3,479,353 research outputs found

    NUT-Charged Black Holes in Gauss-Bonnet Gravity

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    We investigate the existence of Taub-NUT/bolt solutions in Gauss-Bonnet gravity and obtain the general form of these solutions in dd dimensions. We find that for all non-extremal NUT solutions of Einstein gravity having no curvature singularity at r=Nr=N, there exist NUT solutions in Gauss-Bonnet gravity that contain these solutions in the limit that the Gauss-Bonnet parameter α\alpha goes to zero. Furthermore there are no NUT solutions in Gauss-Bonnet gravity that yield non-extremal NUT solutions to Einstein gravity having a curvature singularity at r=Nr=N in the limit % \alpha \to 0. Indeed, we have non-extreme NUT solutions in 2+2k2+2k dimensions with non-trivial fibration only when the 2k2k-dimensional base space is chosen to be CP2k\mathbb{CP}^{2k}. We also find that the Gauss-Bonnet gravity has extremal NUT solutions whenever the base space is a product of 2-torii with at most a 2-dimensional factor space of positive curvature. Indeed, when the base space has at most one positively curved two dimensional space as one of its factor spaces, then Gauss-Bonnet gravity admits extreme NUT solutions, even though there a curvature singularity exists at r=Nr=N. We also find that one can have bolt solutions in Gauss-Bonnet gravity with any base space with factor spaces of zero or positive constant curvature. The only case for which one does not have bolt solutions is in the absence of a cosmological term with zero curvature base space.Comment: 20 pages, referrence added, a few typos correcte

    Implementation of performance indicators for project control

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    Muchos estudios consideran que la medición del rendimiento de un proyecto es un factor crítico del éxito del mismo. Utilizando un "cuadro base" de indicadores se desarrolla una metodología para implementarlo en cualquier tipo de proyecto. Se ha aplicado la sistemática a distintos tipos de proyectos validando los indicadores de rendimiento de la gestión de proyectos, su caracterización e identificando indicadores propios del proyecto.Many studies consider that measuring a project's performance is a critical factor in its success. Using a "base table" of indicators a methodology was developed to implement in any kind of project. The systematics was applied to different types of projects validating the performance indicators for project management, their characterization and after identifying the specific project's indicators

    J-factors of short DNA molecules

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    The propensity of short DNA sequences to convert to the circular form is studied by a mesoscopic Hamiltonian method which incorporates both the bending of the molecule axis and the intrinsic twist of the DNA strands. The base pair fluctuations with respect to the helix diameter are treated as path trajectories in the imaginary time path integral formalism. The partition function for the sub-ensemble of closed molecules is computed by imposing chain ends boundary conditions both on the radial fluctuations and on the angular degrees of freedom. The cyclization probability, the J-factor, proves to be highly sensitive to the stacking potential, mostly to its nonlinear parameters. We find that the J-factor generally decreases by reducing the sequence length ( N ) and, more significantly, below N = 100 base pairs. However, even for very small molecules, the J-factors remain sizeable in line with recent experimental indications. Large bending angles between adjacent base pairs and anharmonic stacking appear as the causes of the helix flexibility at short length scales.Comment: The Journal of Chemical Physics - May 2016 ; 9 page

    Fluctuation-Facilitated Charge Migration along DNA

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    We propose a model Hamiltonian for charge transfer along the DNA double helix with temperature driven fluctuations in the base pair positions acting as the rate limiting factor for charge transfer between neighboring base pairs. We compare the predictions of the model with the recent work of J.K. Barton and A.H. Zewail (Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA, {\bf 96}, 6014 (1999)) on the unusual two-stage charge transfer of DNA.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Coulomb-coupled quantum-dot thermal transistors

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    A quantum-dot thermal transistor consisting of three Coulomb-coupled quantum dots coupled to respective electronic reservoirs by tunnel contacts is established. The heat flows through the collector and emitter can be controlled by the temperature of the base. It is found that a small change in the base heat flow can induce a large heat flow change in the collector and emitter. The huge amplification factor can be obtained by optimizing the Coulomb interaction between the collector and the emitter or by decreasing the energy-dependent tunneling rate at the base. The proposed quantum-dot thermal transistor may open up potential applications in low-temperature solid-state thermal circuits at the nanoscale.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Evaluation of g seat augmentation of fixed-base/moving base simulation for transport landings under two visually imposed runway width conditions

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    Vertical-motion cues supplied by a g-seat to augment platform motion cues in the other five degrees of freedom were evaluated in terms of their effect on objective performance measures obtained during simulated transport landings under visual conditions. In addition to evaluating the effects of the vertical cueing, runway width and magnification effects were investigated. The g-seat was evaluated during fixed base and moving-base operations. Although performance with the g-seat only improved slightly over that with fixed-base operation, combined g-seat platform operation showed no improvement over improvement over platform-only operation. When one runway width at one magnification factor was compared with another width at a different factor, the visual results indicated that the runway width probably had no effect on pilot-vehicle performance. The new performance differences that were detected may be more readily attributed to the extant (existing throughout) increase in vertical velocity induced by the magnification factor used to change the runway width, rather than to the width itself

    Beyond position weight matrices: nucleotide correlations in transcription factor binding sites and their description

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    The identification of transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) on genomic DNA is of crucial importance for understanding and predicting regulatory elements in gene networks. TFBS motifs are commonly described by Position Weight Matrices (PWMs), in which each DNA base pair independently contributes to the transcription factor (TF) binding, despite mounting evidence of interdependence between base pairs positions. The recent availability of genome-wide data on TF-bound DNA regions offers the possibility to revisit this question in detail for TF binding {\em in vivo}. Here, we use available fly and mouse ChIPseq data, and show that the independent model generally does not reproduce the observed statistics of TFBS, generalizing previous observations. We further show that TFBS description and predictability can be systematically improved by taking into account pairwise correlations in the TFBS via the principle of maximum entropy. The resulting pairwise interaction model is formally equivalent to the disordered Potts models of statistical mechanics and it generalizes previous approaches to interdependent positions. Its structure allows for co-variation of two or more base pairs, as well as secondary motifs. Although models consisting of mixtures of PWMs also have this last feature, we show that pairwise interaction models outperform them. The significant pairwise interactions are found to be sparse and found dominantly between consecutive base pairs. Finally, the use of a pairwise interaction model for the identification of TFBSs is shown to give significantly different predictions than a model based on independent positions

    Boosting Additive Models using Component-wise P-Splines

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    We consider an efficient approximation of Bühlmann & Yu’s L2Boosting algorithm with component-wise smoothing splines. Smoothing spline base-learners are replaced by P-spline base-learners which yield similar prediction errors but are more advantageous from a computational point of view. In particular, we give a detailed analysis on the effect of various P-spline hyper-parameters on the boosting fit. In addition, we derive a new theoretical result on the relationship between the boosting stopping iteration and the step length factor used for shrinking the boosting estimates

    Should I remember more than you? - On the best response to factor-based strategies -

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    In this paper we offer a new approach to modeling strategies of bounded complexity, the so-called factor-based strategies. In our model, the strategy of a player in the multi-stage game does not directly map the set of histories to the set of her actions. Instead, the player's perception of is represented by a factor : -> where reflects the "cognitive complexity" of the player. Formally, mapping sends each history to an element of a factor space that represents its equivalence class. The play of the player can then be conditioned just on the elements of the set From the perspective of the original multi-stage game we say that a function from o is a factor of a strategy if there exists a function from to the set of actions of the player such that = In this case we say that the strategy is -factor-asedStationary strategies and strategies played by finite automata and strategies with bounded recall are the most prominent examples of factor-based strategies. In the discounted infinitely repeated game with perfect monitoring, a best reply to a profile of -factor-base strategies need not be a -factor-base strategy. However, if the factor is recursive, namely its value (1 , . . . , ) on a finite string of action profiles ( , . . . , ) is a function of (1 , . . . , - ) and , then for every profile of factor-based strategies there is a best reply that is a pure factor-based strategy. We also study factor-based strategies in the more general case of stochastic games.Bounded rationality, factor-based strategies, bounded recall strategies, finite automata