19 research outputs found

    Assess Informal learning, through technology, in science centers or science museums

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    Theoretical design research on science centers, summarized in the Design of Experience - DEX Framework (Ocampo- Agudelo et al., 2017; Ocampo-Aguedo, J & Maya, J. 2017), suggests that the visitor experience in a science center is based on five building blocks: physical, institutional, personal, relational, and social. Our hypothesis: which exhibits are more effective in an informal learning experience? We would like to test our hypothesis based on the visitors’ perspectives in the Braganza Ciência Viva Science Center (and 3 other European museums in a smaller scale) as we plan for and to develop science exhibitions appropriate for our public

    Representational fidelity in distributed and remote lab environment

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    Studentima danas nedostaju realna iskustva o kompleksnim tehničkim konceptima uprkos činjenici da industrija, kao primarni korisnik, stalno ukazuje akademskoj zajednici na potrebu i značaj realnog praktičnog iskustva. Naš odgovor na to je kreiranje i testiranje Distribuirane daljinski upravljane laboratorije posvećene aktivnom učenju. U ovom istraživanju, sprovedeni su eksperimenti o reprezentativnoj tačnosti za dva tipa korisničkih interfejsa (Wall and Window) sa dva vida prezentacije (na desktop računaru i putem video bima). Predložen sistem daljinskog upravljanja omogućio je studentima iz Beograda, Srbije dinamičku interakciju sa realnim proizvodnim procesom u laboratoriji u Minju, Portugal. Ovo istraživanje daje prednost Wall interfejsu, na polju jasnoće pomeranja i doslednosti ponašanja objekta. Kod Wall interfejsa postoje slabije korelacije između mera reprezentativne tačnosti, a određenu prednost treba dati i desktop vidu prezentacije.Students today lack the real experiences needed to make sense of complex technical concepts although industry is one of the primary customers that constantly challenges academia to make curricula more relevant to professional practice. Our response to these influences was to create and test idea of Distributed and Remote Lab dedicated to active learning. In this survey, the experiments on representational fidelity measures are performed on two types of 'client' user interface (Wall and Window) in two modes of presentation (Desktop and Video beam) of the distributed manufacturing system. The proposed remote system has allowed students from Belgrade, Serbia to dynamically interact with a real manufacturing process held in Minho's Lab, Portugal, to carry out a remote experimental practice. This survey gives advantage to Wall interface, in the fields of smooth display of view changes and object motion and consistency of object behaviour. There are also weaker correlations between representational fidelity measures when Wall interface is used and certain advantage on desktop presentation mode

    Representational fidelity in distributed and remote lab environment

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    Studentima danas nedostaju realna iskustva o kompleksnim tehničkim konceptima uprkos činjenici da industrija, kao primarni korisnik, stalno ukazuje akademskoj zajednici na potrebu i značaj realnog praktičnog iskustva. Naš odgovor na to je kreiranje i testiranje Distribuirane daljinski upravljane laboratorije posvećene aktivnom učenju. U ovom istraživanju, sprovedeni su eksperimenti o reprezentativnoj tačnosti za dva tipa korisničkih interfejsa (Wall and Window) sa dva vida prezentacije (na desktop računaru i putem video bima). Predložen sistem daljinskog upravljanja omogućio je studentima iz Beograda, Srbije dinamičku interakciju sa realnim proizvodnim procesom u laboratoriji u Minju, Portugal. Ovo istraživanje daje prednost Wall interfejsu, na polju jasnoće pomeranja i doslednosti ponašanja objekta. Kod Wall interfejsa postoje slabije korelacije između mera reprezentativne tačnosti, a određenu prednost treba dati i desktop vidu prezentacije.Students today lack the real experiences needed to make sense of complex technical concepts although industry is one of the primary customers that constantly challenges academia to make curricula more relevant to professional practice. Our response to these influences was to create and test idea of Distributed and Remote Lab dedicated to active learning. In this survey, the experiments on representational fidelity measures are performed on two types of 'client' user interface (Wall and Window) in two modes of presentation (Desktop and Video beam) of the distributed manufacturing system. The proposed remote system has allowed students from Belgrade, Serbia to dynamically interact with a real manufacturing process held in Minho's Lab, Portugal, to carry out a remote experimental practice. This survey gives advantage to Wall interface, in the fields of smooth display of view changes and object motion and consistency of object behaviour. There are also weaker correlations between representational fidelity measures when Wall interface is used and certain advantage on desktop presentation mode

    Instructional Developments and Progress for Open and Equal Access for Learning

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    Digital learning has become a very effective educational experience. Recent applications of e-learning which combines classroom learning plus e-learning are generally expensive alternatives of the real environment. So we should better focus on the virtual learning and the benefits of virtual learning. In this chapter, we emphasize some instructional developments and progress for open and equal access and specifically learning with virtual reality which is very helpful for learning. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are the digital mediums created to present realities in real life or realities to be displayed in a 360°and/or 3D environment beyond the perception capacity of sensory organs by virtue of virtual reality. In this study, we try to explain the differences introduced to the virtual world transition-like evaluation of the learning and evaluation of the educational methods then touch on the hype cycle of the technology to see the rise of the virtual and augmented learning. Finally, we also tried to discuss, the advantages of virtual reality (increased reality) in terms of content for open and equal access and the content construction to include AR and VR to the Learning


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    This research uses the theory of flow to examine the effect of 2D versus 3D virtual world environments on brand equity and use intention. The results suggest that a 3D virtual world environment has both positive (indirect) and negative (direct) effects on brand equity. The positive, indirect effect of the 3D virtual world environment occurs through feelings of telepresence and enjoyment, both of which contribute positively to brand equity and, in turn, induces a higher behavioral intention. The negative, direct effect can be explained using distraction-conflict theory, where attentional conflict is faced by users of a highly interactive and rich medium. This paper explains the flow experience and its effects on brand equity in 2D versus 3D virtual world environments, and provides insights to practitioners for designing 3D virtual world sites to enhance brand equity and behavioral intention

    Personality, Emotion and Judgment in Virtual Environments: A Theoretical Framework

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    As organizations become increasingly reliant on distributive technologies, the processes that underpin the effective functioning of employees in virtual environments require systematic examination. This article provides a theoretical framework for studying personality, emotion and judgment in virtual environments. The communication media characteristics, social context, and individual traits and states are presented to portray the dynamic nature of judgment formation in a virtual environment. We argue that media characteristics, combined with personality, motivation and emergent social contexts serve to shape emotions and resultant judgments. By integrating the Information Systems (IS) and Organizational Behavior/Psychology literatures, we chart a course for research examining personality, emotion and judgments, with implications for any distributed organization

    The Impact of Immersive VR verses Desktop VR Technologies on Learning Attainment and Sense of Presence

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    The study examined the influence of immersive technologies and sense of presence on learning outcomes while comparing different media formats (Immersive Virtual Reality and Desktop Virtual Reality). The experiment was conducted on N=68 students that experienced a biology lesson about the human cellular system and its related processes. The current literature suggests that Immersive technologies can a powerful impact to learning, but it is crucial to identify when and how these impacts emerge. The current assumption is that presence and educational outcomes stem from the amount of engagement with the material, which is suggested to depend on the level of immersion. Currently, the question is whether technological immersion elicits this psychological state of presence and whether this feeling of presence has an influence on learning or not. Much of the literature relates to qualitative measurement techniques, such as motivational and emotional questionnaires. As well as a major issue relating to the methodology, such as sample size and inconsistency between groups. The study addressed this limitation by assessing learning outcomes quantitatively, and consistency of stimulus between experimental groups. We proposed that the largest learning gains may be seen in the iVR environment, since evidence suggest that designing active and embodied lessons with meaningful interactivity and manipulation of content may continue to induce significant influence in learning interventions. These findings may provide empirical evidence to help understand the influence of these variables on learning in iVR

    Machinima And Video-based Soft Skills Training

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    Multimedia training methods have traditionally relied heavily on video based technologies and significant research has shown these to be very effective training tools. However production of video is time and resource intensive. Machinima (pronounced \u27muh-sheen-eh-mah\u27) technologies are based on video gaming technology. Machinima technology allows video game technology to be manipulated into unique scenarios based on entertainment or training and practice applications. Machinima is the converting of these unique scenarios into video vignettes that tell a story. These vignettes can be interconnected with branching points in much the same way that education videos are interconnected as vignettes between decision points. This study addressed the effectiveness of machinima based soft-skills education using avatar actors versus the traditional video teaching application using human actors. This research also investigated the difference between presence reactions when using avatar actor produced video vignettes as compared to human actor produced video vignettes. Results indicated that the difference in training and/or practice effectiveness is statistically insignificant for presence, interactivity, quality and the skill of assertiveness. The skill of active listening presented a mixed result indicating the need for careful attention to detail in situations where body language and facial expressions are critical to communication. This study demonstrates that a significant opportunity exists for the exploitation of avatar actors in video based instruction