14 research outputs found

    On the Executability of Interactive Computation

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    The model of interactive Turing machines (ITMs) has been proposed to characterise which stream translations are interactively computable; the model of reactive Turing machines (RTMs) has been proposed to characterise which behaviours are reactively executable. In this article we provide a comparison of the two models. We show, on the one hand, that the behaviour exhibited by ITMs is reactively executable, and, on the other hand, that the stream translations naturally associated with RTMs are interactively computable. We conclude from these results that the theory of reactive executability subsumes the theory of interactive computability. Inspired by the existing model of ITMs with advice, which provides a model of evolving computation, we also consider RTMs with advice and we establish that a facility of advice considerably upgrades the behavioural expressiveness of RTMs: every countable transition system can be simulated by some RTM with advice up to a fine notion of behavioural equivalence.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figure

    Sequential Composition in the Presence of Intermediate Termination (Extended Abstract)

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    The standard operational semantics of the sequential composition operator gives rise to unbounded branching and forgetfulness when transparent process expressions are put in sequence. Due to transparency, the correspondence between context-free and pushdown processes fails modulo bisimilarity, and it is not clear how to specify an always terminating half counter. We propose a revised operational semantics for the sequential composition operator in the context of intermediate termination. With the revised operational semantics, we eliminate transparency, allowing us to establish a close correspondence between context-free processes and pushdown processes. Moreover, we prove the reactive Turing powerfulness of TCP with iteration and nesting with the revised operational semantics for sequential composition.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2017, arXiv:1709.00049. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0840

    Parallel Pushdown Automata and Commutative Context-Free Grammars in Bisimulation Semantics (Extended Abstract)

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    A classical theorem states that the set of languages given by a pushdown automaton coincides with the set of languages given by a context-free grammar. In previous work, we proved the pendant of this theorem in a setting with interaction: the set of processes given by a pushdown automaton coincides with the set of processes given by a finite guarded recursive specification over a process algebra with actions, choice, sequencing and guarded recursion, if and only if we add sequential value passing. In this paper, we look what happens if we consider parallel pushdown automata instead of pushdown automata, and a process algebra with parallelism instead of sequencing.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS2023, arXiv:2309.05788. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.0171

    Pushdown Automata and Context-Free Grammars in Bisimulation Semantics

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    The Turing machine models an old-fashioned computer, that does not interact with the user or with other computers, and only does batch processing. Therefore, we came up with a Reactive Turing Machine that does not have these shortcomings. In the Reactive Turing Machine, transitions have labels to give a notion of interactivity. In the resulting process graph, we use bisimilarity instead of language equivalence. Subsequently, we considered other classical theorems and notions from automata theory and formal languages theory. In this paper, we consider the classical theorem of the correspondence between pushdown automata and context-free grammars. By changing the process operator of sequential composition to a sequencing operator with intermediate acceptance, we get a better correspondence in our setting. We find that the missing ingredient to recover the full correspondence is the addition of a notion of state awareness

    Parallel Pushdown Automata and Commutative Context-Free Grammars in Bisimulation Semantics

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    A classical theorem states that the set of languages given by a pushdown automaton coincides with the set of languages given by a context-free grammar. In previous work, we proved the pendant of this theorem in a setting with interaction: the set of processes given by a pushdown automaton coincides with the set of processes given by a finite guarded recursive specification over a process algebra with actions, choice, sequencing and guarded recursion, if and only if we add sequential value passing. In this paper, we look what happens if we consider parallel pushdown automata instead of pushdown automata, and a process algebra with parallelism instead of sequencing.</p

    Sequential Composition in the Presence of Intermediate Termination (Extended Abstract)

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    The standard operational semantics of the sequential composition operator gives rise to unbounded branching and forgetfulness when transparent process expressions are put in sequence. Due to transparency, the correspondence between context-free and pushdown processes fails modulo bisimilarity, and it is not clear how to specify an always terminating half counter. We propose a revised operational semantics for the sequential composition operator in the context of intermediate termination. With the revised operational semantics, we eliminate transparency, allowing us to establish a close correspondence between context-free processes and pushdown processes. Moreover,we prove the reactive Turing powerfulness of TCP with iteration and nesting with the revised operational semantics for sequential composition

    Parallel pushdown automata and commutative context-free grammars in bisimulation semantics

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    A classical theorem states that the set of languages given by a pushdown automaton coincides with the set of languages given by a context-free grammar. In previous work, we proved the pendant of this theorem in a setting with interaction: the set of processes given by a pushdown automaton coincides with the set of processes given by a finite guarded recursive specification over a process algebra with actions, choice, sequencing and guarded recursion, if and only if we add sequential value passing. In this paper, we look what happens if we consider parallel pushdown automata instead of pushdown automata, and a process algebra with parallelism instead of sequencing

    Pushdown automata and context-free grammars in bisimulation semantics

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    The Turing machine models an old-fashioned computer, that does not interact with the user or with other computers, and only does batch processing. Therefore, we came up with a Reactive Turing Machine that does not have these shortcomings. In the Reactive Turing Machine, transitions have labels to give a notion of interactivity. In the resulting process graph, we use bisimilarity instead of language equivalence. Subsequently, we considered other classical theorems and notions from automata theory and formal languages theory. In this paper, we consider the classical theorem of the correspondence between pushdown automata and context-free grammars. By changing the process operator of sequential composition to a sequencing operator with intermediate acceptance, we get a better correspondence in our setting. We find that the missing ingredient to recover the full correspondence is the addition of a notion of state awareness

    Pushdown Automata and Context-Free Grammars in Bisimulation Semantics

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    The Turing machine models an old-fashioned computer, that does not interact with the user or with other computers, and only does batch processing. Therefore, we came up with a Reactive Turing Machine that does not have these shortcomings. In the Reactive Turing Machine, transitions have labels to give a notion of interactivity. In the resulting process graph, we use bisimilarity instead of language equivalence. Subsequently, we considered other classical theorems and notions from automata theory and formal languages theory. In this paper, we consider the classical theorem of the correspondence between pushdown automata and context-free grammars. By changing the process operator of sequential composition to a sequencing operator with intermediate acceptance, we get a better correspondence in our setting. We find that the missing ingredient to recover the full correspondence is the addition of a notion of state awareness.</p