35 research outputs found

    Factor models on locally tree-like graphs

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    We consider homogeneous factor models on uniformly sparse graph sequences converging locally to a (unimodular) random tree TT, and study the existence of the free energy density ϕ\phi, the limit of the log-partition function divided by the number of vertices nn as nn tends to infinity. We provide a new interpolation scheme and use it to prove existence of, and to explicitly compute, the quantity ϕ\phi subject to uniqueness of a relevant Gibbs measure for the factor model on TT. By way of example we compute ϕ\phi for the independent set (or hard-core) model at low fugacity, for the ferromagnetic Ising model at all parameter values, and for the ferromagnetic Potts model with both weak enough and strong enough interactions. Even beyond uniqueness regimes our interpolation provides useful explicit bounds on ϕ\phi. In the regimes in which we establish existence of the limit, we show that it coincides with the Bethe free energy functional evaluated at a suitable fixed point of the belief propagation (Bethe) recursions on TT. In the special case that TT has a Galton-Watson law, this formula coincides with the nonrigorous "Bethe prediction" obtained by statistical physicists using the "replica" or "cavity" methods. Thus our work is a rigorous generalization of these heuristic calculations to the broader class of sparse graph sequences converging locally to trees. We also provide a variational characterization for the Bethe prediction in this general setting, which is of independent interest.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOP828 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Asymptotics of the partition function of Ising model on inhomogeneous random graphs

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    For a finite random graph, we defined a simple model of statistical mechanics. We obtain an annealed asymptotic result for the random partition function for this model on finite random graphs as n; the size of the graph is very large. To obtain this result, we define the empirical bond distribution, which enumerates the number of bonds between a given couple of spins, and empirical spin distribution, which enumerates the number of sites having a given spin on the spinned random graphs. For these empirical distributions we extend the large deviation principle(LDP) to cover random graphs with continuous colour laws. Applying Varandhan Lemma and this LDP to the Hamiltonian of the Ising model defined on Erdos-Renyi graphs, expressed as a function of the empirical distributions, we obtain our annealed asymptotic result.Comment: 14 page

    Belief Propagation on replica symmetric random factor graph models

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    According to physics predictions, the free energy of random factor graph models that satisfy a certain "static replica symmetry" condition can be calculated via the Belief Propagation message passing scheme [Krzakala et al., PNAS 2007]. Here we prove this conjecture for two general classes of random factor graph models, namely Poisson random factor graphs and random regular factor graphs. Specifically, we show that the messages constructed just as in the case of acyclic factor graphs asymptotically satisfy the Belief Propagation equations and that the free energy density is given by the Bethe free energy formula

    Short survey on stable polynomials, orientations and matchings

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    This is a short survey about the theory of stable polynomials and its applications. It gives self-contained proofs of two theorems of Schrijver. One of them asserts that for a dd--regular bipartite graph GG on 2n2n vertices, the number of perfect matchings, denoted by pm(G)\mathrm{pm}(G), satisfies pm(G)((d1)d1dd2)n.\mathrm{pm}(G)\geq \bigg( \frac{(d-1)^{d-1}}{d^{d-2}} \bigg)^{n}. The other theorem claims that for even dd the number of Eulerian orientations of a dd--regular graph GG on nn vertices, denoted by ε(G)\varepsilon(G), satisfies ε(G)((dd/2)2d/2)n.\varepsilon(G)\geq \bigg(\frac{\binom{d}{d/2}}{2^{d/2}}\bigg)^n. To prove these theorems we use the theory of stable polynomials, and give a common generalization of the two theorems

    Quenched central limit theorems for the Ising model on random graphs

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    The main goal of the paper is to prove central limit theorems for the magnetization rescaled by N\sqrt{N} for the Ising model on random graphs with NN vertices. Both random quenched and averaged quenched measures are considered. We work in the uniqueness regime β>βc\beta>\beta_c or β>0\beta>0 and B0B\neq0, where β\beta is the inverse temperature, βc\beta_c is the critical inverse temperature and BB is the external magnetic field. In the random quenched setting our results apply to general tree-like random graphs (as introduced by Dembo, Montanari and further studied by Dommers and the first and third author) and our proof follows that of Ellis in Zd\mathbb{Z}^d. For the averaged quenched setting, we specialize to two particular random graph models, namely the 2-regular configuration model and the configuration model with degrees 1 and 2. In these cases our proofs are based on explicit computations relying on the solution of the one dimensional Ising models.Comment: 37 page