11,117 research outputs found

    What role does corporate governance play in the intention to use cloud computing technology?

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    This paper aims to investigate the factors which promote the adoption of cloud-based technology. It strives for a better understanding of the impact of corporate governance on the adoption of this technology. This study concentrated on executives in companies where the use of cloud computing may give a competitive advantage. The main contribution of this work is to propose a model for the influence of corporate governance and other factors that determine the adoption of this technology. A questionnaire was prepared after taking into consideration the reviewed literature. The sample consisted of 164 technology companies from Southern Spain that already use the new economic models for digital solutions. The methodology used to analyze the structural model was the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the survey showed the influence of Corporate Governance and the procedures and practices of the organization on the adoption of cloud computing and the associated business model. This study aims to point out the importance of corporate support and Knowledge Management for the correct and successful adoption of this technology and to show the effects on the new business model of billing for the use of available resources. View Full-Tex

    Innovation attributes and managers' decisions about the adoption of innovations in organizations: A meta-analytical review

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    The adop­tion of in­no­va­tions has emerged as a dom­i­nant re­search topic in the man­age­ment of in­no­va­tion in or­ga­ni­za­tions, al­though in­ves­ti­ga­tions of­ten yield mixed re­sults. To help man­agers and re­searchers im­prove their ef­fec­tive­ness, the au­thors em­ployed a meta-analy­sis in­te­grated with struc­tural equa­tion mod­el­ing to an­a­lyze the as­so­ci­a­tions be­tween the at­trib­utes of in­no­va­tions, man­agers' be­hav­ioral pref­er­ences, and or­ga­ni­za­tions' in­no­va­tion adop­tion de­ci­sions in a me­di­ated-mod­er­ated frame­work. Our find­ings of­fer ev­i­dence that at­trib­utes of in­no­va­tions in­flu­ence man­agers' be­hav­ioral pref­er­ences and, con­se­quently, adop­tion de­ci­sions in or­ga­ni­za­tions. We also ob­serve the sig­nif­i­cance of the con­text in which the adop­tion de­ci­sion oc­curs as well as the re­search set­tings em­ployed by schol­ars. Fi­nally, we dis­cuss the the­o­ret­i­cal con­tri­bu­tion and prac­ti­cal im­pli­ca­tions of our meta-an­a­lyt­i­cal re­sults

    A Study of Personal Cloud Computing: Compatibility, Social Influence, and Moderating Role of Perceived Familiarity

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    Building on a research framework based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Innovation Diffusion Technology (IDT), and the Technology Adoption Model (TAM), we propose a model integrating compatibility, social influence, and perceived familiarity given the implicit uncertainty of personal cloud. Our model emphasizes the moderating effect of perceived familiarity on the relationships between both perceived compatibility and social influence on behavioral intention. PLS-based structural equation modeling is employed to test the related propositions empirically. Results from a survey, involving 265 university students, reveal that perceived compatibility explains a larger proportion of the variance in behavioral intention; perceived familiarity plays a significant role in moderating the impact of perceived compatibility and social influence on intention to adopt personal cloud. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed

    Strategies Used by Cloud Security Managers to Implement Secure Access Methods

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    Cloud computing can be used as a way to access services and resources for many organizations; however, hackers have created security concerns for users that incorporate cloud computing in their everyday functions. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies used by cloud security managers to implement secure access methods to protect data on the cloud infrastructure. The population for this study was cloud security managers employed by 2 medium size businesses in the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area and that have strategies to implement secure access methods to protect data on the cloud infrastructure. The technology acceptance model was used as the conceptual framework for the study. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews of 7 security managers and review of 21 archived documents that reflected security strategies from past security issues that occurred. Data analysis was performed using methodological triangulation and resulted in the identification of three major themes: implementing security policies, implementing strong authentication methods, and implementing strong access control methods. The findings from this research may contribute to positive social by decreasing customers\u27 concerns regarding personal information that is stored on the cloud being compromised

    Alternative Group Technologies and Their Influence on Group Technology Acceptance

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    There is a long history of study to understand why work groups do or do not adopt new collaboration technologies. However, research has focused on only one technology. The underlying assumption is that work groups can adopt or not adopt that one technology based on that technology alone. In making this assumption, many researchers have failed to realize the importance of alternative technologies in the adoption process or the fact that groups can adopt more than one technology. To address this issue, we examined an attempt by a scientific research organization to have its work groups adopt a particular group-collaboration technology. Although the target technology was more than appropriate for the task and the organization provided all the resources needed for work groups to adopt the technology, i largely failed. This was in large part because of two alternative collaboration technologies that acted as substitutes.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144537/1/AJIS_7000100087_20180619_1.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144537/4/Ammari et al. 2018.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144537/6/Ammari et al. 2018 (Published).pdfDescription of Ammari et al. 2018.pdf : Forthcoming versionDescription of Ammari et al. 2018 (Published).pdf : Final Versio

    How Technology Has Changed the Field of Accounting

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    The thesis aims to discuss how technology has changed the field of accounting. The research focuses on information from journal articles and research reports to discover the changes that technological advancements have brought to the accounting industry and profession. The customer Satisfaction Model is one of the researcher\u27s theories in this thesis. The theoretical framework also consists of the Technology Acceptance Model as the other theory. The discussion emphasizes the technological advances in accounting and the shortcomings of technological advancements in accounting. Each type of business is affected differently by technology. Accounting, for example, must keep up with the rapid changes in technology, information, and software that are occurring right now. Due to technological advancements, accountants must keep their skills up-to-date to properly use new tools such as computers and accounting software such as Excel and QuickBooks. Today\u27s accounting industry relies on technology to provide more efficient services to its clients. The first abacus was designed for use in business to assist people in keeping track of their math. Many people attempted to build machines that could help accountants with math problems in the past, even though it was not known as technology. It was only a matter of time before the calculator appeared. As accounting technology advanced, the accountant\u27s job became more complex and time-consuming. It made no difference that the accountant was equipped with computers and calculators. The accountant was still required to record the company\u27s transactions manually. Paper records, numbers, and handwritten statements demonstrate how financial data was previously found, measured, and communicated

    Innovation Attributes and Managers' Decisions about the Adoption of Innovations in Organizations: A Meta-Analytical Review

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    The adoption of innovations has emerged as one of the dominant research topic in the management of innovations in organizations, though investigations often yield mixed results. To help managers and researchers improve the effectiveness of their efforts, the authors employed meta-analysis integrated by structural equation modeling to analyze the associations between the attributes of innovations, behavioral preferences of managers and organizations' innovation adoption decisions in a mediated-moderated framework. Our findings offer evidences that attributes of innovations influence behavioral preferences of managers and, in turn, adoption decisions in organizations. We also observe that the context in which the adoption decision takes place and the research settings employed by scholars matter. Finally, the theoretical contribution and practical implications of our meta-analytical results are discussed. Keywords: Attributes of innovations, Managers' behavioral preferences, Organizations' innovation adoption decisions, Meta-analysis, Mediation-moderatio