178,791 research outputs found

    Online Advertising Revenue and the Operations of Newspapers in Nigeria: A Qualitative Analysis

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    Online advertising revenue is arguably a great innovation with ambivalent impact on the operations and management of newspaper industry all over the world. The yields from this innovation is seen as a huge source of survival to newspaper outfits and at the same time pose a lot of challenges for newspapers to establish and maintain online versions. The foregoing has nonetheless led some newspaper outfits to have a fair share of advertising revenue as well as expand their readership base while others have derailed and gone moribund. This study therefore seeks to evaluate the interface between online advertising revenue and operations of newspapers in Nigeria. The study adopts the qualitative analytical approach in highlighting relevant concepts to the topic of inquiry and concludes that Nigeria newspaper industry have joined their counterparts all over the world to have online presence and then enjoy a fair share of online advertising revenue. It recommends among others that newspaper establishments in Nigeria should strive to balance their quest for advertising revenue and professional ethics of journalism. Key words: Online advertising revenue, Operations of newspapers, Qualitative analysis, Nigeria.          

    Unfair Housing on the Internet: The Effect of the Communications Decency Act on the Fair Housing Act

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    The use of online advertisements is a relatively new, but rapidlygrowing phenomenon. Consumers have latched onto the idea of holding an online garage sale and its use has seen a marked increase. For example, online classified advertising services users increased eighty percent between 2004 and 2005. Consumers, however, sell more than baseball gloves and books online. One sector of the online advertisement market that has proven to be problematic is the sale of housing rental space. These advertisements would seemingly fit within the scope of the Fair Housing Act, which contains a provision regulating housing advertisements. However, these advertisements also fall within reach of the Communications Decency Act. These two statutes contain conflicting provisions, and it remains to be seen whether they can be harmonized. This article will first discuss the scopes of both the Fair Housing Act and the Communications Decency Act. It will then look at two cases that have addressed the intersection of the two statutes. Finally, this article will discuss the merits of each court\u27s decision and suggest a path for the future

    Exhibitions, fairs and auctions on the Internet

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    Наведено визначення таких понять, як аукціон, ярмарок та виставка. Визначено основні переваги он-лайн виставок, ярмарок та аукціонів. Розглянуто їх класифікацію. Відзначено основні рекламні можливості Інтернет-виставок. Зазначені основні переваги проведення електронних заходів.Приведены определения таких понятий, как аукцион, ярмарка и выставка. Определены основные преимущества онлайн выставок, ярмарок и аукционов. Рассмотрена их классификация. Отмечены основные рекламные возможности Интернет-выставок. Указаны основные преимущества проведения электронных мероприятий.Presented definitions of concepts such as auction, trade fair and exhibition. Shown the main advantages of online exhibitions, fairs and auctions. Considered their classification. Marked by major advertising opportunities online exhibitions. Indicated the main advantages of electronic events

    Why the Initially Confused Should Get a Clue: The Battle Between Trademark Infringement and Consumer Choice Online

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    The playing field between YouTube and television will be a bit fairer, but still far from level

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    On 2 October MEP Sabine Verheyen announced: “we have established a fair, level playing field,” celebrating the adoption of the revision to the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD), which now will also cover “video sharing platforms” (VSPs). This was an overstatement: the Directive may make things a bit fairer, but can do very little to even out competition for the advertising revenues upon which much content production depends. The playing field that Verheyen spoke of is the one on which traditional broadcasters, video on demand (VOD) services (e.g. Netflix), and platforms for user-generated content (UGC) (e.g. YouTube) compete for audiences, and on which those that are advertising dependent compete for advertising budgets. In the lead-up to the revision, commercial broadcasters and their sales houses called for changes to address competition from online services

    Online Casino Advertising: Testing the Limits of Commercial Speech

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    <span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman;"><font face="TimesNewRoman"><p align="left">The advent of the Internet has revolutionized the daily lives of everyone by giving increased access to information and consumer transactions, while also adding change and further complexity to the law. Gambling has adapted to the arrival of the Internet with online sports books</p></font></span><p align="left"><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;"><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;">2 </span></span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman;">and online casino gambling,</span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;"><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;">3 </span></span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman;">both developing a presence on the Internet. These new online casinos have begun to advertise both on the Internet and through more traditional broadcasting, like radio and television.</span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;"><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;">4 </span></span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman;">As a result, the Department of Justice has begun to crack down on online casino advertisers, primarily by threatening prosecution against advertisers through the Wire Act (18 U.S.C. &sect; 1084).</span></p

    Is Kelly Shifting Under Google’s Feet? New Ninth Circuit Impact on the Google Library Project Litigation

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    The Google Library Project presents what many consider to be the perfect fair-use problem. The legal debate surrounding the Library Project has centered on the Ninth Circuit’s Kelly v. Arriba Soft. Yet recent case law presents new arguments for both sides of the Library Project litigation. This iBrief analyzes two Ninth Circuit district court decisions on fair use, Field v. Google, Inc. and Perfect 10 v. Google, Inc., and their impact on the Library Project litigation