185 research outputs found

    Computing the Characteristic Polynomial of a Finite Rank Two Drinfeld Module

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    Motivated by finding analogues of elliptic curve point counting techniques, we introduce one deterministic and two new Monte Carlo randomized algorithms to compute the characteristic polynomial of a finite rank-two Drinfeld module. We compare their asymptotic complexity to that of previous algorithms given by Gekeler, Narayanan and Garai-Papikian and discuss their practical behavior. In particular, we find that all three approaches represent either an improvement in complexity or an expansion of the parameter space over which the algorithm may be applied. Some experimental results are also presented

    A Riemann Hypothesis for characteristic p L-functions

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    We propose analogs of the classical Generalized Riemann Hypothesis and the Generalized Simplicity Conjecture for the characteristic p L-series associated to function fields over a finite field. These analogs are based on the use of absolute values. Further we use absolute values to give similar reformulations of the classical conjectures (with, perhaps, finitely many exceptional zeroes). We show how both sets of conjectures behave in remarkably similar ways.Comment: This is the final version (with new title) as it will appear in the Journal of Number Theor

    Algebraic Problems Equivalent to Beating Exponent 3/2 for Polynomial Factorization over Finite Fields

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    The fastest known algorithm for factoring univariate polynomials over finite fields is the Kedlaya-Umans (fast modular composition) implementation of the Kaltofen-Shoup algorithm. It is randomized and takes O~(n3/2logq+nlog2q)\widetilde{O}(n^{3/2}\log q + n \log^2 q) time to factor polynomials of degree nn over the finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q with qq elements. A significant open problem is if the 3/23/2 exponent can be improved. We study a collection of algebraic problems and establish a web of reductions between them. A consequence is that an algorithm for any one of these problems with exponent better than 3/23/2 would yield an algorithm for polynomial factorization with exponent better than 3/23/2

    Algorithms for computing norms and characteristic polynomials on general Drinfeld modules

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    We provide two families of algorithms to compute characteristic polynomials of endomorphisms and norms of isogenies of Drinfeld modules. Our algorithms work for Drinfeld modules of any rank, defined over any base curve. When the base curve is PFq1\mathbb P^1_{\mathbb F_q}, we do a thorough study of the complexity, demonstrating that our algorithms are, in many cases, the most asymptotically performant. The first family of algorithms relies on the correspondence between Drinfeld modules and Anderson motives, reducing the computation to linear algebra over a polynomial ring. The second family, available only for the Frobenius endomorphism, is based on a new formula expressing the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius as a reduced norm in a central simple algebra

    Zero modes' fusion ring and braid group representations for the extended chiral su(2) WZNW model

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    The zero modes' Fock space for the extended chiral su(2)su(2) WZNW model gives room to a realization of the Grothendieck fusion ring of representations of the restricted Uqsl(2)U_q sl(2) quantum universal enveloping algebra (QUEA) at an even (2h2h-th) root of unity, and of its extension by the Lusztig operators. It is shown that expressing the Drinfeld images of canonical characters in terms of Chebyshev polynomials of the Casimir invariant CC allows a streamlined derivation of the characteristic equation of CC from the defining relations of the restricted QUEA. The properties of the fusion ring of the Lusztig's extension of the QUEA in the zero modes' Fock space are related to the braiding properties of correlation functions of primary fields of the extended su(2)h2su(2)_{h-2} current algebra model.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure; version 3 - improvements in Sec. 2 and 3: definitions of the double, as well as R- (and M-)matrix changed to fit the zero modes' one