213,508 research outputs found

    Precise eye localization using HOG descriptors

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    In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for precise eye detection. First, a couple of AdaBoost classifiers trained with Haar-like features are used to preselect possible eye locations. Then, a Support Vector Machine machine that uses Histograms of Oriented Gradients descriptors is used to obtain the best pair of eyes among all possible combinations of preselected eyes. Finally, we compare the eye detection results with three state-of-the-art works and a commercial software. The results show that our algorithm achieves the highest accuracy on the FERET and FRGCv1 databases, which is the most complete comparative presented so far. © Springer-Verlag 2010.This work has been partially supported by the grant TEC2009-09146 of the Spanish Government.Monzó Ferrer, D.; Albiol Colomer, A.; Sastre, J.; Albiol Colomer, AJ. (2011). Precise eye localization using HOG descriptors. 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    Object Detection in 20 Years: A Survey

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    Object detection, as of one the most fundamental and challenging problems in computer vision, has received great attention in recent years. Its development in the past two decades can be regarded as an epitome of computer vision history. If we think of today's object detection as a technical aesthetics under the power of deep learning, then turning back the clock 20 years we would witness the wisdom of cold weapon era. This paper extensively reviews 400+ papers of object detection in the light of its technical evolution, spanning over a quarter-century's time (from the 1990s to 2019). A number of topics have been covered in this paper, including the milestone detectors in history, detection datasets, metrics, fundamental building blocks of the detection system, speed up techniques, and the recent state of the art detection methods. This paper also reviews some important detection applications, such as pedestrian detection, face detection, text detection, etc, and makes an in-deep analysis of their challenges as well as technical improvements in recent years.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE TPAMI for possible publicatio

    Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions Based on Deep Covariance Trajectories

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach for facial expression recognition using deep covariance descriptors. The solution is based on the idea of encoding local and global Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) features extracted from still images, in compact local and global covariance descriptors. The space geometry of the covariance matrices is that of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices. By conducting the classification of static facial expressions using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a valid Gaussian kernel on the SPD manifold, we show that deep covariance descriptors are more effective than the standard classification with fully connected layers and softmax. Besides, we propose a completely new and original solution to model the temporal dynamic of facial expressions as deep trajectories on the SPD manifold. As an extension of the classification pipeline of covariance descriptors, we apply SVM with valid positive definite kernels derived from global alignment for deep covariance trajectories classification. By performing extensive experiments on the Oulu-CASIA, CK+, and SFEW datasets, we show that both the proposed static and dynamic approaches achieve state-of-the-art performance for facial expression recognition outperforming many recent approaches.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in "Otberdout N, Kacem A, Daoudi M, Ballihi L, Berretti S. Deep Covariance Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition, in British Machine Vision Conference 2018, BMVC 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, September 3-6, 2018. ; 2018 :159." arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1805.0386

    Robust Modeling of Epistemic Mental States

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    This work identifies and advances some research challenges in the analysis of facial features and their temporal dynamics with epistemic mental states in dyadic conversations. Epistemic states are: Agreement, Concentration, Thoughtful, Certain, and Interest. In this paper, we perform a number of statistical analyses and simulations to identify the relationship between facial features and epistemic states. Non-linear relations are found to be more prevalent, while temporal features derived from original facial features have demonstrated a strong correlation with intensity changes. Then, we propose a novel prediction framework that takes facial features and their nonlinear relation scores as input and predict different epistemic states in videos. The prediction of epistemic states is boosted when the classification of emotion changing regions such as rising, falling, or steady-state are incorporated with the temporal features. The proposed predictive models can predict the epistemic states with significantly improved accuracy: correlation coefficient (CoERR) for Agreement is 0.827, for Concentration 0.901, for Thoughtful 0.794, for Certain 0.854, and for Interest 0.913.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Multimedia Tools and Application, Special Issue: Socio-Affective Technologie
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