18 research outputs found

    On Pseudorandom Encodings

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    We initiate a study of pseudorandom encodings: efficiently computable and decodable encoding functions that map messages from a given distribution to a random-looking distribution. For instance, every distribution that can be perfectly and efficiently compressed admits such a pseudorandom encoding. Pseudorandom encodings are motivated by a variety of cryptographic applications, including password-authenticated key exchange, “honey encryption” and steganography. The main question we ask is whether every efficiently samplable distribution admits a pseudorandom encoding. Under different cryptographic assumptions, we obtain positive and negative answers for different flavors of pseudorandom encodings, and relate this question to problems in other areas of cryptography. In particular, by establishing a two-way relation between pseudorandom encoding schemes and efficient invertible sampling algorithms, we reveal a connection between adaptively secure multiparty computation for randomized functionalities and questions in the domain of steganography

    Output privacy in secure multiparty computation

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    Abstract. In secure multiparty computation, a set of mutually mistrusting players engage in a protocol to compute an arbitrary, publicly known polynomial-sized function of the party’s private inputs, in a way that does not reveal (to an adversary controlling some of the players) any knowledge about the remaining inputs, beyond what can be deduced from the obtained output(s). Since its introduction by Yao [39], and Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson [29], this powerful paradigm has received a lot of attention. All throughout, however, very little attention has been given to the privacy of the players ’ outputs. Yet, disclosure of (part of) the output(s) may have serious consequences for the overall security of the application e.g., when the computed output is a secret key; or when the evaluation of the function is part of a larger computation, so that the function’s output(s) will be used as input(s) in the next phase. In this work, we define the notion of private-output multiparty computation. This newly revised notion encompasses (as a particular case) the classical definition and allows a set of players to jointly compute the output of a common function in such a way that the execution of the protocol reveals no information (to an adversary controlling some of the players) about (some part of) the outputs (other than what follows from the description of the function itself). Next, we formall

    Crowd Verifiable Zero-Knowledge and End-to-end Verifiable Multiparty Computation

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    Auditing a secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocol entails the validation of the protocol transcript by a third party that is otherwise untrusted. In this work, we introduce the concept of end-to-end verifiable MPC (VMPC), that requires the validation to provide a correctness guarantee even in the setting that all servers, trusted setup primitives and all the client systems utilized by the input-providing users of the MPC protocol are subverted by an adversary. To instantiate VMPC, we introduce a new concept in the setting of zero-knowlegde protocols that we term crowd verifiable zero-knowledge (CVZK). A CVZK protocol enables a prover to convince a set of verifiers about a certain statement, even though each one individually contributes a small amount of entropy for verification and some of them are adversarially controlled. Given CVZK, we present a VMPC protocol that is based on discrete-logarithm related assumptions. At the high level of adversity that VMPC is meant to withstand, it is infeasible to ensure perfect correctness, thus we investigate the classes of functions and verifiability relations that are feasible in our framework, and present a number of possible applications the underlying functions of which can be implemented via VMPC

    On Pseudorandom Encodings

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    We initiate a study of pseudorandom encodings: efficiently computable and decodable encoding functions that map messages from a given distribution to a random-looking distribution. For instance, every distribution that can be perfectly and efficiently compressed admits such a pseudorandom encoding. Pseudorandom encodings are motivated by a variety of cryptographic applications, including password-authenticated key exchange, “honey encryption” and steganography. The main question we ask is whether every efficiently samplable distribution admits a pseudorandom encoding. Under different cryptographic assumptions, we obtain positive and negative answers for different flavors of pseudorandom encodings, and relate this question to problems in other areas of cryptography. In particular, by establishing a twoway relation between pseudorandom encoding schemes and efficient invertible sampling algorithms, we reveal a connection between adaptively secure multiparty computation for randomized functionalities and questions in the domain of steganography

    Feta: Efficient Threshold Designated-Verifier Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    Zero-Knowledge protocols have increasingly become both popular and practical in recent years due to their applicability in many areas such as blockchain systems. Unfortunately, public verifiability and small proof sizes of zero-knowledge protocols currently come at the price of strong assumptions, large prover time, or both, when considering statements with millions of gates. In this regime, the most prover-efficient protocols are in the designated verifier setting, where proofs are only valid to a single party that must keep a secret state. In this work, we bridge this gap between designated-verifier proofs and public verifiability by distributing the verifier. Here, a set of verifiers can then verify a proof and, if a given threshold tt of the nn verifiers is honest and trusted, can act as guarantors for the validity of a statement. We achieve this while keeping the concrete efficiency of current designated-verifier proofs, and present constructions that have small concrete computation and communication cost. We present practical protocols in the setting of threshold verifiers with t<n/4t<n/4 and t<n/3t<n/3, for which we give performance figures, showcasing the efficiency of our approach

    PLUME: An ECDSA Nullifier Scheme for Unique Pseudonymity within Zero Knowledge Proofs

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    ZK-SNARKs (Zero Knowledge Succinct Noninteractive ARguments of Knowledge) are one of the most promising new applied cryptography tools: proofs allow anyone to prove a property about some data, without revealing that data. Largely spurred by the adoption of cryptographic primitives in blockchain systems, ZK-SNARKs are rapidly becoming computationally practical in real-world settings, shown by i.e. tornado.cash and rollups. These have enabled ideation for new identity applications based on anonymous proof-of-ownership. One of the primary technologies that would enable the jump from existing apps to such systems is the development of deterministic nullifiers. Nullifiers are used as a public commitment to a specific anonymous account, to forbid actions like double spending, or allow a consistent identity between anonymous actions. We identify a new deterministic signature algorithm that both uniquely identifies the keypair, and keeps the account identity secret. In this work, we will define the full DDH-VRF construction, and prove uniqueness, secrecy, and existential unforgeability. We will also demonstrate a proof of concept of our Pseudonymously Linked Unique Message Entity (PLUME) scheme

    Steganography and collusion in cryptographic protocols

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 61-62).Steganography, the hiding of covert messages inside innocuous communication, is an active area of cryptographic research. Recent research has shown that provably undetectable steganography is possible in a wide variety of settings. We believe that the existence of such undetectable steganography will have far reaching implications. In this thesis, we investigate the impact of steganography on the design of cryptographic protocols. In particular, we show that that all existing cryptographic protocols allow malicious players to collude and coordinate their actions by steganographicly hiding covert messages inside legitimate protocol traffic. Such collusion is devastating in many settings, and thus we argue that it's elimination is an important direction for cryptographic research. Defeating such steganographic collusion requires not only new cryptographic protocols, but also a new notion of protocol security. Traditional notions of protocol security attempt to minimize the injuries to privacy and correctness inflicted by malicious participants who collude during run-time. They do not, however, prevent malicious parties from colluding and coordinating their actions in the first place! We therefore put forward the notion of a collusion-free protocol which guarantees that no set of players can use the protocol to maliciously coordinate their actions.(cont.) As should be expected, such a strong notion of security is very difficult to achieve. We show that achieving collusion-free security is impossible in a model with only broadcast communication and that even with physically private communication (e.g. physical envelopes) there are still many ideal functionalities that have no collusion-free protocols. Fortunately, under natural assumptions collusion-free protocols exist for an interesting class of ideal functionalities. Assuming the existence of trapdoor permutations, we construct collusion-free protocols, in a model with both broadcast messages and physical envelopes, for every finite ideal functionality in which all actions are public.by Matthew LepinskiPh.D


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    This article presents Lelantus-CLA, an adaptation of Lelantus for use with the Mimblewimble protocol and confidential assets. Whereas Mimblewimble achieves a limited amount of privacy by merging transactions that occur in the same block, Lelantus uses a logarithmic-size proof of membership to effectively enable merging across different blocks. At a high level, this allows value to be added to a common pool and then spent privately, but only once. We explain how to adapt this construction to Mimblewimble, while at the same time simplifying the protocol where possible. Confidential assets is a mechanism that allows multiple currencies to co-exist in the same ledger and (optionally) enables transactions to be conducted without disclosing the currency. Finally, we also describe how we can use Bulletproof “coloring” to enable offline payments, thus addressing one of the original shortcomings of Mimblewimble