327 research outputs found

    An Image Morphing Technique Based on Optimal Mass Preserving Mapping

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.896637Image morphing, or image interpolation in the time domain, deals with the metamorphosis of one image into another. In this paper, a new class of image morphing algorithms is proposed based on the theory of optimal mass transport. The 2 mass moving energy functional is modified by adding an intensity penalizing term, in order to reduce the undesired double exposure effect. It is an intensity-based approach and, thus, is parameter free. The optimal warping function is computed using an iterative gradient descent approach. This proposed morphing method is also extended to doubly connected domains using a harmonic parameterization technique, along with finite-element methods

    2D and 3D surface image processing algorithms and their applications

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    This doctoral dissertation work aims to develop algorithms for 2D image segmentation application of solar filament disappearance detection, 3D mesh simplification, and 3D image warping in pre-surgery simulation. Filament area detection in solar images is an image segmentation problem. A thresholding and region growing combined method is proposed and applied in this application. Based on the filament area detection results, filament disappearances are reported in real time. The solar images in 1999 are processed with this proposed system and three statistical results of filaments are presented. 3D images can be obtained by passive and active range sensing. An image registration process finds the transformation between each pair of range views. To model an object, a common reference frame in which all views can be transformed must be defined. After the registration, the range views should be integrated into a non-redundant model. Optimization is necessary to obtain a complete 3D model. One single surface representation can better fit to the data. It may be further simplified for rendering, storing and transmitting efficiently, or the representation can be converted to some other formats. This work proposes an efficient algorithm for solving the mesh simplification problem, approximating an arbitrary mesh by a simplified mesh. The algorithm uses Root Mean Square distance error metric to decide the facet curvature. Two vertices of one edge and the surrounding vertices decide the average plane. The simplification results are excellent and the computation speed is fast. The algorithm is compared with six other major simplification algorithms. Image morphing is used for all methods that gradually and continuously deform a source image into a target image, while producing the in-between models. Image warping is a continuous deformation of a: graphical object. A morphing process is usually composed of warping and interpolation. This work develops a direct-manipulation-of-free-form-deformation-based method and application for pre-surgical planning. The developed user interface provides a friendly interactive tool in the plastic surgery. Nose augmentation surgery is presented as an example. Displacement vector and lattices resulting in different resolution are used to obtain various deformation results. During the deformation, the volume change of the model is also considered based on a simplified skin-muscle model

    Constructing artificial images of facial expressions

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    This paper presents a method for construction of artificial images of facial expressions. The proposed fractal-based synthesis procedure called pixel-based correspondence works on 2D images and does not require any depth information. This method can generate artificial images of an object when only a single image is given. Using the proposed method, effective example-based facial analysis systems can be trained and utilised in various applications.<br /

    Investigating facial animation production through artistic inquiry

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    Studies into dynamic facial expressions tend to make use of experimental methods based on objectively manipulated stimuli. New techniques for displaying increasingly realistic facial movement and methods of measuring observer responses are typical of computer animation and psychology facial expression research. However, few projects focus on the artistic nature of performance production. Instead, most concentrate on the naturalistic appearance of posed or acted expressions. In this paper, the authors discuss a method for exploring the creative process of emotional facial expression animation, and ask whether anything can be learned about authentic dynamic expressions through artistic inquiry

    Considerations for believable emotional facial expression animation

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    Facial expressions can be used to communicate emotional states through the use of universal signifiers within key regions of the face. Psychology research has identified what these signifiers are and how different combinations and variations can be interpreted. Research into expressions has informed animation practice, but as yet very little is known about the movement within and between emotional expressions. A better understanding of sequence, timing, and duration could better inform the production of believable animation. This paper introduces the idea of expression choreography, and how tests of observer perception might enhance our understanding of moving emotional expressions

    Real-time expressive internet communications

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    This research work "Real-time Expressive Internet Communications" focuses on two subjects: One is the investigation of methods of automatic emotion detection and visualisation under real-time Internet communication environment, the other is the analysis of the influences of presenting visualised emotion expressivei mages to Internet users. To detect emotion within Internet communication, the emotion communication process over the Internet needs to be examined. An emotion momentum theory was developed to illustrate the emotion communication process over the Internet communication. It is argued in this theory that an Internet user is within a certain emotion state, the emotion state is changeable by internal and external stimulus (e.g. a received chat message) and time; stimulus duration and stimulus intensity are the major factors influencing the emotion state. The emotion momentum theory divides the emotions expressed in Internet communication into three dimensions: emotion category, intensity and duration. The emotion momentum theory was implemented within a prototype emotion extraction engine. The emotion extraction engine can analyse input text in an Internet chat environment, detect and extract the emotion being communicated, and deliver the parameters to invoke an appropriate expressive image on screen to the every communicating user's display. A set of experiments were carried out to test the speed and the accuracy of the emotion extraction engine. The results of the experiments demonstrated an acceptable performance of the emotion extraction engine. The next step of this study was to design and implement an expressive image generator that generates expressive images from a single neutral facial image. Generated facial images are classified into six categories, and for each category, three different intensities were achieved. Users need to define only six control points and three control shapes to synthesise all the expressive images and a set of experiments were carried out to test the quality of the synthesised images. The experiment results demonstrated an acceptable recognition rate of the generated facial expression images. With the emotion extraction engine and the expressive image generator,a test platform was created to evaluate the influences of emotion visualisation in the Internet communication context. The results of a series of experiments demonstratedthat emotion visualisation can enhancethe users' perceived performance and their satisfaction with the interfaces. The contributions to knowledge fall into four main areas; firstly, the emotion momentum theory that is proposed to illustrate the emotion communication process over the Internet; secondly, the innovations built into an emotion extraction engine, which senses emotional feelings from textual messages input by Internet users; thirdly, the innovations built into the expressive image generator, which synthesises facial expressions using a fast approach with a user friendly interface; and fourthly, the identification of the influence that the visualisation of emotion has on human computer interaction

    3D Human Face Reconstruction and 2D Appearance Synthesis

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    3D human face reconstruction has been an extensive research for decades due to its wide applications, such as animation, recognition and 3D-driven appearance synthesis. Although commodity depth sensors are widely available in recent years, image based face reconstruction are significantly valuable as images are much easier to access and store. In this dissertation, we first propose three image-based face reconstruction approaches according to different assumption of inputs. In the first approach, face geometry is extracted from multiple key frames of a video sequence with different head poses. The camera should be calibrated under this assumption. As the first approach is limited to videos, we propose the second approach then focus on single image. This approach also improves the geometry by adding fine grains using shading cue. We proposed a novel albedo estimation and linear optimization algorithm in this approach. In the third approach, we further loose the constraint of the input image to arbitrary in the wild images. Our proposed approach can robustly reconstruct high quality model even with extreme expressions and large poses. We then explore the applicability of our face reconstructions on four interesting applications: video face beautification, generating personalized facial blendshape from image sequences, face video stylizing and video face replacement. We demonstrate great potentials of our reconstruction approaches on these real-world applications. In particular, with the recent surge of interests in VR/AR, it is increasingly common to see people wearing head-mounted displays. However, the large occlusion on face is a big obstacle for people to communicate in a face-to-face manner. Our another application is that we explore hardware/software solutions for synthesizing the face image with presence of HMDs. We design two setups (experimental and mobile) which integrate two near IR cameras and one color camera to solve this problem. With our algorithm and prototype, we can achieve photo-realistic results. We further propose a deep neutral network to solve the HMD removal problem considering it as a face inpainting problem. This approach doesn\u27t need special hardware and run in real-time with satisfying results
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