP) congestion control algorithm overmmWave NR and LTE-A networks. The proposed D-TCP algorithm copes up with the mmWave channel fluctuations by estimating the available channel bandwidth. The estimated bandwidth is used to derive the congestion control factor N. The congestion window is increased/decreased adaptively based on the calculated congestion control factor. We evaluated the performance of D-TCP in terms of congestion window growth, goodput, fairness and compared it with legacy and existing TCP algorithms. We performed simulations of mmWave NR during LOS \u3c-\u3e NLOS transitions and showed that D-TCP curtails the impact of under-utilization during mobility. The simulation results and live air experiment points out that D-TCP achieves 32:9% gain in goodput as compared to TCPReno and attains 118:9% gain in throughput as compared to TCP-Cubic

    PBE-CC: Congestion Control via Endpoint-Centric, Physical-Layer Bandwidth Measurements

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    Wireless networks are becoming ever more sophisticated and overcrowded, imposing the most delay, jitter, and throughput damage to end-to-end network flows in today's internet. We therefore argue for fine-grained mobile endpoint-based wireless measurements to inform a precise congestion control algorithm through a well-defined API to the mobile's wireless physical layer. Our proposed congestion control algorithm is based on Physical-Layer Bandwidth measurements taken at the Endpoint (PBE-CC), and captures the latest 5G New Radio innovations that increase wireless capacity, yet create abrupt rises and falls in available wireless capacity that the PBE-CC sender can react to precisely and very rapidly. We implement a proof-of-concept prototype of the PBE measurement module on software-defined radios and the PBE sender and receiver in C. An extensive performance evaluation compares PBE-CC head to head against the leading cellular-aware and wireless-oblivious congestion control protocols proposed in the research community and in deployment, in mobile and static mobile scenarios, and over busy and quiet networks. Results show 6.3% higher average throughput than BBR, while simultaneously reducing 95th percentile delay by 1.8x