686 research outputs found

    Face vectors of subdivided simplicial complexes

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    Brenti and Welker have shown that for any simplicial complex X, the face vectors of successive barycentric subdivisions of X have roots which converge to fixed values depending only on the dimension of X. We improve and generalize this result here. We begin with an alternative proof based on geometric intuition. We then prove an interesting symmetry of these roots about the real number -2. This symmetry can be seen via a nice algebraic realization of barycentric subdivision as a simple map on formal power series in two variables. Finally, we use this algebraic machinery with some geometric motivation to generalize the combinatorial statements to arbitrary subdivision methods: any subdivision method will exhibit similar limit behavior and symmetry. Our techniques allow us to compute explicit formulas for the values of the limit roots in the case of barycentric subdivision.Comment: 13 pages, final version, appears in Discrete Mathematics 201

    gamma-vectors of edge subdivisions of the boundary of the cross polytope

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    For any flag simplicial complex Θ\Theta obtained by stellar subdividing the boundary of the cross polytope in edges, we define a flag simplicial complex Γ(Θ)\Gamma(\Theta) (dependent on the sequence of subdivisions) whose ff-vector is the γ\gamma-vector of Θ\Theta. This proves that the γ\gamma-vector of any such simplicial complex satisfies the Frankl-F\"{u}redi-Kalai inequalities, partially solving a conjecture by Nevo and Petersen \cite{np}. We show that when Θ\Theta is the dual simplicial complex to a nestohedron, and the sequence of subdivisions corresponds to a flag ordering as defined in \cite{ai}, that Γ(Θ)\Gamma(\Theta) is equal to the flag simplical complex defined there.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Stellar theory for flag complexes

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    Refining a basic result of Alexander, we show that two flag simplicial complexes are piecewise linearly homeomorphic if and only if they can be connected by a sequence of flag complexes, each obtained from the previous one by either an edge subdivision or its inverse. For flag spheres we pose new conjectures on their combinatorial structure forced by their face numbers, analogous to the extremal examples in the upper and lower bound theorems for simplicial spheres. Furthermore, we show that our algorithm to test the conjectures searches through the entire space of flag PL spheres of any given dimension.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Notation unified and presentation of proofs improve

    Manifolds of isospectral arrow matrices

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    An arrow matrix is a matrix with zeroes outside the main diagonal, first row, and first column. We consider the space MStn,λM_{St_n,\lambda} of Hermitian arrow (n+1)×(n+1)(n+1)\times (n+1)-matrices with fixed simple spectrum λ\lambda. We prove that this space is a smooth 2n2n-manifold, and its smooth structure is independent on the spectrum. Next, this manifold carries the locally standard torus action: we describe the topology and combinatorics of its orbit space. If n⩾3n\geqslant 3, the orbit space MStn,λ/TnM_{St_n,\lambda}/T^n is not a polytope, hence this manifold is not quasitoric. However, there is a natural permutation action on MStn,λM_{St_n,\lambda} which induces the combined action of a semidirect product Tn⋊ΣnT^n\rtimes\Sigma_n. The orbit space of this large action is a simple polytope. The structure of this polytope is described in the paper. In case n=3n=3, the space MSt3,λ/T3M_{St_3,\lambda}/T^3 is a solid torus with boundary subdivided into hexagons in a regular way. This description allows to compute the cohomology ring and equivariant cohomology ring of the 6-dimensional manifold MSt3,λM_{St_3,\lambda} using the general theory developed by the first author. This theory is also applied to a certain 66-dimensional manifold called the twin of MSt3,λM_{St_3,\lambda}. The twin carries a half-dimensional torus action and has nontrivial tangent and normal bundles.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Constructing Simplicial Branched Covers

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    Branched covers are applied frequently in topology - most prominently in the construction of closed oriented PL d-manifolds. In particular, strong bounds for the number of sheets and the topology of the branching set are known for dimension d<=4. On the other hand, Izmestiev and Joswig described how to obtain a simplicial covering space (the partial unfolding) of a given simplicial complex, thus obtaining a simplicial branched cover [Adv. Geom. 3(2):191-255, 2003]. We present a large class of branched covers which can be constructed via the partial unfolding. In particular, for d<=4 every closed oriented PL d-manifold is the partial unfolding of some polytopal d-sphere.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected and conjecture adde

    A survey of subdivisions and local hh-vectors

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    The enumerative theory of simplicial subdivisions (triangulations) of simplicial complexes was developed by Stanley in order to understand the effect of such subdivisions on the hh-vector of a simplicial complex. A key role there is played by the concept of a local hh-vector. This paper surveys some of the highlights of this theory and some recent developments, concerning subdivisions of flag homology spheres and their γ\gamma-vectors. Several interesting examples and open problems are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; minor changes and update
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