14 research outputs found

    Deteksi Kantuk pada Pengemudi Berdasarkan Penginderaan Wajah Menggunakan PCA dan SVM

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    Drowsiness while driving is one of the main causes of traffic accidents it affects the level of focus of the driver. Therefore, we need an automatic drowsiness detection mechanism for the driver to provide a warning or alarm so that an accident can be avoided. In this study, we design and simulate a system to detect drowsiness through the driver’s yawn expression. The acquisition is made by recording the face from two shooting points including the dashboard and front mirrors in the car. From the video recording, then it is taken into several images with a size of 128x82 pixels which are used as training and testing data. This image is then processed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for feature extraction and classified using a Support Vector Machine (SVM). From the tests carried out, the system generates the highest accuracy of 98%. This best performance is obtained by SVM with polynomial kernel in the camera position on the dashboard. Meanwhile, based on compression testing, the image that can still meet system requirements is 25% of the original size. It is hoped that the proposed drowsiness detection method in this study can be applied for real-time drowsiness detection in vehicles.

    Spontaneous Subtle Expression Detection and Recognition based on Facial Strain

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    Optical strain is an extension of optical flow that is capable of quantifying subtle changes on faces and representing the minute facial motion intensities at the pixel level. This is computationally essential for the relatively new field of spontaneous micro-expression, where subtle expressions can be technically challenging to pinpoint. In this paper, we present a novel method for detecting and recognizing micro-expressions by utilizing facial optical strain magnitudes to construct optical strain features and optical strain weighted features. The two sets of features are then concatenated to form the resultant feature histogram. Experiments were performed on the CASME II and SMIC databases. We demonstrate on both databases, the usefulness of optical strain information and more importantly, that our best approaches are able to outperform the original baseline results for both detection and recognition tasks. A comparison of the proposed method with other existing spatio-temporal feature extraction approaches is also presented.Comment: 21 pages (including references), single column format, accepted to Signal Processing: Image Communication journa

    A novel sketch based face recognition in unconstrained video for criminal investigation

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    Face recognition in video surveillance helps to identify an individual by comparing facial features of given photograph or sketch with a video for criminal investigations. Generally, face sketch is used by the police when suspect’s photo is not available. Manual matching of facial sketch with suspect’s image in a long video is tedious and time-consuming task. To overcome these drawbacks, this paper proposes an accurate face recognition technique to recognize a person based on his sketch in an unconstrained video surveillance. In the proposed method, surveillance video and sketch of suspect is taken as an input. Firstly, input video is converted into frames and summarized using the proposed quality indexed three step cross search algorithm. Next, faces are detected by proposed modified Viola-Jones algorithm. Then, necessary features are selected using the proposed salp-cat optimization algorithm. Finally, these features are fused with scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features and Euclidean distance is computed between feature vectors of sketch and each face in a video. Face from the video having lowest Euclidean distance with query sketch is considered as suspect’s face. The proposed method’s performance is analyzed on Chokepoint dataset and the system works efficiently with 89.02% of precision, 91.25% of recall and 90.13% of F-measure

    A Multi-Population FA for Automatic Facial Emotion Recognition

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    Automatic facial emotion recognition system is popular in various domains such as health care, surveillance and human-robot interaction. In this paper we present a novel multi-population FA for automatic facial emotion recognition. The overall system is equipped with horizontal vertical neighborhood local binary patterns (hvnLBP) for feature extraction, a novel multi-population FA for feature selection and diverse classifiers for emotion recognition. First, we extract features using hvnLBP, which are robust to illumination changes, scaling and rotation variations. Then, a novel FA variant is proposed to further select most important and emotion specific features. These selected features are used as input to the classifier to further classify seven basic emotions. The proposed system is evaluated with multiple facial expression datasets and also compared with other state-of-the-art models


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    Facial expressions remain a significant component of human-to-human interface and have the potential to play a correspondingly essential part in human-computer interaction. Support Vector Machine (SVM) by the virtue of its application in a various domain such as bioinformatics, pattern recognition, and other nonlinear problems has a very good generalization capability. However, various studies have proven that its performance drops when applied to problems with large complexities. It consumes a large amount of memory and time when the number of dataset increases. Optimization of SVM parameter can influence and improve its performance.Therefore, a Culture Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSO) techniques is developed to improve the performance of SVM in the facial expression recognition system. CPSO is a hybrid of Cultural Algorithm (CA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Six facial expression images each from forty individuals were locally acquired. One hundred and seventy five images were used for training while the remaining sixty five images were used for testing purpose. The results showed a training time of 16.32 seconds, false positive rate of 0%, precision of 100% and an overall accuracy of 92.31% at 250 by 250 pixel resolution. The results obtained establish that CPSO-SVM technique is computational efficient with better precision, accuracy, false positive rate and can construct efficient and realistic facial expression feature that would produce a more reliable security surveillance system in any security prone organization