88 research outputs found

    GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces

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    Photo-realistic visualization and animation of expressive human faces have been a long standing challenge. 3D face modeling methods provide parametric control but generates unrealistic images, on the other hand, generative 2D models like GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) output photo-realistic face images, but lack explicit control. Recent methods gain partial control, either by attempting to disentangle different factors in an unsupervised manner, or by adding control post hoc to a pre-trained model. Unconditional GANs, however, may entangle factors that are hard to undo later. We condition our generative model on pre-defined control parameters to encourage disentanglement in the generation process. Specifically, we condition StyleGAN2 on FLAME, a generative 3D face model. While conditioning on FLAME parameters yields unsatisfactory results, we find that conditioning on rendered FLAME geometry and photometric details works well. This gives us a generative 2D face model named GIF (Generative Interpretable Faces) that offers FLAME's parametric control. Here, interpretable refers to the semantic meaning of different parameters. Given FLAME parameters for shape, pose, expressions, parameters for appearance, lighting, and an additional style vector, GIF outputs photo-realistic face images. We perform an AMT based perceptual study to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate how well GIF follows its conditioning. The code, data, and trained model are publicly available for research purposes at http://gif.is.tue.mpg.de.Comment: International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 202

    A Visual Computing Unified Application Using Deep Learning and Computer Vision Techniques

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    Vision Studio aims to utilize a diverse range of modern deep learning and computer vision principles and techniques to provide a broad array of functionalities in image and video processing. Deep learning is a distinct class of machine learning algorithms that utilize multiple layers to gradually extract more advanced features from raw input. This is beneficial when using a matrix as input for pixels in a photo or frames in a video. Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that teaches computers to interpret and comprehend the visual domain. The main functions implemented include deepfake creation, digital ageing (de-ageing), image animation, and deepfake detection. Deepfake creation allows users to utilize deep learning methods, particularly autoencoders, to overlay source images onto a target video. This creates a video of the source person imitating or saying things that the target person does. Digital aging utilizes generative adversarial networks (GANs) to digitally simulate the aging process of an individual. Image animation utilizes first-order motion models to create highly realistic animations from a source image and driving video. Deepfake detection is achieved by using advanced and highly efficient convolutional neural networks (CNNs), primarily employing the EfficientNet family of models
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