3,622 research outputs found

    Go Digital! Determinants of Continuance Usage of Mobile Payment Apps: Focusing on the Mediating Role of Gamification

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    Background: COVID-19 spread over the last two years has been instrumental in shifting physical banking transactions to mobile-based banking transactions. Recently, M-payments have dominated online and point-of-sale (POS) transactions in the Asia-pacific region. Therefore, there was a need to study the factors influencing M-payments. This research has been conducted to determine the significant factors influencing the usage and continuance usage of M-payment apps in an emerging country and particularly how gamified features enhance the usage of M-payments apps.is study is based on the perspectives of the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) and information system success (ISS) theory, and it adds three new determinants—trust, gamified features, and continued use of mobile payments to better explain and forecast users\u27 behavioral intentions and continued use of mobile payment applications (M-payments apps). Method: The research has employed two studies on sample data from young users of M-payment apps (n=898), the dataset was analyzed through structural equation modelling for mediation and moderation analysis in study one. The second study was grounded through Vignette experiments to analyze the effects of the degree of gamified features on the continued usage of M-payments. Results: The results reported that behavioral intention to adopt, and usage of mobile payments are significantly mediated by gamified features and gamified features are partially mediating continuance usage of M-payments. Trust is the key to enabling continuance usage amongst the users of M-payments. These findings extend the understanding of users’ continuance intention in the context of payments apps. Conclusion: This study would be helpful in presenting insights for the M-payments service providers and the associated banks to develop strategy for the continuance usage of mobile payment apps

    Breaching Location Silos: An Exploration of social media optimisation by SMMEs in Southern Africa

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    Published ArticleThis study explores the significance of social media as e-marketplaces for advancing e-commerce for small scale, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) in the southern African sub-region – notably in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Evidence from the examination of extant literature and our personal observations reveal that when properly harnessed as e-marketplaces, social media platforms, especially those that are compatible with mobile devices (i.e. smart mobile phones, tablets and notebooks), have tremendous e-commerce potential to enhance brand awareness, market growth, and market share for firms, thereby augmenting and expediting the management of customer relationships and brand loyalty. These benefits have the potential to trigger innovative marketing, brand positioning and creativity for SMMEs in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The main theoretical contribution of this study is the development of a conceptual model of social media that promotes SMME growth especially considering the large percentage of youth with a large appetite for new technology. Therefore, active engagement on social media could breach (the current) location silos," by tapping into the diaspora market


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the intention to adopt mobile banking in the Gerbangkertosusila Region. This type of research is a quantitative study using the population of the Gerbangkertosusila Region as a population. While the sample used was 385 respondents with a non-probability sampling method. Primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires online. Data analysis technique in this research is Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The findings in this study indicate that the variable perceived benefits, perceived easy to use, perceived risk, attitudes, and social influence significantly influence the intention to adopt mobile banking. Variable perceptions of usefulness, perceptions of convenience, attitudes, and social influence have a positive relationship while risk perception has a negative relationship with the intention to adopt mobile banking in the Gerbangkertosusila Region. This finding is expected to make Islamic banking policy makers understand the problem of intention to adopt mobile banking faced by their customers. This information will be useful in developing new policies or strategies to maximize the potential of mobile banking users in Indonesia, especially in the Gerbangkertosusila Region

    Effects of User Experience on Identity Authentication in the Nigerian E-banking Environment

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    A positive user authentication experience in e-banking is becoming increasingly challenging for providers of banking services. Users experience is crucial in justifying moneys spent in technologies. The use of Technology and its acceptance is a field of learning that researchers are working assiduously to discover factors affecting user identity authentication experience in e-banking. The study will investigate the factors affecting user experience in identity authentication in Nigeria e-banking environment using UTAUT model. Statistical methods will be used for analysis. The geographical scope of this work will be restricted to federal capital territory (FCT) in North Central Nigeria. Bank officials and customers will be selected from FCT and samples will be drawn through purposive sampling technique. Findings will disclose factors affecting user authentication experience. Recommendations will be made and the model derived which is UTAUT elements will make contributions extensively to the body of literature

    Determinants of Mobile Commerce Adoption in Developing Countries: Evidence from Rwanda

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    The rapid development of wireless technology and telecommunication networks has led to mobile devices playing an increasing role in people's lives. Businesses have recognised the value of mobile communication tools and trading platforms. A new type of technology-aided commerce – mobile commerce including mobile financial services – has gained importance in theory and practice. However, in the context of developing countries, the literature on the potential of mobile commerce and its driving factors is still limited. Along five empirical studies conducted in Rwanda, this research identifies the factors that drive the success of mobile commerce and financial services. It defines an appropriate infrastructure (power supply and network connectivity), a suitable regulatory setting, sufficient consumer awareness, and a proper distribution network as crucial for adopting mobile commerce and harvesting its potential. Thereupon, the research derives recommendations to Rwandan policymakers and practitioners in order to achieve economic growth, reduce poverty, and enhance national welfare Rwanda

    A Qualitative Study of the Problems and Prospects of Online Banking in Developing Economies – Case of Nigeria

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    The dawn of the new millennium brought with it a plethora of activities that has impacted strongly on the academic field especially consumers’ adoption of new technologies. This has continued to generate a great deal of interest in the academic arena and the business sector is not an exception. Researchers in these fields have been and are still formulating and extending various theories for online context. In an attempt to advance knowledge in these areas as well as build a concrete foundation which can serve as a spring board, various published literatures have been reviewed in different countries and at various times. The purpose of this paper is to qualitatively explore the problems and prospects of online banking in developing economies with Nigeria as a case study. The analysis of the data gathered produced various reasons for the non adoption of internet banking services in Nigeria. The findings provide a basis for financial managers to understand the reasons for non-adoption on this innovative services as well as paves ways to enhance the creation of awareness and promotion

    A Study of Literature and Practical Gaps in e-Wallet Acceptance: The Case of Malaysia

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the existing research gaps in the literature and the practicality of e-wallet acceptance studies in Malaysia. A systematic literature review (SLR) of peer-reviewed journal articles was carried out by the researchers, based on two major databases, namely, Scopus and Web of Science. In total, 60 articles published from January 2017 to April 2021 were reviewed which revealed the research gaps. Several research gaps are identified in the literature and practicality. The article offers suggestions for future research, including how to prioritize understudied subjects and incorporate other points of view. As a result, this study offers new researchers to learn more about the rapidly growing acceptance of e-wallets. Future research can also address these gaps and enhance the level of acceptance for e-wallets globally for a sustainable future. By identifying the factors that influence people's decision to accept e-wallets, researchers can help companies design better services and marketing campaigns. This will require some practical and theoretical implications, primarily demonstrating some nourishment in realizing the cashless society vision

    Objašnjenje namjere korištenja mobilne trgovine na temelju modela prihvaćanja tehnologije (TAM) u okviru tržišta u razvoju

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explain the intention to use mobile phones for shopping based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model in a developing country context, characterized by the mobile channel’s high growth rates. The research model analyzes perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation on m-commerce usage intention. Design/Methodology/Approach – Data for the research were collected through a survey among mobile commerce users in Ecuador. We tested the model through partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings and implications – The results showed that social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation are significant determinants of the intention to use mobile commerce in a developing market context, while perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are not. This paper’s main contribution consists in showing that, when the TAM model is expanded by including variables of the UTAUT2 model relating more specifically to the mobile technology, the influence of the ease of use and usefulness variables is not significant. Companies could develop mobile interfaces that are pleasant and stimulating, rather than utilitarian, since hedonic motivation is the variable with the greatest influence on m-commerce intention, and the one that emphasizes the social aspect of m-commerce. Limitations – The sample included individuals from a single country who were recruited from a university. Originality – The study focuses on m-commerce usage in a Latin American country, based on a combined TAM-UTAUT2 model that includes variables capturing the technological and social aspects of m-commerce.Svrha – Radom se nastoji objasniti namjera korištenja mobilnih telefona za kupovinu temeljem modela TAM i UTAUT2 u okviru zemlje u razvoju za koju su karakteristične visoke stope rasta mobilnih kanala. Istraživački model analizira percipiranu korisnost, lakoću korištenja, društveni utjecaj, uvjete i hedonističku motivaciju namjere korištenja mobilne trgovine. Metodološki pristup – Podatci su prikupljeni anketiranjem korisnika mobilne trgovine u Ekvadoru. Model je testiran modeliranjem strukturnih jednadžbi metodom parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS-SEM). Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati su pokazali da su društveni utjecaj, uvjeti i hedonistička motivacija značajne odrednice namjere korištenja mobilne trgovine u okviru tržišta u razvoju, a percipirana korisnost i percipirana lakoća korištenja nisu. Glavni doprinos rada jest pokazati da kada se TAM model proširi uključivanjem varijabli modela UTAUT2 koji se preciznije odnose na mobilno okruženje, utjecaj varijabli jednostavnosti uporabe i korisnosti nije značajan. Menadžeri bi mogli razviti mobilna sučelja koja su ugodna i poticajna, a ne utilitaristička, jer je hedonistička motivacija varijabla koja najviše utječe na namjeru m-trgovine i ističe njezin društveni aspekt. Ograničenja – U uzorak su uključeni ispitanici iz samo jedne zemlje s jednog sveučilišta. Doprinos – Autori proučavaju korištenje m-trgovine u latinoameričkoj zemlji na temelju kombiniranog TAM-UTAUT2 modela koji uključuje varijable koje obuhvaćaju tehnološke i društvene aspekte m-trgovine