9 research outputs found

    Faceted Search over Ontology-Enhanced RDF Data

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    An increasing number of applications rely on RDF, OWL~2, and SPARQL for storing and querying data. SPARQL, however, is not targeted towards end-users, and suitable query interfaces are needed. Faceted search is a prominent approach for end-user data access, and several RDF-based faceted search systems have been developed. There is, however, a lack of rigorous theoretical underpinning for faceted search in the context of RDF and OWL~2. In this paper, we provide such solid foundations. We formalise faceted interfaces for this context, identify a fragment of first-order logic capturing the underlying queries, and study the complexity of answering such queries for RDF and OWL~2 profiles. We then study interface generation and update, and devise efficiently implementable algorithms. Finally, we have implemented and tested our faceted search algorithms for scalability, with encouraging results.© ACM, 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in CIKM '14 Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, {ISBN#978-1-4503-2598-1, (2014)} http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2661829.266202

    Qualifying Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation

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    Abstract. This paper elaborates on ontology-based end-user visual query formulation, particularly for users who otherwise cannot/do not desire to use formal textual query languages to retrieve data due to the lack of technical knowledge and skills. Then, it provides a set of quality attributes and features, primarily elicited via a series of industrial end-user workshops and user studies carried out in the course of an industrial EU project, to guide the design and development of successor visual query systems

    Desarrollo de un Sistema de recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento de competencias laborales a profesionales recién egresados usando Ontologías y RDFs

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    El Presente trabajo emplea las funcionalidades relativas a algunos componentes de la Web semántica, para habilitar interfaces Web que permiten mediante búsquedas SPARQL, obtener información de estudios complementarios a los perfiles de egresados recién graduados almacenados en la base de datos del sistema de información de egresados de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dichos estudios complementarios serán recomendados mediante el procesamiento de transacciones almacenadas del módulo de bolsa de empleo, en el que los egresados más antiguos logran ser vinculados a procesos de contratación por parte de empresas que requieren cubrir vacantes a través del mismo sistema, luego de actualizar sus perfiles con trayectoria académica, experiencia laboral y perfil ocupacional. Este último elemento requiere de un etiquetado basado en herramientas de extracción y anotación en lenguaje natural, con el que se obtienen tripletas que permite búsquedas de perfiles afines a temáticas particulares demandadas por las empresas.Abstract: The present work uses the features relating to some components of the Semantic Web, to enable Web interfaces that allow searches SPARQL, information of complementary studies to the newly graduated alumni profiles stored in the database of the information system of graduates from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. These studies will be recommended by the stored transaction processing module of employment, in which the oldest graduates can be linked to recruitment processes on the part of businesses that require filling vacancies through the same system, then update your profiles with academic career, work experience and occupational profile. This last item requires a labeling based on extraction and annotation tools in natural language, with the obtained triplets that allows searches of profiles related to particular themes demanded by companies.Maestrí

    Faceted search over ontology-enhanced RDF data

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    An increasing number of applications rely on RDF, OWL~2, and SPARQL for storing and querying data. SPARQL, however, is not targeted towards end-users, and suitable query interfaces are needed. Faceted search is a prominent approach for end-user data access, and several RDF-based faceted search systems have been developed. There is, however, a lack of rigorous theoretical underpinning for faceted search in the context of RDF and OWL~2. In this paper, we provide such solid foundations. We formalise faceted interfaces for this context, identify a fragment of first-order logic capturing the underlying queries, and study the complexity of answering such queries for RDF and OWL~2 profiles. We then study interface generation and update, and devise efficiently implementable algorithms. Finally, we have implemented and tested our faceted search algorithms for scalability, with encouraging results.</p